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  Bleck said:
Can we all agree that if a movie cannot be done well it should not be done. I would think this to be friggin' obvious.

This I can definitely agree to. I think if they aren't going to do movies well and make stories with a huge fan base correctly it shouldn't even be done at all, Zelda being one of them.

It's not like it's impossible. The Lord of The Rings triology did this as well as can be expected. Of course the books are 'better' but they did well. I would hate to see them ruin a movie of Zelda. Especially since we would all anticipate it like crazed lunatics.

  Flare4War said:
Hollywood just doesn't have the passion to portrait games correctly

Hehe, I think you meant "portray" ;)

Content in Zelda games can largely be divided into two categories: stuff that's old (been done in other Zelda games, or considered "classic"), and stuff that's new (what differentiates the game from other Zelda titles). The "new" stuff ranges from bizarre and surreal environments and storylines (Majoras Mask), to new gameplay elements (Zelda 2), to a completely different game design (Ocarina of Time), to, erm, turning into a wolf and wiggling your Wii remote around (Twilight Princess). Just as each Zelda game has a slightly different flavour, a movie could tailor its new story, environment, and characters to a style that's appropriate for the big screen.

Now, if making a good movie is no problem for you, the challenge of making a good ZELDA movie is that it needs all the Zelda fundamentals: Link, Ganon, Master Sword, dungeons, etc.. How does one translate dungeons into movie format? I can think of several good movies with a dungeon-like setting that the main characters explore, but cramming several dungeons into one movie (with only ONE character exploring them) could be a problem. Personally, I'd rather not watch a movie consisting mostly of the main character traveling through 3 or 4 different dungeons - that's just not the kind of movie I'd want to watch, and I really don't think it embodies Zelda.

Since the Zelda storyline is so strange and mysterious, a movie that focuses on the grand scheme of things (Ganon trying to attain the triforce to rule the world, stuff involving the "sacred realm" and misc. Hyrule mythos) could potentially be insanely epic. A "coming of age" "boy becomes man" story about Link would obviously be a part of it, but you KNOW exactly how it's going to play out, so that aspect definitely shouldn't be the focus. With any hope, it would be the kind of movie where the average movie-goer would come for the action, but end up enjoying it more for the engaging story, suspense, and of course the downright scary parts.

I really think directors have approached a lot of videogame movies the wrong way.... a lot of movies just end up slapping videogame-character names onto the movie characters (or in the case of the Prince of Persia movie, names that weren't even in the game!). Really, what should be done is take the stuff that's absolutely fundamental to the series (e.g. for DOOM, use the fact that the monsters are FROM HELL), and build on that. What's fundamental in the Zelda series then? Well Link, he come to town - come to save the princess Zelda. Ganon took her away, now the children don't play, but they will when Link saves the day. Hallelujah! Now Link, fill up your hearts, so you can shoot your sword with power. And when you're feeling all down, the fairy will come around, so you'll be brave, and not a sissy coward. Now Link, has saved the day - Put Ganon in his grave. So now Zelda is free, and now our hero shall be: Link! I think your name shall go down into history!

So yeah if they make a movie just like that it should be good.

Speaking of song lyrics and movies:


See how the lyrics to "Darkness Dawning" take stuff that's from the game's plot (however thin) and elaborate on it? Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! Seriously, they should make a DOOM movie based on that song (or on the whole album, heh).


I'm whole-heartedly against the making of any TLOZ movie for the same reason that I'm against the making of any Metroid movie.

Sure the special effects would be sweet. Sure the action would be awesome. Sure the musical score would be nothing short of stellar. But that does not a good movie make.

I'm also staunchly against giving Link a voice. I think that he should forever be the silent hero no matter the consequences. The same goes for Samus (and in hindsight, Corruptions voiceovers were so bad that I don't even want to know how much Samus would've gotten butchered in the process).

As it is, Twilight Princess is already too dangerously close to a Zelda movie (since Nintendo focused on cinematics over just about everything else, including gameplay). I'd prefer to just leave Zelda where it is for now - on consoles where it should be.


It would take some creativity, but I think it could be done.

Some requirements, though:

Link must not talk. (As I said, it would take some real creativity to make a 2 hour movie where the main character doesn't talk, but I'm sure it can be done).

Ganondorf must be played by (in order of preference) Clint Eastwood, Jack Nicholson, or Hugo Weaving.

The music must completely own.


IMHO, any video game movie would be as overrated and out-of-context as current super hero movies. Whether it be TLoZ, Metroid or Halo.

They just wouldn't keep up with the expectations and would leave all fans with that empty feeling, something along the lines of "Well.. it could've been better, it could've been like the game, they could've done this or that..."

Despite creativity, special effects, music scores and what not (which would be astonishing, I agree) they just can't take the universe we've all enjoyed and fought through in our consoles and take that feeling of excitement to a movie, were you don't feel as part of a world at all, but rather feel like a powerless spectator. It just won't be the same, they couldn't please everyone with the outcome so IMO, game movies shouldn't be made.

  Flare4War said:
Especially since we would all anticipate it like crazed lunatics.

Yeah. If this Zelda Movie was very, very disappointing.

The director would be in big trouble. He couldn't even walk down the street without seing an angry mob coming to get him, and yes if the movie was absolutely pointless and stupid.

You'd see me running right alongside them. :<

  Xenocrates Luna said:
IMHO, any video game movie would be as overrated and out-of-context as current super hero movies. Whether it be TLoZ, Metroid or Halo.

They just wouldn't keep up with the expectations and would leave all fans with that empty feeling, something along the lines of "Well.. it could've been better, it could've been like the game, they could've done this or that..."

Despite creativity, special effects, music scores and what not (which would be astonishing, I agree) they just can't take the universe we've all enjoyed and fought through in our consoles and take that feeling of excitement to a movie, were you don't feel as part of a world at all, but rather feel like a powerless spectator. It just won't be the same, they couldn't please everyone with the outcome so IMO, game movies shouldn't be made.

I really don't think there's any movie or work of art, OR videogame in existence that has pleased everyone. Unfortunately these things exist.

  Rumina said:
I thought the IGN trailer for the Zelda movie was pretty good, could definitely work :P


Hey, bub, that trailer was terrible. Im tired of people saying it was good. Link looked like Michael Jackson for gods sake. It was terriblr in a funny wy, because it had us thinkinkg, wow theyre making a zelda movie... holy god in heaven its terrible!!!

Zelda looked like just some guys sister.

  Glitch said:
Hey, bub, that trailer was terrible. Im tired of people saying it was good. Link looked like Michael Jackson for gods sake. It was terriblr in a funny wy, because it had us thinkinkg, wow theyre making a zelda movie... holy god in heaven its terrible!!!

Zelda looked like just some guys sister.

Type slower.


I think Nintendo would have taken note at how badly Mario was converted, and said "Never again are we selling our intellectual properties".

In Nintendo Power magazine, when they were looking at the history of Mario, they done a timeline feature on the series. When it came to the movie the caption read:

"Yes, it happened. Let us speak no more of it."

I think the majority of fans feel this way about Mario, and if it's ever sanctioned, it'll be echoed with Zelda. Though GTA3 proved silent protagonists can work in modern times, but it'd be more suited for Link to remain mute because it'd tie in more with the original game.

  Glitch said:
Hey, bub, that trailer was terrible. Im tired of people saying it was good.

Boy am I glad I'm not the only person who thinks so. While it's better than some video game movies have been... *coughmariocough* ...it certainly could be better. It's funny, but for all the wrong reasons.

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