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OCR00909 - Stunt Race FX "Thin Glow"


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Thanks for posting this, djp! Also thank you all for your kind comment and constructive criticisms. Now for The Making Of Thin Glow ... First, this was my entry for IMC8 and it won by 1 point. Please check out Classic Smack's and Maniac's entries here.

Guitar - Guitar tracks are me playing my strat through the Amplitube VST plug-in. The riffs go through an automated highpass filter at times. For the lead guitar I automated the auto-wah unit over time and gave it a deep chorusing effect.

Bass - It's a similiar patch to the bass I made in Sonik Azure but this time I overdrove the analogue input. Distortion = Fun.

Drums - I purchased these samples from my local Guitar Center and sequenced a 4 bar rhythm to hold the track together. Ran it through a 4.4:1 compressor for punch and did some eq to give the snare some snap.

Marimba - A marimba patch off my JV1010 but run through a deep chorus and stereo echo... this makes it sound more like a bell and less a marimba.

Warbly Lead - Two detuned sine waves with lots of portamento, with analogue overdrive. It sounded too unusual to use by itself, so I paired it with the marimba during the chorus.

Pad - Interesting string pad off my Waldorf MicroQ. I didn't make it, it's a preset I downloaded. Interesting: The first time the melody in the middle-section appears, the pad is delayed behind the marimba. The second time, it attacks before the marimba.

303ish - A patch I made on my Virus C automating a filter envelope, going through the analogue overdrive of my Sherman Filterbank. Much delay.

Ending - This seems to be the dominant criticism so I will address it: It is abrubt. In retrospect, too abrupt, it hadn't bothered me enough to change it so I left it the way it was. In the future I will try to give more attention to abrupt endings. But hey, going through your playlist with crossfading... you'll never notice! :D

Take it easy, everyone!

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I have been downloading remixes from OCRemix for looong time. There have been some really good ones (and I am picky about what's good and what's not.) However, this mix was SO good, I was compelled to post about it. I couldn't get enough of the melody/chorus. All the instruments were perfect for the job, and excellent quality. Regarding the ending, heck, I'll just add a fade to it, or loop it forever!

A lot of you guys at OCR do top-notch work. Thanks to you all for the listening pleasure.

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i know ive listened to analoq's aquacadence and sonik azure, but this one just seems the best out of his mixes. more like they get better and better with each new addition :) i just love every aspect of this, EVEN the ending. i didn't notice a problem with it..i was too busy grroving :wink: keep up the good work analoq!! (three 1st place, wow!)

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I know people say this about seemingly everything, but, it sounds like Radiohead. (which rules BTW) I mean, listen to something like "Let Down" or "No Surprises". The wall of sound and heavy distortion that make it's production top-notch are very similar to those songs. Anyone else think so? That's just the first thing I thought.

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  • 1 month later...

I'll tell you guys right now (whether you believe me or not is up to you):


I'm dead serious. All day long I sit through hell (aka School) just so I can come home and listen to this first thing. It is THAT good. Good up the excellent work, Analoq :)

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  • 10 months later...

I agree with Kamikaze Noodle, this does sound like radiohead. I love the acid rock vibe it's got going on. I read the "making of" section and while I'm ignorant to most of it (mostly the technicality of it), I will say that you know just the right combination of instruments to get the sound you want. Brilliant.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it me, or does this remix sounds exactly like the background song of the Fruitopia Commercial in theaters?

I'm not sure if any but me noticed, and that commercial probably doesn't even play in the US. So, has anyone living in Canada, or more precisly Quebec, noticed that?

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Ah wow everytime I hear one of analoqs songs it only grows on me and I love even more! Starting out with some distorted power chords but quickly moving into an extremely groovy beat, again analoq impresses us all! Stunt Race FX had some pretty crazy melody and I'ld say analoq chose the perfect lead for this song

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  • 4 months later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Great arrangement of a great piece. It's got a very laid back 2 feel to it. I'm impressed with how well it takes the original and just runs with it, especially the seamless integration of the synth counter-melody behind the airy main theme. I also like the anagram title...Night Owl >rearrange> Thin Glow

Definitely recommend this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Loving that bass sound a whole lot, and the part is pretty funky too. I'm not huge on the melody that much, but I certainly am grooving. Some sections are mixed a little strange, like when the drums get filtered, but the sounds chosen are all really solid. I'm in love with that 303. Oh, what i'd do with one of those...

When it comes in with the full rhythm guitar backing, is when everything clicks for me, including the aforementioned melody.

Took a few listens, as it didn't immediately grab me (besides that superhot bass), but I've really come around to this one. Good stuff.

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Funny this got bumped, I was just thinking about this remix the other day...

I've never had any of my music referred to as a "stoner anthem" before or since this remix. I wonder why it earned praise from some of Mary Jane's faithful patrons.

Not that I'm complaining, on the contrary, I'm trying to figure out how to duplicate this sort of response. :<

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