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today is declaration day at most universities and colleges around the US. if you haven't declared your intent to attend a college and participate in a program, then you probably aren't going to college next year.

i declared for ithaca college's graduate sax performance degree yesterday. i'll be spending the next two years learning crazy things on the sax, like how to play three notes at once and how to triple-tongue and why anyone actually writes that kind of weird crap into music.

where are YOU headed next year?


Already in college. Freshman at University of California at Irvine. Majoring in Psychology and Social Behavior and planning on declaring a double major in Criminology. Also adding an Education Minor.


The real world.

I'm trading in an undergrad business program with honours in accounting for a job at an accounting firm as a CA student.

Goodbye paying money to study my ass off, hello working full time and studying my ass off.

  the prophet of mephisto said:
what major? or undecided?

falchion, don't work too hard. it's all work till you die after undergrad, don't forget to party up a bit beforehand =)

Haha, I can't wait to graduate. As is I don't have any free time. Life will be so much easier when I'm done, as I'll be able to actually devote entire 8 hour blocks to working, instead of having to worry about going to classes and doing homework. As is, I have to squeeze in all the work that I do to earn money in between my school schedule.

  BardicKnowledge said:
I'm headed to the University of Minnesota next year. It's one of the schools where I didn't get accepted, but my fiancee's offer was so good that we couldn't turn it down. It's very likely that I'll be able to take a few classes in the spring term, so I'll only be a semester behind with my own graduate work.

Fine! Leave Iowa State!


Transferring into the PhD program in my department (Mathematics) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (also known as Illinois to sports buffs, or U of I). When I got my petition acceptance email, I almost cried, I was incredibly close to getting kicked out at one point due to GPA, literally getting saved by my final in one class, and then raising my GPA high enough to almost meet the PhD program minimum GPA.

  Bahamut said:
Transferring into the PhD program in my department (Mathematics) at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (also known as Illinois to sports buffs, or U of I). When I got my petition acceptance email, I almost cried, I was incredibly close to getting kicked out at one point due to GPA, literally getting saved by my final in one class, and then raising my GPA high enough to almost meet the PhD program minimum GPA.

Damn that's rough. Congrats on getting in though. I'm sure you must have been busting your ass to meet the requirements.

  Vivi22 said:
The real world.

I'm trading in an undergrad business program with honours in accounting for a job at an accounting firm as a CA student.

Goodbye paying money to study my ass off, hello working full time and studying my ass off.

Cool, I'm at Valparaiso University entering my last semester in the fall in the 150 credit hour accounting degree, planning on sitting for my CPA right out of school.

That's the plan anyway.


I'm committing academic incest at Auburn University... I'm wrapping up my undergrad math degree in a month, and I'm sticking around to get a Masters in math and math education.

  Vivi22 said:
The real world.

I'm trading in an undergrad business program with honours in accounting for a job at an accounting firm as a CA student.

Goodbye paying money to study my ass off, hello working full time and studying my ass off.

that's what I'm doing - the working full time and studying full time I mean.

I'm lucky however - QUT's current engineering masters courses are geared around people working, so it's all after-hours classes, and a subject is covered entirely in 5-6 weeks - two weeks intensive lectures (Tuesday and Thursday evenings, all-day Saturday) and then an assignment and an exam. And then onto the next subject! I'm currently halfway through Maintenance and Reliability Management, and with only another three subjects to go.

Work's also cool with it - they're more interested in results than hours spent getting them. So if I rock up for only four hours a day and yet still give them the results they want, they're happy. Which means I get paid. Which makes me happy. Oh, and the work is interesting, uses my undergrad degree, and is of a suitably challenging nature.

Yeah, my life rocks.


Elementary school teacher at UNT, my major is technically "Visual Arts Developement" but I don't really want to teach art so much as children in general. I hope that some day I can eventually work to improve the crappy education system here, but it's quite a longshot the way Texas is. :S

I've got something like 60 credit hours left to take, that is to say I have nothing left but Studio Art Classes and teacher training courses to attend.


Alot of schools the dead line is actually May 1st. Anyways, I hope to attend the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute next fall and I plan to major in Biochemistry

  Bigfoot said:

I'm actually changing my major to Meteorology.

Meteorology is great. I wanted to do atmospheric sciences at one point but realized that I hated the hard sciences. Nevertheless, the courses are really fun.

I'm hopefully going to be doing an MA in communication this fall. I've been accepted by the department but am awaiting confirmation by the senate of graduate studies or something.

Anyway, the best part is I got in on the basis of ludology (or "game studies" - check wikipedia if you want to know more). Obviously, as a gamer, I'm really excited about it, since I get to study this stuff for two years. I actually considered making a thread about video games and academic work a while ago, to see if anyone was interested in it, but I recall making a thread about narrative in gaming a few years ago which bombed.

After the MA I'm hoping to get into law and follow this guy's path:


Hmm, yeah that's probably about it.

Edit: why do you guys get until April :(

My application was due in January...

  Jarvi said:
Alot of schools the dead line is actually May 1st. Anyways, I hope to attend the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute next fall and I plan to major in Biochemistry

that's interesting. it's a tax thing, which is why most schools have their deadline by april 15th. i know some state schools are may 1st, particularly in the south, but i was under the impression that all private schools needed to declare by tax day.

edit - note, hobo, that i was talking about declaration day, not application due dates =) so, we've all already heard, and we've now decided.

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