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Found 14 results

  1. I made this as an opening theme song for a cartoon that doesn't exist, though I'd like to animate the title sequence someday when I've got the time. I wanted it to have that "anime adventures in a highly advanced, ancient, mythical civilization" feel, similar to Grandia or Made in Abyss. I'd like to get some feedback on the general sound and production quality, and also any other tips or recommendations people might have. https://youtu.be/s3Xdnfk69jE
  2. So This is the most recent version. I think it's at a point where I'd consider submitting it. I'd just like to get some final feedback and confirmation. My biggest concern is just that my remix might sound too stiff and mechanical (like as far as the beat and timing). Does it need a bit of humanization? I can't really tell if it does, myself. And if it does, I'm not sure how to go about properly fixing it. Any help at all is appreciated! Sources: http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Mind_of_a_Thief?file=MOTHER_3-_Mind_of_a_Thief http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Going_Alone?file=MOTHER_3-_Going_Alone http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Gentle_Rain?file=MOTHER_3-_Gentle_Rain Older Version Ok, so I've been working on this one for a while, and I like how it's turned out so far. I'd just like to get some advice and criticism regarding stuff the overall sound quality, synth choices, and general composition. I'd really like to submit this for judging sometime, so I want to make sure I've taken care of all the little details to make it good and polished. A couple specific concerns I had involved the drums and synth I used at 2:10. I want to make sure the drums aren't sounding too repetitive and that transitions between sources are smooth enough. The problem with the synth is just preference, really. Does it actually sound good to other people? I like it, personally, but at the same time, I don't know if it fits the mood of the track. Let me know if anything sounds weird. Any feedback is appreciated. Sources: http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Mind_of_a_Thief?file=MOTHER_3-_Mind_of_a_Thief http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Going_Alone?file=MOTHER_3-_Going_Alone http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Gentle_Rain?file=MOTHER_3-_Gentle_Rain
  3. Hullo OCR! I haven't really tried creating music in at least 7 years, thought it was time to give it a shot again now that I have a newer computer. Figured I'd practice with something simple, get the hang of things. Here is what I have so far, curious whether anyone has suggestions on what I can be doing better while I'm in the early stages. The percussion is definitely temporary, I plan on writing out more complex parts (as an ex-drumline member that's really what I'm looking forward to) Anyway, let me know what you guys think!: https://www.indiesound.com/track/49788
  4. I present to you my latest creation, it comes straight from the depths of hell I used three different guitar synths to get the sound right, my goal was to match the tone of the original midi video game music as closely as possible, within reason. I know that the guitars doesn't sound all too realistic, but I still think the track sounds pretty good, have a listen and see for yourselves.
  5. Hey everyone! Thought I would share something I put together last night. I recently saw the latest Star Wars film, and although I have very mixed feelings about it, I did enjoy it. It inspired me to make a Star Wars remix, something I have never thought to do. This was just something fun, and I hope it puts a smile on your face. Any feedback is also appreciated. I think the mix came out ok but there are elements that I feel could have been better. Thanks for listening!
  6. My new Undertale Remix. Hopes and Dreams this time ^^
  7. Hello. Some time ago I started to try to make my own music. Mostly piano pieces, but of course, music is not only about piano. I wanted to try to make music pieces with more instruments included, so I would like to ask how do I end parts when new instruments finish, so it sounds ok(like... not weird). What I mean is, let's say I make intro on piano, and then I wanna add bass and let's say, change instrument that plays a lead. It starts, plays its part and then stops and let's say piano starts to play again. The main question is - should I just use cadence to end the part of previous instrument or do something else?
  8. Hey guys! This is my first attempt at remaking a game track. This was originally produced by Sonic Mayhem for the ID Software game quake 2. Let me know what you think.
  9. I have been working on music since about 2006 I think. Never had anyone teach me or was in band or anything. Just enjoy doing it and did it for years just to listen to myself. I seem to be unable to really purposely make anything of any specific genre. I kind of just do what I wish and something comes out. Anyways what are your opinions on this track? I think it might be too loud (I always worry because my hearing is bad and I don't have any monitors) but another thing, how can I get a cleaner sound? I have included a youtube and a soundcloud link as I know soundcloud has the ability to download and better sound quality. Some people prefer youtube though.
  10. Hello, I'm Ronald Poe and I write electronic music and remix. I use FL Studio and Audacity for my music and Musescore for the writing/editing of midi. I mix/produce the music myself and it seems to hinder the music itself. Do you have any tips on mixing/production? Here's a couple examples of my work. My character theme for Axel (KH) My remix of "King Ghidorah" (Godzilla NES) from that contest. Please give both your opinion and some mixing advice. Thanks
  11. Hello OC Remix! Back in 2002 I wrote a nine minute classical piece using Noteworthy Composer to coincide with a fiction I was writing. Noteworthy Composer is known as strictly a notation software but would be able to play songs written in it through basic MIDI (e.g. Microsoft Wavetable Synth); thus, the song was written but not produced. After many years of not working on music, I recently bought some music production equipment and FL Studio. I have written a few remixes and original pieces but they have not been up to par with the quality of most remixes on OC Remix. However, I decided to finally produce this orchestral piece. The result is awesome! I also recorded my own clarinet playing. Please take a listen and let me know what you think. Following is the link to Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/tonal_bliss/remorse-nothing-more-chapters-1-4 I am hoping to further improve my classical/orchestral producing and writing abilities in the near future. I am planning on doing a orchestral remix/arrangement of a video game theme. I'd love to submit that to OC Remix when I'm done. Thank you for your time.
  12. Hello, I am creating my very first song. It's a remix of Chozo ruins with some Nightmare thrown in there. I was thinking of putting the "Metroid Prime Bell" As I like to call it, into the song. The sound I'm talking about can be prominently heard at the beginning of the Parasite queen boss battle at 0:07 to 0:08.https://youtu.be/6DCcCBOmOo0?t=6. This sound really interests me as I remember it being used in other prime tracks. I think the bell would fit my remix rather well but I have had trouble reverse engineering it. I do know the basics of synthesis but I haven't been making music as long as most of you guys have so I thought I would ask for some tips in recreating this sound. I'm working on a strict budget as I have no income at the moment and I can't spare money on super expensive VSTs. I have FL studio producer edition so anything that comes with it, I have.
  13. Hey guys, lil bit of background before I post the track. Background in a lil bit of music, my mom was a piano teacher, so got started on that at an early age. Tought myself guitar. Still kinda suck at that. Bought FL Studio about a year ago, dabbled in it, picked up a old Yamaha keyboard with MIDI out to try to make some tunes, as well as a Blue Yeti for the aforementioned terrible guitar playing. Finally decided earlier this week that I would suck it up and make use of the $200 I threw at FL Studio, and make something I would be proud of showing off, and possibly sell if people thought it would be worth it. That being said, I've been stalking OCR for years now, just never posted anything. Sixto was the entire reason why I wanted to learn guitar (The Passing of the Blue Crown was and still is one of the most-played tracks on my iTunes. :L), and Zircon was the reason I bought FL12 in the first place. Got a ton of respect for you guys, and the community here in general. So, for that reason, I'm asking anybody who's willing to take a listen to a track I'm re-starting work on that I originally slapped together in about a week 5 months ago. Loaded up the file earlier this week and made it a point to start trying to get it perfected, as this was one of the only tracks out of the 300-some I've made since the FL purchase that I've felt had some decent mixing/sound/balancing to it. Streamed/downloaded from Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/isaac-doud/infectious Please blow the crap out of it. Anything that can help the mix, I'd greatly appreciate. Anything that stands out with progression, flow, overall mixing (I don't have a pair of studio headphones, using my HyperX Clouds for it, not the best, not the worst), please, if you could take a second of your time to let me know or explain the reasons behind it, I would greatly appreciate it. I know the vocals are sketchy. Probably going to remove them. Using all free stuff that came with FL Studio / can be aquired on teh interwebs so the strings are a bit off (YAY FREE VSTS, QUALITY FTW), working on those right now. Anywho - thanks in advance. Cheers!
  14. They call me Ronald Poe. I'm a bassist, guitarist, and Electronic Musician (I use FL Studio and Audacity). I'm a fan of Metal Gear Solid, Pokemon, Shin Magami Tensei (particularly Persona 3 and 4), and especially Kingdom Hearts. I was also a regular at the "Musicians Talk" section on Ultimate Guitar and possibly the most polarizing member there. I also use Musescore for the notation process and use multiple soundfonts (mostly the KH one) and samples with FL Studio. I have a unique style. Anyway I have two questions. First what are some VG pieces with simple, easy, and somewhat repetitive melodies. I'm trying to write better remixes (my first 3 were denied) and want to try something simple. Second, what are some basics of DnB music and remixing. I've researched it quite a bit and still don't get it. I want to do a remix in DnB style but I'm not sure where to start. I've got some decent drum samples. Sorry about how personal this post was (I'm trying to make a better impression here). My questions are easy VG pieces with simple melody and basics of DnB.
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