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Everything posted by SLyGeN

  1. Time to grab a blueprint and start splicing. So, people are selling home-made Genesis carts, basically? Will they be found in stores, or on little personal websites? 64Mbit carts? I thought Genesis was 16-bit? I'm somewhat lost.
  2. It doesn't matter how recently one has played the game-- it's the same game. Of course your fourth time isn't going to be nearly as great as your first. As far as Parasite Eve, you just like RPG's. If the level-up repetition grindage appeals to you, then you'll be able to do that forever. Parasite Eve didn't have stellar environments either. Fun game though. The cut-scenes and storyline are what really make it worthwhile.
  3. Partly the minor key tonality, partly the author's own genius at putting it together.
  4. I don't get it, Zipp. You were on about the quality of Parasite Eve's story, but at the same time Eternal Darkness wasn't an absolute thrill to you? One really has to play through the game on the three different alignments to really appreciate the story. But the puzzles were brilliant as well. One really only needed to use common sense to figure them out-- I thought the solutions were quite clever. Also, what poor level design? They seemed fine to me. It sounds like you're looking for an adventure game, and not really a horror game. Also, you need to play the game at night. And one last thing, RE4 was not scary.
  5. If a friend of mine, who is an avid Resident Evil fan, does not have it, I'll buy it from you.
  6. I'd also like to hear a select few of the finished tracks. I saw that a couple of my favorites got completed.
  7. This is a thread for people who know they shouldn't bitch about project completion, but still need to get it out of their system. Not to be a spoilsport, though. I check the Missingno Tracks forum every so often.
  8. I like where they're going, but for some reason I don't like the sound of their instruments. I can't put my finger on it. There's not enough punch or something.
  9. For some reason, I'm biased against emphasis on lyrics. A song about a dog dying or a girl leaving and making one cry due to personal schema is a cheap shot, and doesn't work on me. With that said, let me mention a very unorthodox piece. Metroid Prime 2's Mutated Emperor Ing track can make my eyes water when I fill the room with it. I love the synth choir in the background. I think that actually feeling the percussion helps, too. Seriously, get an mp3 and crank it as loud as your system will go.
  10. Steer clear of pretty boy bands. That's negative reinforcement. I'm not a singer, but I can try to give a helpful piece of information. You need to manipulate the resonant frequency of your chest cavity. When your whole chest is amplifying your voice, it makes it sound much louder and richer. I used to have to yell customer orders to the back of a loud pizzeria. Instead of screaming, I just spoke normally and expanded my chest. I'm not sure if this same concept works for higher pitches (women.)
  11. My dreams often have low lighting. One can't easily control the lighting of their dreams. Because of this, if you find a lightswitch, you can figure out if your dreams are lucid or not. I don't know if it's a phobia, but I kinda tweak out a little when appliances start acting up. When I BSOD or get a virus warning, I get a shot of adrenaline and a chill down my back, just because of the fact that something I use often is malfuntioning. And, back to the topic of lighting, sometimes I have nightmares about not being able to use lightswitches, and they do not become lucid for me. Lightswitch malfuntioning-- the only source of respite in a dark hallway. Freaky shit. You would be correct. What system is it for? What about a System Shock 1?
  12. The closest I can come to that is having dreams where I am playing a video game, and for example, I will fall, and I, myself, will feel the weightlessness of falling and feel afraid. That said, I wish there were a game that could evoke a genuine fear out of me, rather than just "uh oh something is going to go boo". I would think Mustin's experience would be exhilarating.
  13. I had a quick listen to your WIP, and can tell you that the crackling isn't from the source file itself. I think Hy Bound has your answer. The vast amount of midrange overtones that sound with a piano are causing your mid-range speakers to play louder than they're supposed to. However, if simply lowering your volume does not fix it, then I don't know what the issue is. If this is the case, I would guess that the other inferences regarding your sound card are the issue. edit: I also have an X-Fi. Make sure that there are absolutely NO software EQ adjustments for now. This includes all the bullshit Creative software that tries to post-process your audio. Don't use them. If you raise any of the EQ bars over 0dB, you run the risk of causing any sound to clip. If you have an external equalizer, use that. If not, then go ahead and use the EQ with one program only. Instead of making the frequencies louder, make the other frequencies quieter. Your loudest frequency on your EQ should definitely be 0, with the others being in the negatives, if you are using software.
  14. I know what the original poster is feeling, actually. Before Mithus, I never heard a track based off of Hyrule Castle (both including OCR, VGMix, and Official Soundtracks) that kept the original March and "I've got shit to fucking do" sort of feeling. The thing is, the ReMixers aren't wrong in adding their own style to it. I should just look for ReMixes based off of source material that is the opposite of what I like Mithius' Death Mountain track is also fucking brilliant because it still feels like a death march. Lower Norfair is another good example of a track where I haven't heard a ReMix that sustains the pulsing beat that makes the track. Metroid Prime had a great version of Norfair, though. I actually heard it on Metroid Prime first, and loved it. Then I saw someone playing the final stretches of Super Metroid, and recognized the 16-bit source. It was neat. edit: Understandable as it is, I'm amused at how the well-known ReMixers are annoyed at this thread.
  15. Video game music isn't a genre on its own. I'm sure there's an example of every genre in video games. Therefore one can't really compare video game music as a whole to another genre. F-Zero GX has plenty of four on the floor tracks. Super Smash Brothers Brawl is orchestrated. Metroid Prime had techno and orchestra elements. Sonic has rock, metal, and some hip-hop. Zelda has soothing, cultural pieces. There's others, I'm sure. But that's a wide range of music style already. So when you comparatively discuss video game music, you aren't saying much.
  16. I still can't help but feel that these threads are just Cowadoom's subconcious without a mental filter. If I don't like it, I WON'T POST IN IT oops, wait
  17. We don't do trance here. Imagine what would happen if one of our trance mixers came down with a lethal disease.
  18. I can speak Spanish pretty good for a gabacho. PM me if you want Spanish in a typical white male voice.
  19. I had an interesting conversation this evening. I figure I'll pass along the concern. user (1:11:13 AM): ? SLyGLeN (1:11:20 AM): Who's this? user (1:11:26 AM): ocr lurker user (1:11:31 AM): and I work with trenthian SLyGLeN (1:11:41 AM): Ah, I see. Good evening user (1:11:44 AM): I havent been able to get a hold of him user (1:12:06 AM): and theres been a terrible accident after work here user (1:12:13 AM): I know he hangs out with you guys a lot. user (1:12:38 AM): or at least on these internets and i was wondering if you might know how to contact him to see if he is safe? SLyGLeN (1:13:04 AM): "hangs out"... on the web? I only see him post occasionally. I've never met him in real life. I would just PM him a message, or make a new thread about it in GenDisc, asking. user (1:13:13 AM): hmm user (1:13:26 AM): he will probably turn up I dont think he takes the train user (1:14:00 AM): http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=35c_1221274282 user (1:14:24 AM): thanks for your time. user signed off at 1:14:59 AM.
  20. In order to hear a sound, you need to be living in the fourth dimension, time. These trig functions aren't usually graphed with any respect to time. Now, if you saw a graph like this on a sound editor and played it back, it would sound like a high "BEEEE", and move down to a low "ooooh". Since you haven't specified a time (playback, like 1 unit per second) variable, then I'll also add that as your playback variable increases, each increment of time will sound higher pitched and vise versa. I'm not sure about your concepts of infinity, though. That would be limited by a sample rate. Also, you guys talking about ultrasound waves, any of you working on a wireless router are having 2,400,000KHz waves sent through your body every day. (That's 2.4GHz.. sound familiar?) Correct me if I'm wrong on any of this info. edit: I was lazy and looked up the graph, and it turns out it only showed an interval from 0 to.. .. something. So my explaination is based on that. You have to specify a starting point. So if you start negative, it'll sound like BEEEeeeoooooeeeEEEEE....
  21. He can have it. If the sale falls through, let me know.
  22. Here's a guy who hasn't heard of the Sphere of Influence. By now, all the basic concepts of what we find humorous have probably been employed in some form or another. Macfarlane does a great job of adding his own flavor to each situation, which is all a comedian can really do now.
  23. I don't like vista too much, myself, but let's be objective. If you formatted everything and are still having problems right away, the software clearly isn't the issue. I'm pretty sure you have a memory problem. Run Memtest and see if it shows any bad memory sectors. edit: Actually, these symptoms can be from any sort of failing hardware. I'm just mostly familiar with memory problems. Overheating can also be an issue. Discharge yourself and place a finger on some of the heat sinks on your motherboard or other relatively large metal pieces when the issues start happening. Also consider the possibility of a failing power supply or failing hard drive. Start with my memory suggestion though.
  24. Also for those who are concerned about saving space, it would be valuable to learn to convert hi-fi audio to the format of your choice. That way, the musicians can present hi-fi music, audiophiles can get their cleaner tracks, and the casual listeners can have their efficient MP3's.
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