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Freshly Baked ReMixer Challenge 2008 (Phase 3: Match-Ups, Mixing, March 16th Deadline

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I doesn't seem that all the sources are posted on ThaWiki. I can't find my source on there. (Final Fantasy IX: Freya's theme)

I've actually been working on that one, outside of the compo. I can give you the link to the source I used: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sony/ps1/Freya's_Theme.mid

P.S.- I love this piece, so please do it justice...

Also, I'm going to reroll on mine. It's a little too sparce for me.

There's nothing saying you have to keep it as New Age...

Yeah...but if I made it orchestral or techno it might kill the original flavor of the track, I know that fans who've played the game usually don't dig that.

I'm switching my song out. Whoever picked Live and Learn from Sonic Adventure 2 needs to be shot between the eyes.

ROFL, that game is worthy of you tube Poop material though...at least, right up there with CDI Zelda and Hotel Mario or w/e

I'm switching my song out. Whoever picked Live and Learn from Sonic Adventure 2 needs to be shot between the eyes.


Oh well... I was looking forward to seeing how it'd turn out. Plus, I think it would actually sound REALLY pretty on piano.

I'm already coming up with some ideas for Hailfire Peaks. Let's see how it turns out, shall we?


I accept my challenge.

I wish everyone good luck, especially Alex Smith, who has to mix my request.

So, I guess there will come a new post about what's going to happen / rules / deadline for the remixing phase after the re-rolling etc.

I am looking at the challenge/remixer match up list and I'm wondering where my Final Fantasy VIII: The LEgendary Beast challenge went.....

Several songs are missing. They may have been dismissed, overlooked, or forgotten.

Or simply just didn't come up in the rolls. Which is the case for the Terranigma mix as well so far.

:) That's a given, but those referred to now weren't in the list of challenges (Phase II: The Challenges).



Pushover (my challenge)

CHz' challenge



The Legendary Beast is there, it just wasn't picked.

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