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  1. I just finished this middle-eastern progressive dubstep ReMix of Dungeonmans' " Enmired Herpetology" by @zircon ! Hope you enjoy (Note: Soundcloud does make the treble have some aliasing issues so don't worry about that.) Here's the original: A writeup about it below: --- Hiya! It's been a while since you guys have had a Dungeonmans ReMix, eh? This time I arranged "Enmired Herpetology" in a progressive middle-eastern dubstep style, featuring the Turkish Oud (Impact Soundworks), Santoor (East West Quantum Leap Ra), and Sitar (my Zebra2 preset collection). This takes inspiration from Mervin Matthew's "PetiStep" Bollywood Harmonium demo, and has some scattered influence from zircon's stuff (the sine wave bells in particular). I had so much fun writing this; it only took about 10 hours to compose, and then another 12 hours to polish the details, overall spanning 3 weeks, and I think that that tells you how this is one of my more "patient" pieces---it takes its sweet time to evolve, but doesn't necessarily try to be too flashy. Even at the climaxes, there isn't a ton of stuff going on at once, just big harmonies. Nonetheless, there some cool things to mention here: - The distorted lead sound (such as at 1:02 - 1:12) is actually one of my electro house basses that I pitched up a few octaves. - I tried some new, FREE effects plugins from kiloHearts Essentials, using their Transient Shaper, Filter, and/or Ring Modulator on the drums! - There is a LOT of sine wave bell action going on, which was the backbone for the entire ReMix. It outlined the chord progressions for me and became an apt way to end things as well! I really liked it because since it's only a single harmonic, it's almost always audible no matter the context. It's been over 5 years since the release of Dungeonmans, but it seems to be going strong, and I hope that that continues to be the case! ...By the way, see if you can spot where I put the key change. Extra Info: Source Breakdown: 0:00.00 - 0:31.47 = Intro (0:06:22 - 0:38.19) 0:31.47 - 0:52.34 = Harmonium Dubstep Drop (0:38.19 - 0:59.54) [loose] 0:52.34 - 1:13.20 = "Chorus" (0:59.54 - 1:10.22) 1:13.20 - 1:34.08 = Bridge A (0:59.54 - 1:10.22) 1:34.08 - 2:05.38 = Bridge B (1:10.22 - 1:20.89) 2:05.38 - 2:15.83 = Bridge C (1:20.89 - 1:31.56) 2:15.83 - 2:47.12 = Breakdown A (1:31.56 - 1:52.89) 2:47.12 - 2:57.55 = Breakdown B (1:52.89 - 2:16.89) 2:57.55 - 3:28.86 = Climax (2:16.89 - 2:38.21) 31.47 + 20.87 + 20.86 + 20.88 + 31.30 + 10.45 + 31.29 + 10.43 + 31.31 = 208.86/223.29 = 93.5%
  2. Hello, I'm trying to get a few takes on one of my new mixes and would love some feedback. Trying to figure out what I need to bring up or take down or if anything seems missing. Thanks!! https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14441889
  3. A remix of This is Halloween from The Nightmare Before Christmas video game on ps2. Vocals by yours truly lol but if someone else wants to take a crack at it be my guest . For evaluation purposes
  4. Life is not meant to be lived in a cage like a slave. You must fly free and see the what this wonderful world has to offer. https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/1tFeQMz9uModWSuQ8 This is an original work done in the chillstep/dubstep realm. Criticism is appropriated.
  5. Everybody Super Sonic Racing! I am looking for singers who want to help with vocals on this track so i don't have to use a spot holder. The vocals are currently being covered by a simple Saw till i can get my hands on the vocals for this song as I can not do this song justice with my singing voice. The final will not have the Saw in it and obviously an actual ending.
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  7. Haven't been here in a while. But here's what I've been working on on and off while in grad school! On one of my other mixposts (Dungeonmans), djpretzel had remarked that Shantae needed some love. I mean... the only mix on the site right now is by the composer himself. That's cool and all, but he needs some company. I checked out the soundtrack to Pirate's Curse, and came across "Scuttle Town"; immediately, I got a mideast glitch hop vibe from it that would be ridiculously fun to build off of, at least for the main groove. Peeking around a bit further, "We Love Burning Town" was more than enough material to work with, bursting with a playful vibe that I couldn't resist (which for some reason is associated with burning a town... playfully?). I started this in January of 2016 (before I started grad school), stitching together Indian Ragas samples from Crypto Cipher to see what would happen. Slowly but surely, a glitch hop backbone came together, held up firmly by Serum and Zebra2, and I managed to finish through the breakdown section by the end of summer, featuring ISW's Bravura and Turkish Oud. I was kinda stuck on what to do next, so I put it to the side while I prepped to go to WSU. The first semester passed by, in which time I was TAing general chemistry, and toughing my way through quantum chemistry and thermodynamics (A- in both, oh yeah!). When I got to winter break, I immediately got the idea for a buildup back to the main drop, and finished the first three minutes so far, but I had to set it aside again for my second semester. I already knew by now that I was going to finish the track eventually... and here I am, not willing to put it off any longer, finishing it up in May of 2017 after one year of grad school! Never has finishing a ReMix been so hard!
  8. Remember! Reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram BUY GOLD BYEEE!
  9. First, a bit of background: Currently there's a track going around in the dubstep community called "Like That" by a trio of 17-year-olds called Wavedash. The track has been used as an intro to almost every Skrillex concert back in the summer of 2016 (which makes of soooo jealous DX 'cuz they're freakin' 17), but until now it has never actually been released by OWSLA or NEST HQ, even though it was on the NEST Wavedash Visual Mix a while ago. Everyone's been desperately waiting for it, but recently on xTrill a user went and leaked a 320kps MP3 of the whole song AND the acapella of the vocals. So I thought What if I remixed this and put this online before the original track even gets out? Take that XD So here's what has come out so far, what do you guys think? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1RmRwKRXmElcTBwRVYyMXM2VXM/view?usp=sharing Original track (at 3:26, there's more of the track but it's just not included in the video):
  10. Happy New Year everybody! To celebrate, I'm releasing a brand new ReMix of the Naruto main theme: I will give a heads-up that this contains significant elements of DUBSTEP, but definitely not anything like dubstep you are probably familiar with. Whatever your tastes are, it's the new year, so let's try to keep an open mind to any and all music! As a background, I wrote a Naruto ReMix before, in 2012: I look back on it, and I really do still like what I did in 2012. The production wasn't particularly impactful, and the dubstep execution was only half-decent, but the composition was surprisingly good on the guitar. However, I realized that I could do *much* better today on the general production polish, as well as on the execution of dubstep. So, I wrote this while in my first semester of grad school, in three months, using mainly u-he Zebra2, Xfer Records Serum, 4Front TruePianos, Impact Soundworks' Juggernaut and Resonance libraries, and various commercial drum samples. This combines cinematic and dubstep aesthetics to create a nuanced, tasteful feel on the low-energy sections, and an aggressive, all-out soundscape on the drops. There was particularly special attention to detail on the dynamics, the "size" of the sound design, and just trying to get every aspect of this mix to be as polished as possible. As usual, I accept any and all opinions, but please keep them civil.
  11. It's called "Harsh Life," and is a remix of a song called "Harsh" I made early this year. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/713076
  12. I'm trying a different genre than normal. This is still a work in progress and also I'm trying to do it without recording any live instruments. (Very new at this) If anyone has any suggestions on the eq mixing, progression, or even how I would get the guitar slide sound at the beginning of the original, I'd love to hear them. As always I'm looking for this communities knowledge and criticism since it's proved so useful in the past. Thanks! Original: Remix v2:
  13. Samus Aran: the prolific bad-ass from the Metroid series and my personal favorite Nintendo character. I recently started replaying the older Metriod games and forgot how awesome this theme and level was. Watch out Ridley and Kraid there is a new bad-ass on this planet now. This very much a work in progress!! I am still not happy with the transition from Brinstar Depths back in to the regular Brinstar theme I am also still looking for a better space lead for the main theme and a way to work in the main theme during the dubstep parts. I am also considering adding the Super Metriod prologue intro to the beginning and possibly the during the transition from Brinstar Depths into the regular Brinstar theme. Anyway, I appropriate any feedback.
  14. Hey all, First time posting here. I wanted to share a remix I made of Anxious Hearts off the Final Fantasy VII OST. I've been listening to these remixes for years and finally am able to help contribute! You can check it out here: Also made a 'music video' on YouTube which you can find here:
  15. Today is my girlfriend's birthday so I wanted to surprise her with a remix from Kirby, which is one of her favorite franchises. I decided to remix Rock Star which is a mutual favorite of ours and incorporate some genre flavors she's fond of, however it comes with one or two surprises to go along with it - I had a lot of fun working on this one; particularly the occasional dubstep elements. Even if it isn't my most preferred genre it's exciting to chop things up. I hope you guys enjoy it!
  16. Hey guys, i would appreciate feedback on my new dubs, asked around at DSF but they did not seem to be willing to even listen to my tracks nor anyone from social medias (0 plays apart from 1 view on part 2 when i checked everything was ok in it myself) So i came here with my dubs, to ask opinion. Worked really hard and tried to put some real effort into the tracks (even though made both during these wake hours as i am awake now and can't sleep for some reason even if i have been up for like well way over 24 hours), personally i like them adequately even though i'm not huge on self-compliments. Of course noticed few things i would have wanted to fix before i uploaded them but oh well, i was already thinking of part 3, was bloody fun times producing these: Went nuts on sound designs for the drops (and dag up few old designs such as the lead from one of my earlier tracks 'Pump it' etc also composed it in similar style as in my previous epicstep track), as you can hear, maybe there's too much stuff going on, but then again, i like it, somehow it's fun to produce and even listen. May i ask the opinions of you? Also composed a really basic sustain violin ensemble chords for intro (chords based on drop chords so a lot easier after making the drops apart from couple of extra notes for lead-ish violin) with the addition of arp to bring more content for intro still. And then slowly fading in the beats and one growl on both. On first part the beat is really basic as it was originally a sound design project and i just made a quick beat to test the sound designs better, but had to continue with the track. On second part i tried to put a lot more effort for building a track rather than some test thingie. I don't know what it is for me to start piling up sounds on top of each other and one after another that go trough rather fastly and it may sound, well, odd for others i suppose, but it soothes me for some reason. Anyways, any honest feedback would be appreciated. Too harsh to listen? unbalanced? any mixing and mastering advice? Also as a reminder, i truly did produce those today and most likely if i were to spend several days on those, they would be better, but these aren't for some record label, no (have tried twice to sent demos a loong time ago and as they were shitty, no wonder labels would not want to support me on making music that people don't like), these are mostly just me having fun and practicing and wanting to share what i accomplished still if someone else were to appreciate the music still, and even better, if i could get some advice on which i agree upon and can become a better producer. Only if i were to really fine tune a similar track or either of these or make similar on the basis, then i could maybe sent them somewhere.. or not..
  17. Hello. I have gotten really interested on producing both orchestral and rather melodic dubstep/drumstep styles lately and have tried to fit them them all into single tracks, and i was wondering are there people here interested on same category? I would be interested on hearing of such productions and discussing about them in general What about just producing only orchestral and or only melodic dubstep or drumstep? I was suggested to come visit here from DSF ninja community in hopes of advice for building full on orchestral music, well i have in fact already tried to compose some full orchestral pieces already on my own, but my compositions have been rather short so far so i have mostly only made them as intros on my tracks with virtual instruments mostly from Native Instruments and then just started making beats and sound designs after that with an faster tempo, here is my latest example: So any opinions or advice on that? I got already one useful advice on which i totally agreed: the part on around 1:50 in the track, on which i stop the orchestral intro and started making the verse and chorus, i first lower the tempo even lower down from 110bpm for few seconds and then lift it up to around 160bpm so i can make faster almost drumstep style track, but that precise part does sound kind of.. off, because the super saw sound design sounds weird while speeding up.. so should i make the part on which i change the tempo totally quiet and/or at least faster or with different sounds.. or should i just try to make full orchestral tracks as in keeping the 'intro' of my tracks out and making dubstep and drumstep and orchestral separate, trying to fit too much into single tracks can be kind of.. weird.. what do you think? Well then again on my own opinion, i like to try to fit lot's of stuff into my productions because for example the orchestral intro does bring rather exciting feeling into the track but then when it changes into dubstep/drumstep, it does have some sort of other feeling which makes me enjoy making the production. What about mixing and mastering? I have sucked at it especially earlier on and have tried to practice it more alongside with sound design and build practice and am not super familiar with chords either in general how they actually work, so far i've mostly just tried playing them on my midi keyboard or adjusting them otherwise in piano roll which would sound about right. My choice of DAW is Fl Studio 12 which seems to be my kind of workstation in all other parts except it being really hard on my CPU (annoying lag sometimes when there is lot's of stuff happening at the same time and CPU peaks at 100% usage) so don't know if any other would be better on that part but not in the set of mind on changing daw as FLS has best workflow for me at least and am familiar with it so i am trying to only get my productions sound better to people in general and i think that changing daw ain't the solution for that
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  19. I'd really like to get feedback on this remix I did, I thought it came out pretty well but I'd like to get more opinions on it! I haven't done anything in awhile, and in that time my music has gotten a lot better. Nearly everything in this was synthesized by me, and all of the melodies are also done by me, so yeah it's almost an original song? Anyway, I hope you like it!
  20. https://soundcloud.com/ninelines/hmrmxpmastepostr/s-1dKkB Been working on this for quite some time now. Using all stock effects and a saturation unit that I purchased. Any feedback on sound quality or production/mixing/mastering would be appreciated. I'll make sure I check out everyone else's music, too. Thanks in advance!
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