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Brawl definitely seems more balanced right now. Off the top of my head I can only think of a few characters who I think will be considered unplayable. Link, Shiek, DK, maybe Ice Climbers, maybe Jigglypuff, maybe Samus, MAYBE Ike. That's about it really. Out of 39 that's pretty damn good. I expect to see the tier list be more top-heavy this time around, which is a very good thing.

And yes tripping makes me very very angry not so much for the impact it has on gameplay but the fact that they would have the nerve to give a "fuck you" to competitive smashers by adding an uncontrollable, universal random element. Why not just let us play the way we like? Smash has always been about customization, after all. Melee was plenty accessible as it was. Items and wacky stages for casuals, and the option to turn them off for tourneyfags.

Sakurai's a cool guy. He came up with smash. For this I am grateful. But I almost wish they put someone else in charge of Brawl.

Link, Shiek, DK, maybe Ice Climbers, maybe Jigglypuff, maybe Samus, MAYBE Ike.

sheik is definitely playable

dk i dont know

ics have ridiculous grab combos

jiggs i dont know

samus is solid

ike is nuts if you dont suck but most people that main him do

Brawl definitely seems more balanced right now. Off the top of my head I can only think of a few characters who I think will be considered unplayable. Link, Shiek, DK, maybe Ice Climbers, maybe Jigglypuff, maybe Samus, MAYBE Ike. That's about it really. Out of 39 that's pretty damn good. I expect to see the tier list be more top-heavy this time around, which is a very good thing.

And yes tripping makes me very very angry not so much for the impact it has on gameplay but the fact that they would have the nerve to give a "fuck you" to competitive smashers by adding an uncontrollable, universal random element. Why not just let us play the way we like? Smash has always been about customization, after all. Melee was plenty accessible as it was. Items and wacky stages for casuals, and the option to turn them off for tourneyfags.

Sakurai's a cool guy. He came up with smash. For this I am grateful. But I almost wish they put someone else in charge of Brawl.

Not to be a jerk, but Sakurai's the one who did a lot with Melee, was he not?

So he implimented ONE random element into the game. A single variable you have to deal with. Yeah, it sucks for raw tourney play, but I still say that's a better deal than getting someone new who may have instituted other random factors by some other stream of logic foreign to us.



Oh, don't get me wrong. Tripping's not a big deal at all. It's just the principle of the thing that gets me.

To Sakurai, a loss is discouraging and makes you not want to play anymore. Of course that's not what many of us believe. He wants a game in which "everyone wins" because they did their best. If you lose to a random bomb-omb appearing in your face, it's all good fun. Again this is not the way many of us think.

Sakurai didn't want Melee to be competitive. Basically he failed miserably there. So, he took every measure to make sure Brawl is not competitive. He will fail again, because we will make it competitive. It will never be quite as deep as Melee, but I believe it can come pretty close. Regardless, I agree with everyone who's said Brawl is simply more fun than Melee.


Tripping is dumb. It's not a HUGE influence on the game though, unless it's Diddy's bananas causing it in which case it's intentional.

Items off in tournament conditions. On if you want 'em in friendly matches. This is not even up for debate.

I have beem switching characters so much nowadays, and my old mains and alts have become horrible as a result of playing other characters so much. I don't know WHO I'm maining anymore, but as of now my Dedede wins more often than my Metaknight. Too many awesome characters to try out.

Tripping is dumb. It's not a HUGE influence on the game though, unless it's Diddy's bananas causing it in which case it's intentional.

Items off in tournament conditions. On if you want 'em in friendly matches. This is not even up for debate.

I have beem switching characters so much nowadays, and my old mains and alts have become horrible as a result of playing other characters so much. I don't know WHO I'm maining anymore, but as of now my Dedede wins more often than my Metaknight. Too many awesome characters to try out.

Brawl is the first fighting game I've played where I can't seem to pick one character I like more than all the rest.

Now, if Yoshimitsu is in Smash 4, though...


Now, if Yoshimitsu is in Smash 4, though...

Oh man, he'd have toon link's midair down slice except you could just keep bouncing. "Futile!" BOING. "Futile!" BOING.

EDIT: Except you're probably talking about tekken.

Oh man, he'd have toon link's midair down slice except you could just keep bouncing. "Futile!" BOING. "Futile!" BOING.

EDIT: Except you're probably talking about tekken.


Final Smash: TURNING SUICIDE WITH PETAL SPINS (and subsequent death)!

EDIT: I think Yoshimitsu and Toon Link would be best of friends.

Please, please go play GT's Ganon, and then tell me you feel the same way about him.

please son just because gt is better than me does not mean that Ganon is a good character, besides he has to switch to a different character to say beat atma's olimar


In regards to tripping, I've found it happen only in 2 instances: when one walks or runs back and forth a lot, or when one breaks into a run from rest. So walk, don't run, or take to the air often.


Thalzon, any action while grounded can make you trip. I've tripped while attempting shield grabs, jumps, attacks while running (after the initial dash animation has concluded), as well as from tilting (which would initiate a walk animation, not a run animation).

Also, there is air tripping, though I have not yet experienced this. All the cases so far include Olimar present in the match.

. So far, people have not discovered a way to escape it once it occurs until they land on the ground (which results in the tripped stance on the ground where you are sitting on your butt), are hit, or fall to their death.

Towards Jam's essay: You've got some good points on bringing the wii to the casual market. Because that is their goal, they need to re-introduce gaming, sort of. Games need to be easy to not scare off the casuals or the people that are considering getting into the gaming scene. But, who's to say what Nintendo will do once they've established this? Perhaps after they have succeeded, their philosophy will change. "Alright, now that we have everyone, we can make games harder because no one will want something so easy, because after they've played it, it'll be even easier, so they need something harder to be entertained." Perhaps this will lead to the reverse: the next platforming mario game will be what to us, already gamers, mario galaxy should have been, a sequel to mario 64 in the sense of gameplay (more in difficulty for a platformer). Smash 4 will be what brawl, to us, should have been, the sequel in gameplay to melee, as melee was to smash 64. With this, they might change their online policy, as if their goal is to bring in more gamers, then they indoubtedly haven't played games online before, and Nintendo would want it to be easy and enjoyable for those who haven't played a game online before.

Who's to say this will happen? Who knows. But I for one hope it does. I got a wii because I thought I would enjoy the new aspect of gameplay it'll bring (and for brawl, of course) with it's intuitive controls. But if Nintendo keeps doing things as they are and NOT appealing to people who have been playing video games a while now, a lot of people, including myself, will be disappointed.


Sorry to be the bringer of bad news. I'm sort of surprised there are people that still remember me.

I don't know how frequently I'll be stopping by, but I just wanted to see if there was anything going on here for April Fool's and I saw the Brawl thread, so I decided to check it out.

Glad to see I know a few names posting in the thread, but I'm sure a bunch of the people from the Melee thread are here with different names, as it's been years.

Also, I don't main Link anymore (surprised?), though I play him from time to time. Anyone want to take a guess at my new main (don't spoil it if you already know)?


I've yet to experience air-tripping in the game, and that is the only video I've seen of it. It makes me wonder whether or not it was just a glitch in that one scenario.

If it does exist (which seems extremely unlikely, given how especially detrimental it would be to recovering characters, even when compared to normal tripping), it is rare enough to where it doesn't bother me all that much.


Looks to me like he tripped because he went to the ledge and tried to run off it. Tripping makes you fall forward a bit, so Sonic fell forward off the platform to his doom.

I stand by my earlier statement.

In regards to tripping, I've found it happen only in 2 instances: when one walks or runs back and forth a lot, or when one breaks into a run from rest. So walk, don't run, or take to the air often.

Tripping is random, it's not caused by doing anything specific. I can run back and forth pretty quickly (even just stay in one little space) and have never tripped doing it although it's possible since tripping is RANDOM, but doing it specifically does not trigger a trip.

The only times I've tripped is while moving slowly (walking around), turning in place, walking from a stop. Maybe I've tripped while more active, but have never noticed, I've seen others trip though while being more active.

please son just because gt is better than me does not mean that Ganon is a good character, besides he has to switch to a different character to say beat atma's olimar

:3 .

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