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Hey. I'm here at Kroze's place. Been here since 12:45am or so. No rape has happened yet. :)

Kroze, his girlfriend, Dominique, and myself will likely be taking one vehicle down tomorrow and actually parking and meeting you all at Manayunk.

I need to know if either Sporknight, Xenon, or Kulaman will have a vehicle available to drive here.

I think the original plan was to have Dyne also sleep here, and he would have a car, but since I do not see his name on the list, I can only assume that he won't be crashing here. PLEASE get ahold of Jill, Andy, or myself before 11:00am tomorrow. I will be contacting them in the morning to gather information. (A Private message is fine for me).


A slight twist of events has enabled me to get there sooner. So I should be at the apartment before you leave for 30th Street Station. See you all then.

It sounds like Kulaman is driving so he should have a car available.

Thank ye for the update. We will be meeting you all at Manayunk. Andy, Keep in touch with texts for time planning. :-)


Back from the meet. Going to head out to bars pretty soon. Had a good time today. I'll try to post more and attend more meets in the future. For the sleep over crew, have a good time. Hope you enjoy breakfast tomorrow ^^


The Kroze Krew is now back in New Jersey. Tauce, Nicky, and myself will be leaving early tomorrow and won't be able to make it to the IHOP breakfast tomorrow. To Hyde, Xenon, and Katsu, it was great to meet you. To Kulaman and Spork, you're right behind me...

We'll have the pictures uploaded as soon as we can get a free minute to upload and link them..

- pCe

I've got my videos put together and uploaded. Photos tomorrow (since I took ~50 and probably only got a few good ones).

I remember that story DJP is talking about. It was Dan's fall that diverted the group to the hospital instead of my house out here. U guys should do a summer NYC meetup so I can actually make it sometime...

I remember that story DJP is talking about. It was Dan's fall that diverted the group to the hospital instead of my house out here. U guys should do a summer NYC meetup so I can actually make it sometime...

You should drive down to Philly, Baltimore, or DC/MAGFest or something. :<

T'would be great to meet you.


So I'm back in NY after one of my top 5 worst bus rides ever to get back home. Twas a fun time and am definitely looking forward to seeing some of you guys again.

I remember that story DJP is talking about. It was Dan's fall that diverted the group to the hospital instead of my house out here. U guys should do a summer NYC meetup so I can actually make it sometime...

If people want, I'm willing to go to one sometime in July and I'll post a thread suggesting one tomorrow. The December ones are no good for you?


I need to get a USB cable before I can get my pictures off. I also have more videos.

I just got up after sleeping for 5 hours. I'm sure I didn't need sleep as much as some people but I still needed it.

who the heck is holding the camera

Xerol is. But in his defense, his camera is very small and being that size and weight, it's difficult to keep still.

As for pictures, mine will be up next week. I have a specific place where I like to get my photos developed and scanned rather than your local Target or Rite Aid where some high school kids don't take pride in their work. Other people were using digital though.. they should have no excuse! ;)

It was cool to see/meet everyone though I know I wasn't there long enough to have a meaningful conversation with most everyone that came. Bowling was great. I haven't done it in a long while since the local one by me closed down. I finished half a subway footlong at the train station, which is kind of like a miniature bbq... okay.. it wasn't. But that's fine with me.

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