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I'll join...and yes, I joined the reason I joined the forum was to join the tournament. Chances are this will give me a reason to look around though.


Sigh, I was stuck at work when you were accepting suggestions. I was going to get all gay about the rules a la Smashboards, but the only rule change I would really like to see is a change from single to double elimination. Otherwise, it's going to suck for the poor bastard who has to play G-T first round. That, or ban G-T. ;)

Oh yeah, I'll be entering this, and possibly my wife.

I'll join...and yes, I joined the reason I joined the forum was to join the tournament. Chances are this will give me a reason to look around though.

Ha, I didn't think you'd actually bother to sign up to join the tourney.

Here's hoping we don't face off in the first round. ;)


These things usually work where you just work out a time with your opponent, during a couple-day period alloted by the tournament organizer. 'Least that's how OCRCL worked back when I participated a couple years back.

Although I may not be able to participate (planned arrangements) , I have one thing to add to the list of levels. Skyworld! It is total crap. Some characters just can not recover on it.

Truth. It is my worst liked stage.

BOOO!!! get it off the screen!

If not someone should create a Thread in the Comp forums...

Honest question: there's still a Competitions forum?

Wow hey... didn't it use to be a subforum of Community? I must have missed the move to Workspace... which seems like an inappropriate location for vg competitions, as opposed to music comps.


1) the tournament is going to span for more than one day. people are not always going to be available to play. you WLIL have a time limit to play. I am giving everyone 2 days to play. If they don't they both are out. If issues come up, then of course this can be fixed and you can get an extension

2)A thread for this will be made in compo monday. Compo NEVER gets attention, so i am using this for sign ups.

3) updating list later when i get home


I'm not going to enter, personally. Not really my kind of thing when it comes to Brawl. But what I would like to see is footage. If people record matches and post them online somewhere, I think that'd be pretty sweet. While I'm not one for participating in tournaments, I do like seeing other people compete. Is spectating an option, or would we have to wait for like, essentially YouTube vids? Or are we just gonna be outta luck if we don't directly participate?

I'm not going to enter, personally. Not really my kind of thing when it comes to Brawl. But what I would like to see is footage. If people record matches and post them online somewhere, I think that'd be pretty sweet. While I'm not one for participating in tournaments, I do like seeing other people compete. Is spectating an option, or would we have to wait for like, essentially YouTube vids? Or are we just gonna be outta luck if we don't directly participate?

Well, since Bigfoot can record matches, if he doesn't mind, we could send matches to him and he could record and put them online for us.


I love clearing out a room in Basic Brawl.

So I decided to be Game and Watch, and I went through all the colors backwards (I started at black, then went to light blue, ect). Each time, except for the goldish G&W, I got 1st place. When I beat them all with red (completing the cycle), all three of the players just left. I'd be kinda annoyed myself if I was killed all the time by G&W, but hey.

Oh and random thing I just have to say:

I love to open doors in Subspace. Seriously, theres something just so satisfying about that *flick* and you go through the door, you know?

Does anyone else love opening doors?


Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've visited the Smash thread on OCR (I'm sad to see the previous monster of a thread go...), so I thought I'd come and let everyone know about this.

Over at Smashboards, we have started something called the 'Item Standard Play' project; it has many purposes, among which the creation of a balanced, accepted item listing for tournaments, a unified item standard for tournament organizers to use, as well as the creation of a kind of 'stepping stone' tournament scene for the more casual of players to introduce them into traditional tournament play... really, we're aiming for a lot, but we're confident we can do it.

We've gotten a lot of support from all over for this project, so I wanted to extend a hand out to the OCR community, as well; I know people here loves them some Smash. ^_^

Our main thread at SWF, which has all of the info you need is at:

http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=147012 (Don't worry; our thread is mod-approved and protected, so we have a pretty good flame/idiocy shield set up)

We also have a group on Crush Siblings (a site being set up for the managing of tournaments/clans/groups):


Please read the OP in our SWF thread, as it really describes more than I have room to here. If you'd like to support the project/become a tester, feel free to post in our official thread, PM me (here or on SWF), or hit me up on AIM.

Thanks everyone, and happy Smashing. ^_^

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