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  1. source: Astral Observatory - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cYvJ7cEpG8 it's done! http://halc9bit.com/remixes/astral.mp3 title coming soon
  2. old version: http://tindeck.com/listen/wvij EDIT: SLIGHTLY LESS OLD VERSION: EDIT: VERSION 2: COLON: http://tindeck.com/listen/mtto This is kind of a concept I've had in my head for a while, although currently its taking on a way more abstract form than I originally intended, kinda loosely gliding across some of the original's chords and melodies without ever really settling anywhere. I'd like to get some kind of trumpet or sax on there, not-so-much following the original melody but rather just kinda doing its own thing; the original is a nice track but the main thing that attracts me to it is just the atmosphere moreso than the actual melodies contained. Anyway, listen, realize I'm talking for the most part out of my ass, then realize this isn't even close to being finished. source: EDIT2: Fixed the fact that the outro didn't exist earlier, now its just completely out of place like it was intended to be. I'm definitely fine with someone rapping over the last few bars if they want to, but it has to be good though, but not too good either because that'd be a waste. Version 3 (Final?): http://tindeck.com/listen/ojtg
  3. http://junk.seikdel.net/DeadlyDuoFinal.mp3 Okay, it's time to submit this. I've been kicking it around on my hard drive for 3 years since finishing it, and I need to man up and take the feedback. Setting the stage: You're a young man whose village suffered a catastrophe 3 years ago. On that fateful night, you and your friend were attacked by a pair of vagabonds. They've just now returned, kidnapping your friends in their quest to unleash a forbidden and long-sealed-away power on the world. You have finally cornered them on top of a tall lighthouse, and you have gained the upper hand in battle. As they fall to their knees, lightning flashes and they fuse! A light blinds you, and as you blink the spots out of your eyes, you see a two-headed dragon where your foes were! The theme of this song is pairs of foes who, together, make up an opponent greater than the sum of the parts. For that, I used battles from these two phenomenal games. There are four songs included in this remix: Saturos and Menardi's battle theme (the aforementioned two-headed beast) (aka Chrono Trigger boss theme 2) Please give me feedback on this. The checklist in this thread is a great place to start. This was my first major remix project, and to be honest, it shows. I bit off a lot to chew, and while I think it holds together pretty well, it was definitely a learning experience for me. One big goal with this project is to add another Golden Sun song to the catalog. The game has an amazing soundtrack, and we've got a sadly sparse offering here. Thanks for reading, thanks for listening, and thanks for any feedback!
  4. (Previous subject title "Iceferno - NightTime Causeway (Streets Of Rage 1)" Hello! You may remember me as "Meganium_2097" when I tried uploading a remix of SOR1 - Round 7 a few years back. Well, I've gotten better software since then so the quality has improved. I've remastered the Round 7 remix since then. Anyway, Here's a remix of Streets Of Rage 1's "Keep The Groovin' (round 4)" I made a few months ago. It's a kinda semi-Club Mix because it has a slight intro and outro for the song. Anyways, this is the finished version. I'll edit it if needbe... http://download.yousendit.com/653C10A8662C84E4
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