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  1. This is an unfinished segment of a medley me and my remix partner are working on for a Secret of Mana/Trials of Mana tribute. There are a lot of mechanical problems we're working on, but right now my biggest concern is EQ and balance. The current approach is boosting the violins at the mid-high range, Cellos at mid, and Brass at mid-high. I welcome feedback, and hope this piece isn't too hard on the ears. Thanks.
  2. https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/916203 It's just over 2 minutes long at this point. Any input at all is welcome. What's good, what's bad, let me know.
  3. Hi, I made this remix using a lot of original sounds from original OST and make this in DNB vibes Enjoy
  4. Hi everyone, I am pretty new to music production. I've been listening to video game cover bands/OCR for a long time though, and wanted to try contributing. I've actually submitted this mix once already, but this was before I realized that there was literally an awesome forum for feedback and suggestions! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WjSPnuiP6As0OVg83cxphyr90YSuIrka Please let me know if there's anything specific I should work on. My most recent feedback was to try to vary the parts a little bit with each repetition, and so I've tried to make the bass and drums feel more dynamic. Thanks in advance for the feedback! JackOfAllBards/GuitarJoe48
  5. Hi everyone, Very new to music production and no musical background etc just fancied a dabble in fl studio, I am very passionate about early Sega games and 16 bit games in general. As one of my favorite games Streets of rage was always the epitome of beat-em-ups for me, additionally i grew up in the 80's when synth sound tracks such as crockets theme or Axel F were popular so i wanted to smash the two together. Please be kind, this is a work in progress and just ideas at present. Streets Of Rage - Moon beach Waves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPYrDPn4UK4 Regards Gav Aka Genesis1983
  6. I'm a huge fan of synthwave and soft style synth music. This is my take on "Sanctuary of Zi'Tah" from Final Fantasy XI's Expansion "Rise of the Zilart". I went for a slow and relaxing remix. I'm pretty satisfied with it, but I'm about 90% with the ending. Enjoy! Remix: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1foRRiMnBgHHWXg5qGa-YIFLqbjf2hVRt Source:
  7. Hey All! I started this remix after seeing a lot of other people on YouTube making remixes for their dream Smash Bros. characters. I tried to make it sound like music you'd hear on a stage in-game so I wanted it to be really epic and exciting. I'm still pretty amateur when it comes to orchestral composing so I was hoping to get some feedback on the quality of the song and some advice on where I should take it since it's not finished yet. A few things to note: I don't have access to any super high quality orchestral VSTs so I've been trying to squeeze the best sound quality that I can out of free VSTs and the ones that come with FL Studio The drum loop to me seems really repetitive, which is because I actually used an orchestral drum loop for the whole percussion section (I don't have access to orchestral drums either, lol) I'm still struggling with the mixing and mastering for the song. Balancing orchestral instruments is pretty tough and I'd be open to any advice on how to do a better job! I'm not sure if I'm using the various string sections (violins, violas, cello, bass) correctly. I kind of just put the notes in the places I thought sounded best I'd love to hear people's thoughts on the track and any feedback for making it better! Here's my track: And here's the original song for reference: Anyways, Dragonborn for Smash!
  8. Halo's Soundtrack is rightly revered, and I've been humbly trying to arrange one of my favorites. "Unforgotten" beautifully captures a wistful longing and determination that simultaneously uplifts and crushes the heart, in a merciful way. I can't make strings sing like Martin O'Donnell, but I hope to convey some feeling through this piece. And yes, the gunfire sfx is from Halo 3 with some doctoring. Feedback welcome as always. Thanks, and enjoy. Halo_Immortal Memory.mp3
  9. The remix's time signature is different but kept key changes and rests that were in the original. Original: Remix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11NuqaiEno8H98MOAMOyJamkI8Np9p_jg/view?usp=sharing
  10. Phantasy Star II - Restoration - An arrangement album (Sorry if this is an inappropriate place for this thread. Move if need be.) Introduction: Hey OCR Folks, it's been a long time. This is the first project and music remixes i've actually worked on in 4 to 5 years. (Last complete thing I made was an audio restoration project for Grandia II https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=673761272 ) So i'm a little rusty. The reason it's been so long is that in 2016 through a myriad of unknown circumstances I acquired Tinnitus in both my ears along with some major sinus issues and something wrong with the left side of my jaw that has caused a variety of symptoms in my left ear that i've had to learn to deal with. (The biggest issue being for whatever reason more low frequency sounds seem to travel through my left side of my head more than the right. And so listening to audio with bass it sounds more localized in my left ear and slightly off center and not entirely unidirectional.) Learning to live with this stuff took a long time to not only acclimate to, but to get over the extreme anxiety of never being able to hear really the same as I used to. One day I was fine, one day I randomly woke up and my whole world was changed. And so I thought I had to give up audio and music forever. I did try to start a few things here and there after 2016 but could never overcome my anxiety to finish. I uploaded a few on my soundcloud Something you could do to be helpful as well. I've only ever played part of Phantasy Star II, never finished it and I watched my older brother play through parts of it a lot when I was younger. (I was born 2 years after release) and so while I am familiar with the music and love it. There is a lot of context to some of these I am missing. So if anyone could provide useful hints about where or how pieces of music are played (For songs I haven't already posted a WIP for) that would be very helpful for inspiration Restoration - Current WIP https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yzQDh5vofXpNKiHUEUjTcDoTZWZqv2V4/view?usp=sharing Basically finished and loopable. I'll come back much later to make adjustments with a clean head. Step up - Current WIP https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q9G4tk3cujM5CqJ7XHii6bZDOvhTsOkz/view?usp=sharing Song is almost finished, last sections don't have all parts in yet, but I wonder if the ending doesn't work? A Prologue - Current WIP https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IjI-ikQpJPlQPdKoyO8GfArAJg6dp7LT/view?usp=sharing This one is fairly far along. Polished sequencing/performances and a lot more developed mixing and arrangement changes. (Plus a reference to Phantasy Star 1!). A prominent feature of the first half of this "Nightmare" is a Heartbeat driving the song. The arrangement is a lot more fleshed out and additional sections of music have been added. Overall I feel like this song really wants to channel some Vanegllis and Blade Runner. Subconsciously, those are what my brain goes to with "Space!" Bracky news - Current WIP https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kBuadh82dQrVpgQCGgFcuvKRJMwZXE7D/view?usp=sharing Another song that started out as a *very* short original piece of music. Like 16 seconds. The composition is extended to almost 1.5 minutes with variations of the core composition to make a longer loop. This one gave me the most trouble so far trying not to go too overboard and make something that won't be fitting to hear in game. There are more guitars because I can't help but think about Metal when I see this guy http://u.cubeupload.com/MrBonk/ps2weaponshop2.png So I wouldn't be opposed to scrapping this arrangement and starting from scratch for something more "Blip Bloopy Spacey" Mystery - Current WIP https://drive.google.com/file/d/1957JaRXvnb21sCb0-YTqePaiJgMTYwWu/view?usp=sharing The song is blocked out and essentially done foundation wise.Basic mixing and placeholder instruments until Arturia fixes one of their plugins. Phantasy Pressure - Still been plugging away at it here and there trying to get close what I originally envisioned in my head. Still a lot placeholder performances for bass/guitar solos and stuff. But the foundation is there. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EfFFAfDj-fF5JW034s7O82aHjm7l9VqP/view?usp=sharing Pleasure My Home - There are some gaps in the lines later on but I think it's blocked out. Tried to keep the structure more simple this time but let me know your thoughts if you have any. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RKZ5GpZabyuBoUtiLdGgW-89xsUt_cKU/view?usp=sharing Rise or Fall Movement Advanced - I've had the hardest time with this one. Go easy on me will ya?? Vocoder still misbehaving. And lots of clipping so please forgive it! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZiOMMuLTKTLqwikwlIXBzRw0gjXY0vJS/view?usp=sharing Secret Ways Over - Song is blocked out. Basic mixing, let me know what you think! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1txu6qum7n4Cy7HbI3-w3msOVORE4ugRc/view?usp=sharing Silent Zone - Rough mixing perhaps but the song is taking the kind of shape I wanted https://drive.google.com/file/d/18S0nCqho9NAicq5f0iB68_-Ecc6H_2h4/view?usp=sharing Excite Town - Final WIP for blocking out Excite Town. Lots of little things to change when final pass is done later. Quite like how most of this turned out https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FP7TrmFhhT-4t0f_b8k1wc2CZ6ADGU3D/view?usp=sharing Violation -https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CBo4OX5CWHaAzNI2o-ApHisYWZjjxtvJ/view?usp=sharing First WIP for Violation, just sat down tonight to get the base out of the way. No percussion yet. I like how this is sounding to start with Power - Blocked out. I like this. But other times I hate it. /shrug https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lw68HYE-Gy69bLgDjKwczhKhs-bkpjBh/view?usp=sharing Under Death Place Exclaim Never Dream This will probably take a while to finish between working full time and trying to do other stuff. But i'm more motivated the more I go on,though I have to mind my ears. Some days with Tinnitus are worse than others and that can affect my sound perception. And worst come to worst if I can't finish i'll just release the few songs that are finished eventually. Nya??
  11. Hi, So I've decided to finally have a proper go at the remixing and VGM thing, after some prompting from fellow band members and friends. I've done a remix of "NiGHTS and Reala", which I'd love some objective feedback on from people who don't know me. Apologies if this isn't the place for it, but it seemed the most appropriate thread as I'm reaching out to the community. I'm aware it's very similar to the source material, but that's because a) there's no comparison to the source material, and b) I just wanted to jam along with what I knew, to get started. Otherwise, all and any criticism is welcome - thanks very much! Filidecht
  12. So I came up with this wacky idea to have an actual theme song for Krazy Kremland. I managed to kobble together this "Its a Small World" version of "Welcome to Crocodile Isle" with a tad of the Gangplank Galleon thrown in. I also wrote partial lyrics to it that I had the idea of a "Nuka World" style chorus singing to it. Its a Little Isle of Talking Crocodiles Krem Land's really fun if you avoid the bees Rides have Broken tracks and there's a lot of bees Its a Little Isle of Crocodies Come down and Stay A While And you'll see Lots of bees lots of bees a few trees and more bees Its a Little Little Kremland after all! I'm debating if this could be OCREMIX worthy. My samples are crap, but its a bit forgivable because its all calliope music. I suck at mixing, and singing. If anyone wants to collab on this and make it better I'm all ears. I also plan to make a music video with puppets of this. Example of my previous DK puppet video:
  13. Hello Everyone, Best wishes for this year to come to everyone To start something this year as past years haven't been as full of musics as I wished, and following my nearly traumatic fanatism of Sonic the hedgehod themes, I've started what is for now Working-titled "Docto Ivo's Masterpiece" (Ivo being the quite forgotten firstname of our beloved "Eggman"). This is still very early WIP and requires a lot of polishing, even more regarding the recording (which will, to be honest, need to be finally handled by someone who can play better than me cause it's always easier to write than to record sur voluntarily "extravagant" piece of work). This is what I came as a first part and early wip. To be clear again, this is *meant* to be very extravagant, just as the title says it all, but not to be anyhow "pretentious". Think about it as being played by a frustrated aging Eggman. _______________________________________________________________________________ Regarding the principle of writing, i've just took a lot of my prefered and classic themes of Robotnik, trying to unify theme and rewrite them for piano solo with this kind of exercice in mind : - here is an extracted example for Final Zone (Sonic 1) so everyone get the idea straight immediately : Rewriting Oldies for Piano Solo - Final Zone (Sonic1) (rewriting starts at 00:15) _______________________________________________________________________________ About the source materials, it's unified and messed up from all the classic expected sources like, but not exhaustively - Sonic 3 & Knucles "Robotnik's theme" - Sonic 2 "Dr Robotniks theme" - Sonic The hedgehog "Robotnik's theme" - 2-Player Vs. - Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine [OST] - Sonic 1 Music: Final Zone - Sonic 3 Music: Final Boss - and so on... Any feedback will be deeply apreciated. So tell me everything I don't wanna hear !! (and everything i'd be pleased to if anyhow you're please too <3) _______________________________________________________________________________ Here is a private SoundCloud link to the WiP: Doctor Ivo's Masterpiece - Part 1 - Early wip (Robotnik's themes for piano solo) _______________________________________________________________________________ Edit log : - added some rudimentary marking as soundcloud commentary, may it ease commenting parts - inverted tags so they correctly appear in thread list _______________________________________________________________________________
  14. A rockish arrangement of Flare's level from Panel de Pon (or the Gargantuan Blargg from Tetris Attack) with some synth and orchestral elements. As the title suggests, I was going for something to tribute the burning spirit of the fire fairy, with the rock aspects suggesting the aggressive behavior of dancing flames while the synth and piano hints at a more whimsical fae nature. This piece was an attempt on my part to experiment with the Ministry of Rock 2 plugin from Eastwest. Clearly, I have only a trace of clue what I'm doing, and the performance isn't that convincing (particularly the guitars, bass, drums.) The guitars still sound a bit hollow, and I'm hoping to learn how to make them blend with the other instruments without becoming muddy. Critiques, advice, tips, warnings, etc, appreciated. Thanks for listening, and happy new year! The original source. Inferno Fairy Meltdown.mp3
  15. So this is my latest WIP. This one is the first attempt without soundfonts, and done with VST's and Cakewalk. It's rough, not close to being done, just looking for feedback for work done so far. Thanks:) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1K6bENeWlr67w2fE0-eJ0O80hcuhUuz7d
  16. Chemical Zone Remix WIP! I hope you guys enjoy head bobbing like a maniac!
  17. This is something I put together really quickly, and I want to know if the instrument quality is up to par. Thanks!:) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1g7mbZMuCMpxs8gcqaDvR0DDfURMvPTOE I fiddled with the lead guitar a bit, toggled off something called "doubling", and dialed down the reverb.
  18. https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/893733 My main concern here is the solo. It's not quite where I want it to be, but I can fix it. Eventually. Critiques welcome.
  19. This is a piece I composed with Wassup Thunder. And yes, it is another Song of Storms. The intent was to explore the source material liberally and make a somewhat memorable arrangement. Still working on better production with synthesizers, so any tips are appreciated. Thanks for listening! The original, just in case.
  20. I'm not sure where to go with this one. I'm thinking full reggae would be a good idea. The mixing is a mess due to the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing mixing live instruments. https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/892621
  21. The mixing is a bit off, I'll admit. I also want to throw in a solo or something to add more original content and make it more of a "ReMix" know what I mean? https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/891396
  22. Original song: I've worked on this on and off for way longer than I'd like to admit, but it's finally in a stage I'm comfortable taking comments. V1.0: http://www.kozanryusui.net/sakkyoku_nikki/20191101.ogg 5.0 surround version (untested): http://www.kozanryusui.net/sakkyoku_nikki/20191101_surround.ogg V1.1: http://www.kozanryusui.net/sakkyoku_nikki/20191109.ogg 5.0 surround version (untested): http://www.kozanryusui.net/sakkyoku_nikki/20191109_surround.ogg V1.2: http://www.kozanryusui.net/sakkyoku_nikki/20191121.ogg 5.0 surround version (untested): http://www.kozanryusui.net/sakkyoku_nikki/20191121_surround.ogg V1.3: http://www.kozanryusui.net/sakkyoku_nikki/20191212.ogg 5.0 surround version (untested): http://www.kozanryusui.net/sakkyoku_nikki/20191212_surround.ogg V1.5: http://www.kozanryusui.net/sakkyoku_nikki/20201011.ogg V1.6: http://www.kozanryusui.net/sakkyoku_nikki/20201012.ogg V1.7: http://www.kozanryusui.net/sakkyoku_nikki/20201015.ogg The titular castle is the 5th stage of Touhou Double Dealing Character (or Touhou Kishinjou), an inverted castle floating in the sky. The original title 空中に沈む輝針城 ("Kuuchuu ni shizumu kishinjou") translates to "Castle of the shining needles, sinking into the sky". I've tried to emulate a journey through the castle: 0:00 - 0:40: Enclosing onto the castle through the cloudy sky, eventually reaching the front gates (which you can hear open if you listen closely) 0:41 - 2:26: Journying through the increasingly grand corridors and halls of the castle 2:27 - 3:08: Slowly tracking back while basking in the afterglow 3:09 - 3:23: Falling out the main gate into the evening sky (the gate closes behind you) I've loved this theme ever since I first played the game. It was the first 5th stage theme for me to finally knock the one from Touhou Mountain of Faith off its first place pedestral, and it has become one of my favorites in the entire Touhou music corpus. Initially my main motivation for creating the arrangement was to mark the climax off with the bells at 2:12 and the rest of the arrangement was just fluff to get there. Later on the actual climax shifted two more measures to the part at 2:17 because I just love deceptive cadences. The rest of the arrangement should be a very straightfoward orchestration. I've taken some liberties with the instrumentation, chord progression and custom counter points, but it's essentially a single run-through of the original song. The seating of the orchestra is German instead of American (second violins opposite first violins, basses to the left etc.) which is mostly noticable during the beginning. Considering how much I fought with almost every aspect of the song I'd be grateful for any comments on pretty much anything. The 5.0 version is a byproduct of my workflow which I cannot test due to a lack of a surround setup, so please don't expect it to be well-engineered. I'm not sure if this arrangement would cut it for submission-level quality. Judging from the other orchestral arrangements on the site so far I'm tending towards no, but I could only find either Hollywood-style arrangements (i.e. with lots of supporting percussion and/or non-orchestral instruments) or rather mellow arrangements which tend to be not as thickly layered, so I'm not really sure if these comparisons are any good indicator.
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