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  1. The Undertale soundtrack is one of the best I have heard in years. I feel like making an album of remixes of this amazing soundtrack would be a great idea. If you are interested comment below. Here is a playlist of music from the game, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7RRgF5Ve_E&list=PLpJl5XaLHtLX-pDk4kctGxtF4nq6BIyjg
  2. WASD --> SHIFT <-- COMPUTER GAME METAL OUT NOW Ten hard hitting metal reimaginings of classic PC soundtracks including Diablo, The Secret of Monkey Island, Unreal Tournament, and more! FEATURING: VikingGuitar, M-H, and munzadeth
  3. LongBoxofChocolate is looking for a Viola or Cello player to record melodic content for our Undertale album. Right now, "Waterfall" is what we could use you on the most, but please let us know if you are interested in more. We have well formatted sheet music ready to go for you, and we have a demo track for you to record alongside for reference. Please let me know if you are interested. All arranging is done in-house. Thank you, - Hank Jankerson -
  4. KINGDOM HEARTS REMIX ALBUM PROJECT TRACKLIST The project is cancelled due to the low interest in a KH album. Thanks and sorry everyone who wanted to help and/or supported the idea. Peace. Project description Kingdom Hearts has AWESOME music by Yoko Shimomura, and its soundtrack is really, really underrepresented in terms of remixes (which is a shame lol). So what would be the plan? Remix the soundtrack from the first KH game. The soundtrack is very diversified as the heroes travel across various different worlds. How to participate? You're a posted mixer on OCR or have some interesting experience in the VGM scene (DoD, YouTube, etc.): you can directly claim a track and start remixing it. You're not a posted mixer: send me a PM with some of your work (as an audition), and we'll discuss the possibility. You want to do art, video, etc.? Send me a PM and we'll discuss how you can help. Legal Note Since OCR made an agreement with Square Enix during the FF6 Kickstarter, please, don't use any SFX from a KH game or directly sample your remix from its source. Deadlines & WiPs Tentative release date: whenever the hell KH3 comes out lol -- The first deadline will be announced when I get a lot of claims on the tracklist. Each time a deadline is reached, I'll need an update on your claim(s), with a WIP track. If you miss a deadline, no problem -- I can understand that real life can be busy. But don't sit too long on a claim either (even if I already worked with some last-minute rushers ) -- If you fail to give me updates several times, I'll have to remove your claim (meaning someone else can take it -- You can also retake it by sending in a WiP). Collaboration Collaboration helps a lot. Don't hesitate to ask someone for help on your track(s)! - Chernabogue: orchestra/drum programming, mixing, mastering - timaeus222: mixing/mastering, dubstep/drum & bass/EDM drum programming, atmospheric and synth-lead sound design, rhythm/lead electric guitar, orchestral strings If you have any question, send me PM or post here.
  5. Hi everyone, there are about 20 Special Edition CD Albums of Chrono Cinematica and Metroid Cinematica remaining for anyone who wants a copy! These disc albums are professionally produced and feature high quality digipaks, Chrono Cinematica is a single-disc and Metroid is a two-disc set. Both are available via PayPal on my site for as long as there is inventory left. Also, as a bonus, anyone who picks up either of these physical albums will receive digital download versions of BOTH albums! The numbers remaining are listed on my site, when they're gone, they're gone for good. If you're interested, check them out and thanks for listening! http://www.samostudios.com
  6. November 13th, 2015 Update: THE WAVS ARE IN!! All six tracks have been mastered by timaeus and they've been given to Liontamer. Thank to all the remixers and their pals that worked on the remixes with them. And thanks again to Odai for his work on the cover art. The only thing we need now is the website. I was thinking we don't really need a video, as that's really more for building up hype. We don't have that much time for that, so forget it. Besides, OCR itself is all the advertising we need for this album. The release date is still aimed for December 5th, so on Dec 6th, it is out for Iwata's birthday. Celebrate his life, not his death. October 11th Update: Thanks to Odai for the awesome title, which is now "Heart of A Gamer: A Tribute to Satoru Iwata" and for the album cover. ANYWAY! As you can see below, we have four remixes complete and submitted in WAV Format. Yay us! September 8th update: Talking it over with Liontamer, I have decided to push the album to mid October. Why? Because I like the idea of releasing for early December. That gives us over a month to get everything together, which means more time for you remixers to polish your remixes, and time for us to kidnap an artist or two. More time means more effort and that gets us better music. Take your time, make those remixes awesome, and don't worry. We got more time now, and we can easily meet this. Also, I'm adding Dragon Warrior 1 to the list. If anyone wants it, feel free to claim it. As usual, posted remixers can be accepted without any try-outs, non-posted remixers will have to submit some samples to prove themselves. Project: Saturo Iwata from NIntendo has passed away, and because of his involvment with NIntendo and a multitude of games and series over the years, we're going to do a tribute album. This album has to be out somewhat quickly, though. If it's released too soon, the overall quality will suffer. Too long, and the tribute will lose some of its emotional punch. To that end, we're looking at a smaller album of about ten remixes or less. As much as I'd like to do a four-disc compliation album, we don't have the time or resources to pull that off. As he was listed in hundreds of games (http://nintendo.wiki...ki/Satoru_Iwata and http://www.mobygames...eloperId,52462/), there is a lot to choose from. However, I think we should look at the games he was directly involved with. As some of you may know, he started out as a programmer, not management. He didn't just make games, he made games. To show that, we should remix from games that he himself worked on. He has dozens upon dozens of credits as a producer, but there are some games that he had more involvement in. He was in the trenches, sitting with the staff and designing or consulting. Fixing this, solving that. That's the guy that we should be remembering. What We Need: A website. Right now, we could use the expertise of someone that can get a website together before December 1st. I know it's a tight deadline, but we don't need anything super fancy or complex. Staff: Director: Me, of course Assisstant Director: Themysteriousassassin Artist: Odai. And apparently, Title Creator Extraordinaire. Tracklist: 1. The Fading Children (Earthbound) by Kwix 2. Cuban Vacation (Kirby's Adventure) by Chernabogue, featuring Tuberz McGee and kroasta 3. Menu Theme (Super Smash Bros Melee) by Sbeast 4. Sky-High Rollers (Rollerball) by timaeus222 5. On The Wind (Balloon Fight) by Brandon Strader 6. New Horizons (Pokémon Gold and Silver) by PokerusVGM This list covers his earlier years, from pre-Nintendo to HAL Labs to just as he was becoming a big name at Nintendo.
  7. I am a little hesitant putting this on here because I know I am very bad at music samples and I am not a musician and a majority of people here are very good it becomes intimidating. I wanted to try to take a stab at editing and sampling, I been practicing for a long time now and I am still in the beginner stages of music. I really want to get decent first then good, but I have a long way to go. I go by the name of Hypnotikid, and I like to experiment with DWS (Digital Work Stations) and sound splicing. I hope to one day become a remixer, and I will strive to be that in my lifetime. But until then, I have to prepare myself for criticism (hopefully constructive) in order for me to get better. Now for the moment of truth. I recently made an album and released it to the public. This is my first of what I hope to be many. I wanted to try ASMR and Ambient because I find those most interesting to experiment with. I went ahead and made 13 tracks and took some of my old tracks and combined them onto it because it matched the mood I was looking for. I hope I did okay, and I am looking for ways to improve. Thanks for taking the time to listen. My sounds will always be free and this album is no exception to that. https://hypnotikid.bandcamp.com/album/the-soul-of-the-darkness
  8. Hey, so I kinda don't post here very often, and I'm a total dweeb lurker usually! Way back last year I started working on an album of like 90s RPG-type music or whatnot, first real big personal project, and I released the whole thing this past June. I'd really love to get some feedback on it - I'd been working on it so long that it's painful trying to go back and re-appraise it. ^-^; I originally wrote a lot of the music using samples from authentic SNES games, but chickened out and recorded/bitcrushed my own instead, so I'm totally worried that I did badly trying to rework them to use the newer samples. Also really -really- bothered by the post-production and mixing, but again - I'd been working on it for a year straight, and I'm kinda tunnel-visioned by it still, so I'm not sure if it's just me after working on it for so long. Everyone I know kinda just goes "Woah, sounds rad" or whatever, so it wasn't very helpful in the weeks right before release, haha... ;>-> Sorry if I'm coming off a bit candid - I'm kinda always like this. I just don't feel comfortable just showing off my stuff while keeping my own thoughts to myself, is all. <-<; Long story short: I made a thing over the course of year, I'm not sure if it's any good (or ever was...), and some input or critique would be great. https://mairujyat.bandcamp.com/album/shadow-of-the-lich Thanks in advance, hope you all enjoy it! And if you don't: be honest and let me know what I should work on next time, alright? ^-^
  9. Hi everyone! I recently completed my second album, Twilight Spectrum! You can download the album either here...: https://mikedeweese.bandcamp.com/album/twilight-spectrum or here: https://soundcloud.com/mikedeweese/sets/twilight-spectrum My goal for the album was that I really wanted to learn more about electronic music, something that I wasn't very familiar with. Thanks to multitudes of tutorials on YouTube, I was able to learn a lot about sound design, synthesis, mixing, production, genres, among other things. After a little more than a year, I put together 9 tracks, utilizing what I have learned thus far. Now that the album is finished, I do want to change focus a bit and try to get back to contributing more to the OCReMix community. For the time being, I hope you enjoy Twilight Spectrum! Thanks!
  10. Hey there, I just released an album titled "cytociel", a nine track trek to massive dystopian soundscapes. You can get it from Bandcamp at an affordable price of "pay-what-you-want", or just dig it in Soundcloud or Youtube. Oh, and the Bandcamp version includes bonus wallpaper versions of the artwork. Happy listening!
  11. Hey guys, a while back we made an 8/16Bit SEGA era remix album (http://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/the-magical-sound-shower-project). Well, here's our SNES effort, so people can have playground wars arguing over which album is better . Have a listen, if you like it, download it (it's free obviously), and tell your retrogaming friends . http://opussciencecollective.bandcamp.com/album/opus-science-entertainment-system In other news, there's a new show starting on Monday (31st Aug 2015) on RadioSEGA at 8pm GMT. We teamed up with Dr. halc to make the intro theme for the show, so make sure you tune in and check it out. Much love and keep gaming and making cool music fellow remixers.
  12. Here's something new and exciting. http://v-jams.bandcamp.com/album/v-jams "Formed in 2015, V-Jams is a collective of musicians that share a unified vision in the creation of diverse taste tingling grooves using Video Game songs as a medium. The group is comprised of multifaceted musicians ranging from classical to jazz backgrounds and everything in between. Brace yourselves for a shockwave of enticing jams to please listeners with varied musical inclinations. " Featured artists Aeoxis (Tovaun Anthony) Guitar, Production, Website Development Luciopro (Robert Baldomero Warner) MC Detective Tuesday (Anton Corazza) MC, Alto/Tenor/Soprano saxophone, Co-Production Travis Morgan (Aka Travis) Co-production Rekcahdam (Roger Hicks) Drums, Co-Production James Alexandre Hadley (Aka Lethal Weapon 5) Guitar, Album Cover Art, Logo Art Tracklist 1. I Saw The Demons Junk (Doom) 2. Ballad Of A Winded Fish (Link's Awakening) 3. Stormy Day In Clock Town (Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask) 4. Killer NSYNC (Killer Instinct) 5. National Pork (Pokémon Gold and Silver) 6. Living On The Deck (Metal Slug 2) 7. Aquatic Ruined Zone (Sonic 2) 8. Happy Endings "The concept behind the album was to rearrange songs in completely different genres from the original source material. From Sonic to Zelda to Doom. From Samba to Go-Go to Jazz! We went cray cray!!! GAMES GAMES GAMES!!! All instruments were played live." Hope y'all enjoy this http://v-jams.wix.com/vjams#!home/mainPage
  13. When I first started remixing VGM years ago, I started remixing Ridge Racer tunes. So I always wanted to assemble a proper tribute/remix EP related to the Ridge Racer series. Well finally I've been able to release it for the public and I couldn't be happier. ENJOY! (click on the image and it will take you to the release)
  14. Hi everyone, just wanted to say the new Chrono Trigger album is now live on Kickstarter! In the background of the video is 'Dreams Of The Virtuous' aka Schala's theme featured in the album, with a free downloadable full preview of the track on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/samostudios/dreams-of-the-virtuous The main function of the Kickstarter is to allow for physical printed albums alongside the wide digital release on August 1st! if you dig the soundtrack of Chrono Trigger, or like symphonic music or any of my previous work, please consider checking it out- all supporters get an early digital copy at the end of next month! Thanks for listening! =) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/samostudios/chrono-cinematica-symphonic-chrono-trigger-tribute Also feel free to check out the official Chrono Cinematica Website And lots of music previews on the Facebook Fan Page Looking forward to sharing this with y'all!
  15. I'm proud to announce the release of SoTSS15: Tropical Paradise! this new album features 20 remixes from 12 games by 13 of the Sonic Stadium's community artists - and I couldn't be more proud! Clocking in at 1hr20min just under 200MB, it's 100% FREE and ready for you to download! You can pickup the album right now at: http://projects.sonicstadium.org/sound-of-tss-2015/ ENJOY! Sound of The Sonic Stadium is a twice-yearly musical showcase of SEGA & Sonic Remixes from members of The Sonic Stadium.
  16. Hello folks! My fourth album of retro rock video game remixes is finally done! It has songs from games like Turtles In Time, Duck Tales, Mega Man 1-3, SMB3, Psycho Fox, Ilomilo and Rokko Chan, some of which has been posted here in the WIP forum before. You can listen/download by clicking the album front and back covers above!
  17. Hello, fellow game music fans! ReMixer Peach here with a special game music soundtrack I wrote for a published indie game! It is available for listening on and SoundCloud, and we have plans for a physical album release. Game Description "Seraphim", a different kind of arcade shooter by Studio Ravenheart, is an indie title for the PlayStation Vita (Mobile), iOS, Android, Nook, Kindle, Windows Phone, and Blackberry. Taking place in an abstract celestial realm, you assume the role of a great otherworldly being known only as The Seraph, defending the worlds from invading constructs with blasts from your six mighty wings. Tracklist 1. Hail to the Seraph 2. Our Protector 3. Fragmented 4. Our Protector Empowered Hail to the Seraph This song features as the title menu, high score, and instructions theme, invoking the sound of imminent battle. It is a derivative of the song played when fighting against the incoming threats, played at a slightly slower pace for a different feeling. Our Protector This song features as the main theme, heard while fighting against the incoming threats. Borrowing some ideas from "Strength of a Thousand Men" by Two Steps from Hell, this piece shows influences from Super Smash Bros., Final Fantasy, The Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, and perhaps some other game soundtracks. Fragmented This song features as the death/game over theme for version 1.1 of the game. Taking some cues from a minimalist piano piece—not written by me—found in version 1.0 of the game, this composition embraces both ambient and minimalist styles. A familiar melody plays for the final third of the song. Our Protector Empowered This song features while in the effect of one of several power-ups for version 2.0 of the game. With the temporary ability, the environment changes in appearance as a continuous dance beat plays. I originally wanted to use Vocaloid Prima for the standard version of Our Protector, but time did not allow it. Thankfully, the idea was implemented in this energised version of the song. Disclaimer Seraphim logo, soundtrack, and all other game material are ©2015 Studio Ravenheart. All Rights Reserved.
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