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  1. So, I've been working on a new remix lately. This is the first piece that I'm actually recording the notes played live via a midi keyboard. I hope to get this good enough to get on OCReInterpretation, so I appreciate and feedback you guys have for it. This is the very very first export so there will be much more. UPDATED VERSION: http://www.box.net/shared/1970p47a0s
  2. The last song I created was not the best. i liked it but after the professional reviews from our awesome judges I did realize faults here and there. so i now return with a WIP, its pretty much done i just wanted to get your opinions before I tried submission again. Dracula goes Asian. http://www.macjams.com/song/63179
  3. It's an in-between song (so it's on the short side) for an album I'm making called Conflict. http://soundcloud.com/kruai/rebellion Please let me know what you think! Kruai
  4. Well! It's been a while! Here I come back to work on a project I started two years ago. Now, I started COMPLETELY from scratch! And as you can guess, this is the "Shadow Queen's True Form" theme. Now, being as this only took a few hours, it needs a lot of improvement, but I feel I can finally finish this time! Also, I'll be modding the Keyboard solo somewhat. I want more of a melody. I desperately wanna catch that fear that was in the original... SO GIMME ADVICE! ^__^ Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro-LJ8vHTn8 This one down here was the ORIGINAL remix I was working on before my computer blew up. D: You may like some elements more from here.
  5. So here's my Mega Man Battle Network 3 N1 grand prix battle theme remix. Damn, that's a long title! I feel this is almost finished, but i really need some advice to polish it off. I usually do straight out metal remixes of songs, but i feel that's sometimes a little overboard. I spent a lot of time on this over the past couple weeks and really trying to nail it down. My hope is that one day, i make a remix worthy of this fine website. Source : Remix:
  6. Ok, I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, take a nice gentle orchestral source and go Electronic cut up distortion mad on it! The arrangement isn't finished yet, and it's still needs a bit of tidying up done to it in my opinion, but i'd really like some opinions on how it's going so far. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q85KIhPXrIQ Oh and should have mentioned originally i'm going for this sort of sound: Thanks for any feedback!
  7. Hi. This is a revamped version of a remix I did a while ago and posted here. I like this version better. I think it fits the overall mystique and atmosphere of the game and original track (Pandemonium). Here it is: Original piece: Thanks.
  8. Well, this is my first time posting here for feedback, and I'm rather amateurish to begin with. So anyhow, here's my story: I was meddling around with LMMS, trying to compose *something* dark-sounding, and then suddenly realized that the upbeat tune for the Sonic 3D Saturn's Gene Gadget does a sinister genetic laboratory no justice at all. This resulted in a remix that turned out okay, so I decided to submit it under the name "The Doctor from Hell." However, I didn't quite expect it to get accepted, and it certainly didn't - the feedback pointed out that the remix was too repetitive, and not true enough to the source: Production is pretty good, though a little crowded and the kick could use more oomph. Biggest problem is how liberal this is compared to the sources; even when you bring in the Gene Gadget theme, it's modified and not that obvious. If I heard this cold, I probably wouldn't have known what game it was. The remix is also a little too repetitive like you said. Sorry, not gonna be the one to get you there, but if you have another remix closer to the game tune, send it our way! Vinnie Prabhu OverClocked ReMix While your submission is appreciated, after initial review OverClocked ReMix has decided not to post it or forward it to the judges panel in its present form. There are several common reasons why submissions might not make it to OCR's next stage of evaluation (bolded & italicized if applicable to this submission): the arrangement is merely a MIDI or game music format file assigned new instruments and/or given added effects the arrangement is not different enough (e.g. structure, tempo, instrumentation) from the original game music the arrangement is too texturally sparse, too underdeveloped and/or too repetitive the sound quality (e.g. sample quality, sequencing, mixing, processing, recording) is poor the writing or performance quality (e.g. frequent clashing or wrong notes, mismatched key signatures, sloppy timing) is poor Less common reasons include (bolded if applicable to this submission): extensive direct sampling of the original game music audio extensive incorporation of non-game music or lyrics (e.g. mainstream, classical, etc.) arranging music that was not originally created for a video game the arrangement bears little resemblance to the original game music creating a track out of sound effects creating an entirely original track that in no way arranges game music Therefore, I decided to revamp it somewhat, mainly following the feedback, along with some suggestions from my brother. The remix ended up being renamed "Stasis Failure" in the process of doing so. Its current incarnation can be found at http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=890, and the original Gene Gadget themes can be found at http://gh.ffshrine.org/song/947/14 and http://gh.ffshrine.org/song/947/15; both were used in the production of the remix.. Again, it's still a work-in-progress, so odds are that it'll have a zillion problems left to iron out. I think I've fixed the kick, but I'm not sure how well I've remedied the other problems yet, so critique away - I'm going to need all the help I can get! foxhead128
  9. Hey! I'm Dangerouge, I'm working on my first remix and actually the first trance piece ever, and I'd like to hear some feedback. This may also become the first complete musical piece I've ever finished... Not that I haven't written loads of songs and made some demos and lots of recording, but never actually released anything for real. So, here it is, genre is, as I mentioned, trance of which I've become quite excited about this week, so I decided to make my first remix a trance piece. Like I said, it's my first remix and trance piece so be nice. The latest version of the remix can be downloaded from http://niiden.com/transdaerith/v0.2.mp3 The previous version (0.1) is available from http://niiden.com/transdaerith/v0.1.mp3 Oh, and it's FFVII - Aeris' Theme if someone didn't realize that, you can probably find that on youtube if you haven't heard, in which case you should educate yourself anyway. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q85KIhPXrIQ
  10. The song sounds like a song that would be played at the conclusion of a movie or game, which is why I named it "Until We Meet Again" http://soundclick.com/share?songid=9570681 Its kinda in the "almost done" phase. I hope to add a more intriguing Bass Clef and a few more harmonies. Whatcha think?
  11. This is a bluegrassy remix based on a common theme from one of my favorite soundtracks of all time. This is my first near-final remix, and also my first foray into bluegrass. I don't routinely listen to the genre, but for some reason the idea popped into my head and I ran with it! A few details: Voices are all from my S90ES, except for the nylon guitar, which I snagged off of HammerSound. Sequencing, recording and mixing were done in Ableton Live Intro. I applied frequency filters to the fiddle and mandolin to make them sound right (to my ears). Although they're all digital instruments, I've worked very hard to get an organic sound using expressive dynamics and articulation. I've taken this about as far as I can go right now, and am eager for some feedback. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abTeHCBz2_Q
  12. I'm titling this: Polar Opposites. I thought I'd slow it down a bit after all my hardcore techno/trance. A nice slow, calming, relaxing House beat that could really take you to some fond memories. This one was engineered to send you off into the memory bank and relax you to your soul. When I listen to it, it sends me floating down the musical highway. I love how it's coming along. What do you think? http://tindeck.com/listen/nfnn EDIT: Sources! Bolero of Fire: Serenade of Water:
  13. So my friend wanted me to do this remix for him, but I'm finding it increasingly difficult to make such a boring song into a bulky evil, interesting mix track. I'm having some trouble. Tell me what you think. And don't comment on the bass solo. I haven't decided where that's going yet, or if I'm just going to leave it there.
  14. Hey guys! So I wanted to do a remix of a song not yet posted on this site, and I decided to do the Password Entry music from Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. As of now, the name of my song is The Secret of the Beans. A quirky name, if anything. So far, it's not really more than what the actual song is. Right now I'm just laying down the basics. More variation and original work to come in later. Please do keep in mind that this is a work in progress and there's still a LOT I want to do with this. Anyways, leave criticism, comments, feedback, something you think I should add, etc. I want all the help I can get with this. Oh, and don't worry about trying to be nice. If you think something sucks, let me know. Here's the original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nx56HzrNLVI Here's my remix (WIP V1):
  15. here is my original WIP: here is what I need help on: how do I sync up the top and bottom hands? is there a way to do it on the computer(i.e. snap to measure)?
  16. Remix Title: Modairnizing (Modernizing with 'Air') Original Song Link: Remix Link: http://tindeck.com/listen/mrwk Remix was Requested by AJ-enova here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18881 Ok, so I'm working on a Retro Dance Remix from the Airship theme (FFXI). I dislike to post WIP's that are quite short, so you're all getting a full length WIP! What I'm looking for is feedback and critics. Hopefully people will also like some parts, but basically I wanna know if the flow works and nothing falls behind. 1:23-1:37 is a little part I'm not satisfied about yet. I know it's not OCR worthy, I'm not aiming for that. Tips about quality etc are welcome, but keep the previous in mind please! Enjoy! -edit: Updated to a kinda Final Version. Still gonna fix some stuff but the arrangement is mostly done. Download here http://tindeck.com/listen/mrwk
  17. Hello again. Yes, I'm already starting another remix. I'm feeling rather prolific lately (with music in general). The source this time is Rusty Ruin zone from the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive version of Sonic 3D Blast. Check out the source here: http://info.sonicretro.org/Sonic_3D:_Flickies'_Island_OSV_(Mega_Drive/Genesis) So I've just got a base groove set up here, not a lot of structure yet. My goal is a very funky sound, but sort of '80s-filtered. I'm not quite sure yet where the song is going to go. At a minute into the first act variant there's a breakdown in the song that's definitely going to be part of the structure. I really love the part that comes in at 1:16. I think a key change toward the end will sound pretty good, as well. So here's the WIP. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2466844/Rusty%20Ruin.mp3
  18. Here's a tune from the third generation which many people like. It's a very laid back and calm remix, witha great long piano solo, as many people have been requesting Tell me what you think! Link to ReMix: http://www.archive.org/details/PokmonRseAbandonedSipRemix Link to Sounce:
  19. First song I made in a while, trying to get my creative spirit back, by doing so I tried to make a country song, but came out sounding like a old blues/rock sound (it feels like it can fit in a theme for a game or commercial). The only thing I know that needs to be changed is the piano solo. your input will be helpful. Dusty Train (2:55) ---------- Another Tune I'm working on that i have neglected for awhile, check it out Amble on Thin Ice (3:11)
  20. http://tindeck.com/listen/euld lyrics are fairly cryptic, sorry any and all comments welcome and appreciated!
  21. http://hunterbridges.com/mp3/WeCanSaveTheWorld.mp3 I am sure you are familiar with the source. Don't take this mix too seriously... Just got new studio monitors and had an urge to make some silly epic metal out of this tune.
  22. Hiya. Im pretty much totally new to the remixing thing, but have decided to give it a try, after finding this site, and the loads of awesome music. Well, not much else to say. I appreciate any and all criticism, helps me grow, y'know.
  23. http://halc9bit.com/private/Frozen%20Megadrive.mp3 feedback appreciated!
  24. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/bplk - Got a LOT of work yet to do. I'm pretty happy with the build-up, so unless I get some more ideas for it it's finished. However, I have JUST started the melody after that, and will get working on it again tomorrow. Learning lots of techniques from listening to other trance tunes on YT, such as what I call a "tone sweeper" which you hear in the buildup. Enjoy, so far, heh
  25. Hey there people, I know Pokemon music isn't really the most well loved here (sadly), and yeah, the SS Anne music just screams out Canon (although not in D, but that's not the point here). ANYWAY. Here's a remix of the SS Anne (which is as of yet untitled, but again, that doesn't really matter very much) for solo piano, which is at present just MIDI fed through my keyboard so it's going to sound really mechanical because well, it is. ANYWAY. Comments on the arrangement please =D It's not (supposed to be) complete as of yet so this is probably just the first half or more but just treat it as a complete piece if you so wish, yeah. ANYWAY. I shall here thank the community for feedback in advance, so if I don't get replies, you shall all feel guilty and terrible inside. But I know that won't happen because you are all awesome people, so. =P Remix: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/fqeb Version 2! Don't click the one above, click the one below instead =) http://www.tindeck.com/listen/bqcr Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MeE__KUVoo Ooh I like the thread number (Y)
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