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big giant circles

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Status Updates posted by big giant circles

  1. so man, do you still play over at the ol' Chamber anymore at all?

  2. you can select which instruments (and if applicable) which sample libraries you want to install on the first disk.

  3. no, you can't resell them, because they're all auth'd with the same serial number (as Komplete X, not individually)

  4. aight mang, as soon as you accept my steam friend request, I can send it. Woo!

  5. Ah shoot sorry man, I just now saw your reply. No worries though, I'm sure, seems like you should still be able to get in on a 4-pack with other people. Too bad they don't have like a 10 pack or something. We would have been able to fill even that up quick, I think.

  6. Yo mang. You find out if you're good for the L4D2 4-pack buy?

  7. We may want to leave your car somewhere else, though, because I just had a window smashed out and I'm not sure I'd want you to leave your car here. Unless it's got an active alarm and a deterrent like a blinking light or something. I suppose we could always leave it at my folks house, they live in a nicer area about 10 miles away.

  8. congrats on your resub man, it's rawkin.

  9. Far Beyond Eyes (on myspace and my site) use a lot of Kontakt's orchestral sounds. You're going to benefit from Kontakt regardless, because it's like, a universal plugin that most 3rd party libraries accomodate (like Zircon's). As for the synths, just download some of the demos. Like many other synths, they are what you make of them. Personally, I think the presets are solid and well-organized.

  10. Dang man, now there's a face I haven't seen in a while. How you been since I saw you in Louisville, bro?

  11. Your sigs are ever so entertaining. :)

  12. Ha, not sure how I missed that comment, but that's cool, I didn't know there were any other OCR people in Knoxville. Meteo X is in Sevierville, I think. Actually, I think Jesusthedarklord lives here, but I don't really know him. But hurray either way! More people to help pay for gas in carpools, right? :)

  13. Yo, sorry I missed you. My window told me you gave me a shout at like 7:30am and I'm never up that early :)

  14. Thanks! Much appreciated!

  15. Well, first you need to download the Enigma software from M-audio. Let me know when you've done this and I'll walk you through it then.

  16. so what's the dealio man, did you ever get your Axiom to work right? I figured out how to get the transport buttons to work like a charm using Enigma. And Omnisphere seems to work flawlessly now. How are you finding it?

  17. Hey David, happy bday bro!

  18. Cool, man! Though, that's weird that they gave you a loaner mic--they're typically pretty hardcore about not taking returns on mics at all, but I suppose if it's a matter of being out of stock on the one you wanted, I guess they're willing. At any rate, I'll try to get some chords/tabs/whatever thrown together tomorrow for Chivalry Begins.

  19. Oh, btw, man. Are you going to Andy's wedding? If so, we seriously need to do a collab or three for their music thing, yeah!

  20. Well, I didn't mean you can get around tax & shipping through GC.com--they actually charge sales tax online now unless you live in a state that doesn't have a GC store (which I think all of 'em have at this point.)

    I was only saying that you can ALWAYS get a better deal if you make a big enough fuss, and if you make it clear that you WILL take your business elsewhere if they don't give you the full 10% off.

    As for the mic (good pic, btw), if it doesn't come with a shockmount at GC, you could probably get them to match it if you show them the deal at zzounds, (and again, get 'em to eat the tax for you), but unfortunately, I'm not sure I know a better way to get a better deal.

  21. Hey man, just so you know, you should pretty much ALWAYS be able to get anything for 10% off, because they'll meet and beat any other pricing. They might try to argue that they'll only meet a competitors price after shipping and tax has been taken into account, but once again, they're in a recession, and if you make it clear that you are going to walk unless you get a full 10% off, 9/10 times they will probably do the deal. Some profit > no profit. If you want to get really dirty with them, you can either tell them you'll just call another Guitar Center and have them ship it to your home from there, lol.

    Also, I'm no longer with GC as of recently, but I left on good terms, and I can definitely help you get good deals. :) What kind of mic are you interested in buying?

  22. Happy bday man, keep that sexy synthwork up!

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