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Yeah, why the hell isn't there a big birthday thread like there used to be? More importantly, why do you all feel the need to make a thread about a day that is probably insignificant to almost every other poster here(no offense, it's just that we don't know who you are. This IS the internet after all).

These things are on the same level of fad threads at this point.

  DrumUltimA said:
that's fine and all, but I'm going to need my own thread come my birthday. you understand.

I agree. Doug and I share the same birthday and for the past couple years he's gotten a thread and I haven't, so this year I'm going to need my own thread too.

  Skrypnyk said:
Or even better, PM the person a happy birthday. It'll be that much more special :3

Somehow I don't think that will pan out for those of us who aren't OMGURAWSUM popular on this site.


We're not making a birthday subforum.

Look, I hate to say it, but every single forum member does not deserve their own thread. Not even every remixer does. We're all thinking this, but no one wants to say it. We simply have too many for that to be realistic, and now that it's the new fad, the forum is getting clogged.


I guess it is getting a bit out of hand, isn't it?

Not that I mind, personally. Kinda makes ya feel special, both getting a thread and making one. Still, I suppose in the interest of all involved, it would be best to make a single thread and bump it come time for birthdays. And to think, I coulda had my own thread in a month.

  zircon said:
We're not making a birthday subforum.

Look, I hate to say it, but every single forum member does not deserve their own thread. Not even every remixer does. We're all thinking this, but no one wants to say it. We simply have too many for that to be realistic, and now that it's the new fad, the forum is getting clogged.

prune them then

the day most of them were made for are long gone and they have no purpose being in the forums anymore


yes, because having SO MANY BIRTHDAY THREADS is a HUGE STRAIN ON THE SERVER and the amount of time it takes to ignore them is a huge burden on our psyches.

seriously. almost every forum i am a part of has a birthday thread for individual users. maybe it's just me, but i find the notion that having individual threads for users who celebrate their birthdays equating to a cause for some form of burden of to be hilariously retarded.

hilariously. retarded.

-= george =-

  norg said:
yes, because having SO MANY BIRTHDAY THREADS is a HUGE STRAIN ON THE SERVER and the amount of time it takes to ignore them is a huge burden on our psyches.

seriously. almost every forum i am a part of has a birthday thread for individual users. maybe it's just me, but i find the notion that having individual threads for users who celebrate their birthdays equating to a cause for some form of burden of to be hilariously retarded.

hilariously. retarded.

-= george =-

1) Signing posts is gay, this is 2008.

2) Just beacuse you don't mind sifiting through happy birthday shit on the first page doesn't mean we have to.

3) Having so many birthday threads is not a huge strain on the server and why you even wasted our time typing this out for no actual purpose puts a strain on my brain.

4) Having a birthday thread for every individual I DON'T KNOW IS AWESOME.

One thread, one compilation, problem solved. Don't be a rebel, don't be a dick.


Happy birthday threads are nice in thought but are totally unnecessary. I'm tired of coming onto the main page to check the last 5 topic bumped and three out of the five are birthday threads.


I too would like to wish NEEDS TO STOP a very happy birthday and look forward to many future contributions from NEEDS TO STOP to this community.

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