Arek the Absolute Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 Due to the controversy over this whole situation, I do not think that messaging Zircon or Pixietricks would be the best idea. Asking neutral party's opinions would be best since they do not have a bias one way or another.
Brushfire Posted May 21, 2008 Author Posted May 21, 2008 Even if I can produce without permission, I would prefer to get the go ahead from DJP. My ideas for the show are to have a segment for ReMixes, a segment for video games reviews, a segment for up and coming games, and then a random thought corner. I have all the equipment nessicary to record everything, and the software to edit it. The only things I lack are the go ahead from Boss-Man and a place to host it (though I might get my buddy over at to host it for me).
Bahamut Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 No, Aurora said this: I don't find her explanation acceptable after I saw pixie's response, that they did very little to help her when she took the reigns of the podcast.
Arek the Absolute Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 Regardless of who said what, VGDJ was intended to be a public thing, and I am certain that most would love to see it's revival. Controversy aside, let's get it goin again like good OLD times.
The Coop Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 Read the content policy, and come up with a catchy/goofy name or acronym of your own. When you're ready, make a new thread announcing the new podcast, and then you'll be good to go. No "ownership" drama, no "permission" needs, no "OCR representation quality" arguments (which I'm sure will come up with the VGDJ name), no nothing. Just you, some mixes, and a little chit-chat scattered in-between for however long you feel like doing it. That's my advice.
Dhsu Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 No "ownership" drama The fact this even exists is just sad.
OverCoat Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 It's a podcast, guys. Also, once again, I urge someone to do a live radio show on Sunday night instead :3 hell, I'll do it if I have to. I just need to get some things first.
Brushfire Posted May 21, 2008 Author Posted May 21, 2008 It's a podcast, guys.Also, once again, I urge someone to do a live radio show on Sunday night instead :3 hell, I'll do it if I have to. I just need to get some things first. I was thinking of doing a live video cast but that would be waaaaaaay to difficult. I would like to do one though. If I could figure out how to pull it off, I'd probably do it when the Tokyo Game Show came around.
Kanthos Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 i'd like to see it come back More meetup report and meetup report themesong
Brushfire Posted May 21, 2008 Author Posted May 21, 2008 That is it then. I will do a pilot for an unofficial OCR podcast and see what folks think. Gimme two weeks.
zircon Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 Just wanted to post briefly to mention that Jill is down in Baltimore right now for graduation (and has no internet) so this comes up at an inopportune time, since she can't weigh in. But I can say that not wanting to give over "ownership" is not really what our views were (or are.) I think if someone is truly interested in running a new podcast they should go ahead and record a pilot episode, then sending it to us to check it out would be a good place to start. I believe Jill put that out there last time this discussion came up too, but no one ended up sending anything. Honestly though, I think this is not even really the main issue at hand. As Wingless pointed out, doing a podcast is an immense ammount of work. Even when things go smoothly and there are no technical problems, doing a weekly show requires a lot of prep, post-production, and motivation. It's great that people like the idea of an official podcast and want to jump right in, but (and no offense to ThaSauce) I don't think it would be doing the community any favors to revive VGDJ only to have it die shortly after because the host(s) lose interest after they realize how hard it is to maintain. So, y'all just calm down for a bit - to reiterate if anyone is interested, AND realizes the big commitment, they should focus on creating a test episode and sending it over. I would recommend not posting it in public to avoid any conflicts with other people interested (there really isn't any need for drama.) And of course, unofficial podcasts have always been encouraged... the less work for the site staff right now, the better, considering the panel is really behind at the moment because of nearly all the judges running into big patches of IRL. That's our main concern at the moment.
Dyne Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 but (and no offense to ThaSauce) None taken. It is a phenomenal amount of work, and does require a lot of motivation. And if you're in a team environment, it requires team work. But believe it or not, zircon is right in that it's most definitely a time consuming process.
The Author Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 The best idea is to make a pilot. One, you'll see how much work it is. Two, we'll see what you have to give. Three, I like the number three. It's not a bad idea to try and revive it, and I feel that anyone telling you not to try would not be doing this in the interest of the community. However, should it not be to the standards of quality established previously, be prepared to not have your "pilot" picked up.
The wingless Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 In an effort to keep the inexplicable drama going Zircon, when you hosted VGDJ, I could hear your fucking Sasquatchian arms rubbing together and it sounded like velcro, you goddamn Yeti! You Harry and the Hendersons! SHAVE YO' GODDAMN ARMS!
DrumUltimA Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 The best idea is to make a pilot.One, you'll see how much work it is. Two, we'll see what you have to give. Three, I like the number three. Four, ... Five, PROFIT!!!
zircon Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 RD, just as an addendum, I wouldn't expect that anyone would immediately have something as polished as VGDJ where we left it. That's not the standard we would use then, to be fair. After all we had plenty of episodes to practice and hone our skills, not only in presentation of content but in editing, delivery, writeups, site maintenance, etc. But certain core qualities would have to be there, such as motivation and a sense of responsibility (again so that the show doesn't just stop after a few weeks), community involvement, a format that generally "works", etc. In consideration of that last point, I'm curious but slightly skeptical of a single-person show: even on VG Frequency, a big part of the fun was that Larry regularly had call-ins and live conversations. Some kind of interpersonal dynamic is, IMO, an important component in engaging listeners or viewers in almost any format.
Brushfire Posted May 21, 2008 Author Posted May 21, 2008 RD, just as an addendum, I wouldn't expect that anyone would immediately have something as polished as VGDJ where we left it. That's not the standard we would use then, to be fair. After all we had plenty of episodes to practice and hone our skills, not only in presentation of content but in editing, delivery, writeups, site maintenance, etc. But certain core qualities would have to be there, such as motivation and a sense of responsibility (again so that the show doesn't just stop after a few weeks), community involvement, a format that generally "works", etc. In consideration of that last point, I'm curious but slightly skeptical of a single-person show: even on VG Frequency, a big part of the fun was that Larry regularly had call-ins and live conversations. Some kind of interpersonal dynamic is, IMO, an important component in engaging listeners or viewers in almost any format. I know right off the bat that I will not be able to do a weekly podcast. But there lies one of the big things that kinda didn't work about VGDJ (No offense is ment to anyone involved), but there were weeks when the site hadn't updated and there would be no mixes to review. Not a big deal, but if you want to promote a site, you would probably want fresh material each episode. That being said, if this does take off, a new show will appear every two weeks. As far as the time commitment is concerned, I don't have class, and I can write the script at work, so I don't see much of a problem there. As for the live conversation and audience interaction, that will be a bit tricky seeing as I live in Japan and international direct dial rates are crazy high. Plus the 14+ hour time difference. Also I can't answer people's questions that would be emailed to be about the site unless I was giving consent to do so (I'd probably have to run a disclaimer stating that my views and opinions are strictly mine). I am putting a lot of thought into this. Also what are your thoughts on profanity, if any. I know that sounds kinda silly, but I don't want people knocking on my door because I said unpleasant words. I don't recall any swearing in VGDJ but I just want to know before I start my first draft script.
zircon Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 I appreciate that you're putting a lot of thought into this, Brushfire. Jill and I actually agree that a weekly show in many ways is not ideal, looking back, because it's not only more of a drain but as you said, sometimes there's just nothing to really talk about. To answer your question at the bottom, there was limited swearing on VGDJ. I'd say it was about PG-13 level.
Dhsu Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 Not to mention the minute you drop the f-bomb, people start making dance remixes of it.
sephfire Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 PixieMix stands as one of my proudest achievements. In consideration of that last point, I'm curious but slightly skeptical of a single-person show: even on VG Frequency, a big part of the fun was that Larry regularly had call-ins and live conversations. Some kind of interpersonal dynamic is, IMO, an important component in engaging listeners or viewers in almost any format. This is key. I'd say one of my favorite parts about the old VGDJ was hearing interviews with the remixers about their latest releases and such. It really strengthens the community-centric feel of the show. I'd enjoy seeing VGDJ resurface someday.
Kanthos Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 Even more than the interaction with guests, it takes a very strong presenter to work solo, in my opinion. Much is added by having a second person, even if that second person is less dominant (think zircon's first few episodes of VGDJ). There's a dynamic that can't be captured by one person.
bladiator Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 In an effort to keep the inexplicable drama goingZircon, when you hosted VGDJ, I could hear your fucking Sasquatchian arms rubbing together and it sounded like velcro, you goddamn Yeti! You Harry and the Hendersons! SHAVE YO' GODDAMN ARMS! Oh Wingless, you continuously keep me checking the forums to see your witty antics. I ... I love you.
zircon Posted May 21, 2008 Posted May 21, 2008 Wingless, when we meet, I shall strike you a blow that will shake the very cosmos. An addendum that I meant to write about earlier but didn't have time to; Jill and I are interested in actually doing some periodic special features again, like we did with VGDJ. OCR as of late has been more and more involved with stuff like VGL as well as composer interviews, and thanks to thinks like HD Remix we're becoming more and more respected as a community. One of the most fun parts about VGDJ for us was being able to do those special features, like reporting from Otakon, for example. Jill has been so busy with school that it hasn't really been realistic to continue doing that, and I've been pretty busy as well, but we think it would be cool to pick it up again now that she's done and has significantly more free time. This doesn't affect what I posted earlier, of course, that we're interested in seeing a pilot from people interested in doing a more regular show.. after all special features might only come up once in awhile.
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