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Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business - History

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well i think when it comes to donating it's really about how you value three things (at the moment). 1. DKC2 2. Music 3. Money. I like dkc2 a lot, i've been playing music since elementary school, and 40 bucks was just 5 hours of work saved up (i'm only a frosh in college). It really just depends on how you look at it. Do you guys donate to wikipedia when Jimmy Wales asks? I've put a decent amount of effort into it for a few years: (Wikipedia 1.0), so I do.

Anyway, if you wanna read my garbage ^^^ up there, feel free. ok: YAY RELEASE DATE!!!

I might've missed it before but, is there a promotional banner that we could post to a blog or something to link to the completed project page?


Muuuch more to promotion of an album than a front page spotlight; that's not even mentioning that it rotates between five spotlights anyway. More like "sharing" than "pushed out of." Xeno also had a trailer, and if you really want an indication of a more imminent release, the trailer for this one is in the works now. I may turn out to be a bigger bottleneck than Dave or Jake.


Personally I'm hyper-excited for this. I HAVE EXCITEMENT! (I've been playing too much Mario & Luigi...) Still, as long as this gets finished I'll be happy. So, finish up, djp. FOR GREAT JUSTICE! FOR EVERLASTING PEACE!

(I've played so many games, various lines now make their way into my mode of speech...That means I'm a true gamer!)


The estimated 16 tracks I most anticipate are the background music tracks for the levels (such as the volcano, bramble, and jungle levels). I breathed a short sigh of relief because now all the level environments are accounted for. Now, it's just the title screen and Funky's theme. Our goal is in sight!

Speaking of Funky Kong, what did you all think of his appearance in Mario Kart Wii?

While it certainly is true that a lot of people have to put in a lot of effort to complete the album even after all the tracks are done, I will say with complete honesty that I most likely would've donated money towards the project had I been able to see more progress and better commitment to a due date.

What was in the first post?

I'm sorry but if I'm putting money towards something I'd like to see progress on it. But here we are with no teaser images of a cd cover or a website layout or anything other than some preview tracks for some online radio programs. And yes, we don't really have any right or reason to complain about getting this music for free but everyone who donated money has a damn good reason to keep bugging you about these things. I can assure you that if you were to post a definite, for sure, 100% set in stone release date or your money back, you'd get every dollar you asked for to finance the album, website, promotional printings, etc....Heck, if it's under triple digits I'd pay for the rest myself. But - no release date, no $, so I will wait. Sorry for the rant but I've been following this project since it was just rumors and every time I get the urge to donate I hear about more delays and people not getting stuff done and I decide not to. This was something I've been meaning to say since you missed the "before 2010" release date.

************NEW SUBJECT*********

Taucer's original post was 3-01-08....any chance 3-1 might be the magic day?

lol entitlement much



We had a date set a few weeks ago and have been moving to get things done. It looks like we're in good shape to release then, just need djp to finish his tracks (which he HAS been working a lot on for the past few weeks, even deferred addressing some site stuff to work on them) and need to check up on the website status which OA should have about ready.


ah i'm so excited! commence countdown!

yooo wesley, let me know when you send out physical copies. i will hire a man to intercept the package and bring it to me!



Heh, I knew not to hold my hold my breath, though there was a glimmer of hope that it would come out next week. Oh well, I'm glad to hear that djp has been working heavily on the tracks. Much kudos goes to him for putting off other jobs he needed to do; I know it's not exactly something you can easily put down.

looks like i might've been too optimistic :-( - but just so everyone knows djp has been working real hard on his song. I know he has poured a ton of time into it, so let's relax here. Its been on high priority with him for a while.

Why am I not surprised? Now the whole project is RUINED

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