djpretzel Posted January 3, 2003 Posted January 3, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
OverCoat Posted January 3, 2003 Posted January 3, 2003 Ok, this starts off really well, with the tribal-ambient and the acoustic guitar/flute. Then comes in strings, and a whole lotta chill. I was kinda mislead by the title, though, I thought it would be like this and then turn into MONDO HELLA THRASH METAL. Oh well, it's a nice remix to be had anyways, it reminds me of some McVaffe tunes. Nice one, Vigilante. Quote
Vortex RuneCutter Posted January 3, 2003 Posted January 3, 2003 The reason I posted was to say tha what DJP said is funny, because it's true. I myself spent hours playing with the box. I thought I had problems, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. I'm downloading as I write this, so I will EDIT with my thoughts. Vortex Quote
Vig Posted January 3, 2003 Posted January 3, 2003 Err, yes, about the title, the word "Metal" is as in, "metal gear solid" "liquid" is the word more accurately describing the mix (and the main bad guy as it turns out.) i know this is misleading. sorry about that. well, not really. but i understand how it is misleading and it was not my intention. Quote
kaijin Posted January 3, 2003 Posted January 3, 2003 jv session board samples? this was a really good idea up until i heard the sons of liberty theme. For some reason, it really didn't feel like it fit in with the mood of the song. just a bit out there... Quote
Vig Posted January 4, 2003 Posted January 4, 2003 um...ok. i'm glad the "Idea" was good, but what about the actual mix? Quote
Dyne Posted January 4, 2003 Posted January 4, 2003 Excellent job well done on this, the first of what I hope are many awesome remixes for you. When I first listened to this remix, I thought I was about to start playing the game itself. I mean really, you captured the essence of the game in this mix. It felt like I was transported to Alaska out in the cold depths of the wilderness. The ambiance of this piece is absolutely awesome. As for your mixing with the acoustic guitar and the backing tracks, I thought it was unbelievable. You totally blew me away with the way you played the acoustic throughout the piece and managed to keep it in time with the rest of your instruments. You really put some serious thought into this awesome remix, excellent job, excellent job! Quote
sgx Posted January 4, 2003 Posted January 4, 2003 Not sure what to say here, other than this is great. I can't imagine how it could be any better. Awesome guitar playing and recording. It really fits in well and sounds great. Very impressed. Make some more! Quote
Legion303 Posted January 4, 2003 Posted January 4, 2003 Very nice remix, but fess up: those guitars are synthesized. Nice, jazzy feel on this one. -steve Quote
Vig Posted January 4, 2003 Posted January 4, 2003 well legion, actually, the guitar solo IS me, playing on a 1967 gibson hummingbird acoustic with a lawrence acoustic pickup. I'm a guitarist first Quote
Legion303 Posted January 4, 2003 Posted January 4, 2003 well legion, actually, the guitar solo IS me The solo, yes, but what did you use for the rhythm guitar? Not that it's a bad thing, I'm just curious. -steve Quote
Vig Posted January 4, 2003 Posted January 4, 2003 lets see...Roland JV Session...*opens home studio* there it is. its called DEMO nylon. Quote
Kemusabi Posted January 7, 2003 Posted January 7, 2003 The whole thing reminds me of Forever Rachel from FF3...which is a completely good thing because I really love that song. Very smooth, I commend you, Vigilante. Quote
Vig Posted January 10, 2003 Posted January 10, 2003 Thank all of you for your input. I'm flattered that my first mix was met with such positive responses. Feel free to email me with any comments/criticisms, requests, whatever. I really do apreciate it. As for the future, I submitted something Megaman about 2 months ago, so keep an eye out in the coming weeks. Thankful to DJP for creating such a great site -Vig Quote
captain_ocd Posted January 11, 2003 Posted January 11, 2003 Very nice, at first I thought it was decent, nothing more. Then I started scanning the forums and left it on loop. I swear I never knew the song ever started or ended. It was great, just leave this thing going and it grows on you. I could easily leave this on at night and sleep in an extra hour. I'm just afraid it will lose its luster after playing it so long! Lets hope not. It went from a 6 when I first heard it to a 10. I love this song, kudos. A side note, (You will have to excuse me, I might be wrong on some of this, havent played the game in about 2ish years.) I thought it would be the main theme, as I enjoy that song over all of the other MGS tunes. But to my suprise it was the very (IMHO) "ok..." end theme. I personally disliked the end song (not the one with the choir). But if this is the end song then you sure did change my opinion I simply love it now. (Once again, I might have the tunes mixed up, hell, I'm not sure the main theme is even the REAL main theme haha! Please, enlighten me.) Quote
Dj Shade Posted January 13, 2003 Posted January 13, 2003 Man, this is just...perfect. It reminds me so much of old times when i used to sit an stare at Meryl doing situps in her knickers......what? lol jk. This is is one awesome remix, that i'm just gonna keep on repeat in my winamp playlist. Exclellent job, Vigilante! Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted January 15, 2003 Posted January 15, 2003 I'm not normally a huge fan of incredibly smooth stuf like this, but I have to commend Vigilante for making a great song. Everyting flows together very well and leaves you in a trance, and kinda tired, and...sleepy... and...zzzzzzzzzzzzz Quote
Vig Posted February 2, 2003 Posted February 2, 2003 I'm very encouraged by all the positive feedback i have recieved, and id like to again thank everyone that took the time to listen and review my song, and as always, comments/questions are always welcome at I was bored so i thought i would make a few comments on the mix. I was a little suprised at the several comparisons made between "Liquid Metal" and new age music. I was mainly suprised because I have never listened to a new age song in my life. I think. at any rate I certainly wouldnt recognize new age music if i heard it. So no, there were no new-age influences going into the mix. Actually this particular mix (its the second one i've done, look for the first coming up this week or next) just kind of arranged itself. It took virtually no time at all, compared to my first mix. everything just flowed. It sounds strange, but if there was any musical influence on this mix, it would be Tom Waits. although they arent terribly similar, i'd reccomend that if you liked "liquid Metal," listen to "ruby's Arms." anyway, thats all i've got for now. Thanks again, your feedback has convinced me to keep on mixing. -Vig Quote
WWWWolf Posted February 19, 2003 Posted February 19, 2003 Pretty good remix, though I think the original version works best in the original - this would have been a bit too noisy for the original. (The original scene makes me cry. Great scene.) Anyway, this remix is still pretty good on its own. Quote
TheShroud13 Posted February 20, 2003 Posted February 20, 2003 Very cathartic and relaxing. I've never played the original (something I look forward to doing in the future) so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I liked the mix a lot. It's very peaceful and atmospheric, and the guitar is wonderful. Quote
Rayagon Posted February 22, 2003 Posted February 22, 2003 This mix is very, very smooth. I have it on my mp3 player right now, it really gives the mood of the scene well. This is the "enclosure" theme, when Snake's just blasted Sniper Wolf's lungs out, and she gives this big rambling speech about the Kurds and sniping in general, if I'm not mistaken, and you've done it justice. I'd have to disagree with Kaijin, when the main MGS theme overlayed over the other theme, I just about pissed myself. Sorry for the ineloquence, but that is the best way to describe the feeling I got when it came in -- you orchestrated it perfectly. That guitar is definitely slick, well-done, and well-harmonized. Excellent job, Vigilante. Quote
Kosuvarius Posted April 3, 2003 Posted April 3, 2003 Vigilante. I am simply amazed at the quality of this song of yours. I just got this song a couple days ago from the remix.overclocked website. The guitar in the beginning is fantastic, and the way you implemented the Metal Gear Solid theme is just perfect. The way everything blends together throughout the song, I really like that. It makes it an easy listen-to track, as I can daze out while just thinking about varius things (Although when I go and's usually when I should be doing my assignments from the college. Still deciding if this is a good or bad thing.) I would like to know, would you be alright with the myself burning this song onto a CD to listen to? I'll soon be getting a computer with a CD burner, and I'm going to be making a few CDs to listen to, and I'd like this song to be one of the tracks. On an unrelated note, what software did you use to make all this? I've heard of a couple programs, one being Rebirth, and another one being Fruityloops(?) that are supposed to be really good music creation programs. And, how much do they cost? I would absolutely love to create music like this. Quote
Sockatume Posted May 9, 2003 Posted May 9, 2003 A truly breathtaking remix of a touching track. Absolutely unmissable. Quote
chocobojoe Posted August 18, 2003 Posted August 18, 2003 I don't know how to do a full review, but I was browsing random songs and came across this one. I must say it's VERY well done. I applaud your work on this piece. Great job. Quote
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