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  1. I give up on this. I've tried everything I know, but I just don't think it will ever sound the way I want it to. For better or worse, I decided to post it here in case anyone might enjoy it, or perhaps share any critique they might have. Personally, I think it sounds compress-y and whoof-y. I tried everything to get the bass to sit properly in the mix, but it just doesn't. In this version, I used a multi-band compressor to stereo-separate the mids and highs of the bass, whilst keeping the low-end centered. Despite the fact that the center guitar (which is also stereo-widened) doesn't have too much below 200hz, the bass guitar is just cutting through, even though I carved at about 800hz on all guitars to make room for the bass. GRRR! It's been a month since I started recording this, and that's too long to be working on one thing, in my opinion!
  2. After seeing the new Magicant stage in Super Smash Bros. 3DS, as well as hearing the new arrangement for that stage, I became inspired to remix the Magicant theme. The original is in 3/4 time, I believe, and so I had to reconfigure the notes to fit 4/4 time. I like what I've come up with, but I have a few issues with how they transition and just the sound overall towards the end. Any suggestions? Does the way it sound as far as structure goes sound fine? I fear that if something doesn't sound right, structurally, that I won't know how to fix the issues. Update 1: ID WIP Original Source: Aiko Ohmori and Ritsuo Kamimura Remix: MOTHER - Magicant WIP
  3. I have been working on a remix of Temporal Tower (from PMD) and this is what I have so far. https://soundcloud.com/f1re-dem0n/temporal-rain/s-26g7A Please let me know what you think. Thanks.
  4. Source: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/grayburg/our5 It's been a long time, but I'm finally going to finish a song, and would like some feedback. Is the tampering of the verse's melody too noticeable? It sounds so much better with the backup singers hitting off beat, but the gaps created by doing so had to be filled somehow.. How's the mixing? Atm, the volume of the vocals need to be fixed in a few places. The snare might be fattened up as well. I'd also like to know what part of the writing seems too.. corny? to be acceptable.
  5. https://soundcloud.com/user7666413/chrono-cross-when-the-stars-fall-rough-sketch I finally had a chance to get back to work on an old WIP from a couple of years ago. This one is a rough sketch of "The Star Stealing Girl" from Chrono Cross. I don't have much going at the moment, but I have a few ideas to throw in. Updates will be coming soon. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
  6. below is a link to the song on my soundcloud, leave a reply lemme know what you think https://soundcloud.com/jay-howard-4/red-planet-boogie
  7. Hello, I have a track that I would like some feedback on. Any suggestions and criticism welcome. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g57mlun3da9k3im/notalone.mp3 edit: new version https://www.dropbox.com/s/civ14t8u2u9touz/notalone_2.mp3 edit: new new version https://www.dropbox.com/s/brctvu4p8di9s32/notalone_3.mp3
  8. Hey guys, its been a while since I've worked on anything. So this is a mix of the Vennicio theme, Starlight Valley theme and menu song from Dark Cloud 2. The idea for this song was to use the source materials to make something very retro and nostalgic. At the moment, I'm more concerned about composition, rather than mixing. So please let me know what I can do about the arrangement, form and instrument choice. The drums set is a bit unconventional, I sampled them from two old entry level yamaha keyboards gathering dust in my family's garage. One of them is a Portasound (basically a toy), but I can't remember what the other one is. Its one of those really crappy Yamaha keyboards your old high school has, you know the one I wanted to get more of the track done first, but inspiration has run dry for a while (probably from listening to the damn thing too many times) Veniccio - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEq5fUZOO68 Starlight Valley - Menu - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWmBUt3zc2Y Here's my version so far: Free MP3 download: Veniccio.mp3
  9. CURRENT VERSION V5 Bell's Memory v2 Bell's Memory v4 It's a remix of Captain Bell's Memorial and Peter the Parrot from StarTropics. Made this for PUNCHFEST 19 and I'm rather proud of it. Proud enough to keep working on it. Posting for feedback, of course. EDIT: Update 06/15/14 - Scrapping v3, wasn't happy with the added section anyways. Made it so there was too much going on, didn't like that. So moving forward I'm just planning on refining what I already have in v2. EDIT: Update 07/04/14 - Added a v4, building off of v2. EDIT: Update 09/19/14 - Added v5, version off of Share & Enjoy
  10. Taking some inspiration from Killer Instinct I have a rough WIP remix of the Main Theme from this SNES title. Source Material Link to listen and/or download I did this very quickly actually so it is quite rough. The transitions need work, obviously the mixing, but I have what I feel is a good base to start with. Really just looking for some feedback on perhaps ways to go or things I should do. I really should say that the mixing is very rough. I will suss that out after I have completed the composition and that is my primary concern at this time. Edit - Link to listen or download. All right so I smoothed out the composition a little more now. However, I'm still wondering if there is enough meat in the middle of the track and whether or not the ending is appropriate or too abrupt. Edit 2- Link to listen or download.
  11. Pretty much done, but still open to feedback. Definitely need a name. Have a few in mind, but thought it'd be fun to shop around. http://music.metaphist.com/music/wip/metaphist-green-hill-zone-wip.mp3
  12. Source: http://youtu.be/BMfndWqYseE?list=PL67291BDCD76884B2 Remix: https://soundcloud.com/karmus24/little-nemo-mushroom-forrest-jazz-remix The remix is unfinished, so for now it just stops at the end of the piano solo. Yeah i know, the horn samples are pretty weak Jazz fans should recognize the solo chord changes
  13. Hi guys! Here's a work-in-progress remix of the Wing cap theme in Super Mario 64. Hope you'll enjoy it https://soundcloud.com/cyber3000studios/sm64wingcapcyb Edit: Sorry, but there's something wrong with the link. I'll fix it. Edit #2: OK, the link is fine now.
  14. So instead of working on my castlevania remix i made this here: https://app.box.com/s/poxs5ggr06hmma39fy8n Source:http://youtu.be/43IPAGw01IY It's a 7/8 Jazz/Funk version of song of storms. Yeah, i think it could be extended, it's a bit short but i'm not sure what else i could add to the song.
  15. I decided to scrap my other stickerbush symphony WIP and instead try and do another based on the completely bad-ass version at the very end of the credits for Tropical Freeze (that unfortunately fades out WAY too early) This is as far as I got before my upstairs neighbors started doing laundry (my mic picks up everything...) http://picosong.com/9t53 Here is the original from the game (that someone edited to make it seem more complete): http://youtu.be/nmOAuImh1XY Of course I'm going to re-record all of these parts once I get a general idea down, and once I get new strings for my guitar. Anyway, let me know what you think.
  16. I created this as a bonus track for the Meat 'n Potatoes #21 compo, but since it turned out pretty good I thought I'd ask here for feedback and maybe increase the judges' queue a bit more It's a remix of the stage 1 song from the MSX shooter Aleste 2, made by Compile in 1989. It started out as an experiment with Realivox Blue, the instrument that does the vocals. I was playing around with it, it sounded quite nice and the rest of the song more or less took off all by itself. After the main part of the song was done, I added the intro and the break, giving it a bit of an ethereal, otherworldly touch. Not sure about the style, I'd like to dub it "Ethereal Italo". Original track: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/jorito/aleste-flying-high Due to limitations of the voice synth (and my lack of skill in writing) the lyrics aren't that great. If somebody wants to volunteer and sing (and rewrite) the lyrics, you are most welcome! The lyrics:
  17. Currently still in the pre-mixing and -mastering phase, but all of the elements of my arrangement are here and this is the finished structure and layout. There are loads of clicks and pops all over the place because my computer couldn't handle one particular VST - I'll be redoing this while I master and add any suggestions people have. Please ignore the huge amount of them, I know they're there and they bug me too. Any and all suggestions and criticisms would be welcomed! I'm quite pleased with this arrangement so far and think it expands on the original themes quite nicely.
  18. Taking a stab at a remix of the most over-done song of all time. I think it's comin' along. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/mortal-kombat-test Check it out! See if it's something worth finishing.
  19. This would be my first remix I've posted here (not my first remix ever, but the first I've posted on OCR's forums). I tend to focus more on original material, personally, but due to writers' block I'm thinking of doing a videogame remix album or EP. Basically, this is a smooth jazz-borderline-new wave remix of Palmtree Panic from the US version of Sonic CD (the JP soundtrack is still my favourite). I replayed/reprogrammed the original drum loop, and updated the arrangement of the song... It's pretty much finished. I have some mixing things I have to work out still (due to my own personal perfectionism). Enjoy https://soundcloud.com/vanityangelfixx/palmtree-panic-14 EDIT: Since I'm not planning to mix the song any further at the current moment, trying the mod review... I'm pretty sure it's a familiar tune to a lot of people here, but here is the source:
  20. So I've been working on some Zelda themes. I used as a base and wrote a few of my own mixed in with and from Ocarina of Time. Any feedback on the mixing or arrangement is welcome and appreciated. It's called 'The Other Side'
  21. Long weekends for me typically mean a lot of boredom and sometimes with that boredom I decide to muck around with music. Though long weekends also typically have the side effect of me not feeling all that . . ., awesome. So, I decided to relive my youth a little bit and try to capture some of that . . ., awesome by remixing a track that always made me feel like a total badass. is the original track. Short and full of that . . ., awesome.A Stroll to a Run (WIP) download & listen link. I'm still working out a lot of things and I know the mix is kind of terrible but that is how it goes sometimes. It will most definitely be cleaned up when the composition is finished. The idea is just to get well the ideas down. Edit - All righty then folks got the composition finished. follow the link to listen & download. Edit no. 2 - Well I think this is going to be pretty close to the final version of the mix. However, it has yet to be mastered. Need to get on that I do, but also I need to sit on the mix for a day or two to really get a feel for whether I like it. Follow the link to listen & download. Edit no. 3 - Well okay folks this last link is to the final form of this track. Fully mastered and sounding as tight as it will ever. Link to listen & download.
  22. I've been playing with this for several weeks so my ears are totally biased... anyone have suggestions for improvement or observations? https://soundcloud.com/money_begone/is-the-room-spinning-or-is-it-just-me-wip-v11-mega-man-3-top-man-remix
  23. Hi all, I'm working on a remix for a while now and I'm trying to figure out the balance between the heavier dance segments and the more melodic, conservative sections of the song. As far as the structure goes, it seems like the more things I add, the more the dance sections get lost in the rest of the piece. I'm considering adding a second part of each heavier section. Thoughts? https://soundcloud.com/kruai/wrapped-in-black-remix/s-eCuyO Oh, and of course I don't know how I want it to end yet. But I've done some heavy EQing before I finish the structure of the piece because why not (Source link: http://youtu.be/qeW0NnkoAU8)
  24. Original - Remix - https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1 Im really not sure whats going on. I just mixed this about 5 days ago, but I'm feeling like I hit a hard wall fast. I may edit this later with all the details about the inspirations, textures and ideas...but right now I'm just trying to see if it'll play in Peoria.
  25. So... lately I have been working on a kind of dance track version of Castlevania's Vampire Killer song with some nice retro bleeps and (an attempt at) complextro basslines in it. The track needs some polishing but is near to being finished. I would really appreciate some feedback to make it the best track I can Without further ado: Remix: http://www.jorito.net/files/Vampire%20Killer/Vampire%20Killer%2020140220.mp3 Original: (PS: I still need a name for this track. Apparently all my creativity went into the music so I'm a bit dumb struck atm. Any suggestions? )
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