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I've always thought membership cards were pretty neat. I'm actually a card-carrying member of the Star Wars Fanclub (my card sits in the middle pouch in my trifold wallet, right behind my credit card).

Now, in an official capacity, it'd be way too difficult and/or expensive to do, but I thought it'd be neat if we, as a community, could come up with some kind of template that a person could customize in order to print out an OCR Membership Card. That way you could say that you're a card-carrying member of OC ReMix.

Any thoughts? Here are some ideas:

* Forum name

* Some kind of barcode generated from a person's forum ID#. Useless, but barcodes are oh-so-official.

* Special symbols on the card for staff members (like a gavel for judges or something)

* A special symbol for a remixer

* We could do a new design every year, or maybe even every season

My past threads (OCR-tan, Judge Cereal, and Mix Title T-Shirts) have brought out some of the best and creative stuff I've seen from this community.

Do not disappoint me, comrades. Let's see what you've got.

I've always thought membership cards were pretty neat. I'm actually a card-carrying member of the Star Wars Fanclub (my card sits in the middle pouch in my trifold wallet, right behind my credit card).


* Forum name

* Some kind of barcode generated from a person's forum ID#. Useless, but barcodes are oh-so-official.

Actually, a barcode could be kind of useful. It could contain the join date and status of a OCR member, like judge/remixer/project head/mod... you would have to make up a program that would actually make sense of said barcode, but for that extra touch of awesomeness, you can make it encode actual info. But does anyone here know how to make barcodes? And would it really be worth the effort? Maybe if we ever needed a crazy secret ID card for something, like an OCR only room MAGFest or something.

* Special symbols on the card for staff members (like a gavel for judges or something)
And mods, project leaders, big contributors, etc... Why stop with just staff. This whole page is full of elitist bastards like us.
* A special symbol for a remixer
No turntables, please. That's so 90s.
* We could do a new design every year, or maybe even every season
There are about sixty trillion artists here at any given time, and most of them do sig image requests. Lots of potential talent to use.
I only know of one. Who is the other?

Dunno... ffmusicdj?

I'm down with this concept, not necessarily as a membership card, but as a badge of identification (much like DragonAvenger's "Hello, My Name Is" thing during VGL at D.C.). Leaving aside the other stuff, during meetups and get-togethers, keeping track of everyone and their connections to OCR becomes extremely easy... and makes us all look important too. :mrgreen:

I'm on it.


You could have special cards for events like MAGFest and Otakon. Stuff that could easily be attached to your MAGFest ID or Otakon ID. Of course, this could be done for other conventions too.

*Special symbols on the card for staff members (like a gavel for judges or something)

And mods, project leaders, big contributors, etc... Why stop with just staff. This whole page is full of elitist bastards like us.

And Sig makers:mrgreen:

Anyway, I think this would be cool, I'd help.

More like no turntables because there's only like two actual DJs here.

Whatabout lowly FM DJ's such as myself? =P


Couldn't we make use of the vCard feature? I know you were talking about a physical card, but this way we can distribute them more easily, and if we really want to get a laminated version we can.


Well...I'm workin' on something, and it's not great, but at the very least it's a solid template.

I'd upload a sample but ThaSauce is down, which is why I can't finish it either because I have resources in my DIRs there that I can't get to.

BUt basically right now it's a pretty well-organized PSD that's in CMYK color, 200 DPI, 88.60mm x 58.98mm (or whatever). Verdana fonts for easy editting across the border. Really basic, if any, layer blending.

Needs a lot of work but...a solid start.

Can a brother get some hand drawn pre-pro in the house? Bean? SGX? sindra? anyone? D:

Well...I'm workin' on something, and it's not great, but at the very least it's a solid template.

I'd upload a sample but ThaSauce is down, which is why I can't finish it either because I have resources in my DIRs there that I can't get to.

BUt basically right now it's a pretty well-organized PSD that's in CMYK color, 200 DPI, 88.60mm x 58.98mm (or whatever). Verdana fonts for easy editting across the border. Really basic, if any, layer blending.

Needs a lot of work but...a solid start.

Can a brother get some hand drawn pre-pro in the house? Bean? SGX? sindra? anyone? D:

Well hell...what do you want? I'd need specifics.

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