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Haha yeah the battles are insane, but it's still fun. Edward will die in one hit from the turtles you fight in the antillon cave. His Life Song set up on auto attack

When you get Rydia head up to the water cave and get Tellah as well. That way you'll 3 people for the damage to be spread around enabling Rydia to gain levels faster.

Also setting up the Auto-Attack abilities for Rydia and Tellah to Rod KICKS ASS. Tellah takes off around 240.

Originally Posted by avaris:

When you get Rydia head up to the water cave and get Tellah as well

I thought of that. That third battle that I mentioned earlier (the one that ended my game) came as I was literally approaching the bridge to get Tellah. In other words, like two seconds later I wouldn't have died. Screw you, Final Fantasy IV. You and your damned addictive gameplay that I will continue to play despite having my ass handed to me every time. Screw you.

Isn't that the very definition what games should strive to be? A game that you are addicted to no matter how many times or how hard it kicks your ass

dance dance revolution


So yeah. I had decided last night after posting that I would pick up the game again, and I actually beat that freaking *@#(*& of a boss, the security system of that robot. After a while I actually beat him. Then the game decided to kick me in the balls, and it froze in the cut-scene immediately afterwards, and I had no chance to save. Now I'm starting to think that putting the game down was the right idea in the first place lol.

Oh and the secret to killing this guy is... sh**ik*ns. They do ridiculous amounts of damage. Even compared to a lvl 80 Cecil.


Dammit. I'm jealous of all of you that have the game already. The local music & game store that I pre-ordered it from didn't have it yesterday because their first distributor didn't get the shipment to them for whatever reason, so I have to wait for an indeterminable amount of time before they call me up and tell me I can start to get my FFIV on. :(


I've really got to hand it to the people at Matrox and Square-Enix. This is an amazing remake thus far. I've got two issues in that the stylus controls aren't implemented in a better way and there aren't as many voiced cutscenes as I'd have hoped, but it IS the DS after all.

What it DOES have is amazing graphics that are even better during the voiced cutscenes, and btw the voice-acting is relatively top-notch in my book. No voice sounds out of place and I'm glad they included it.

The mini-games for building up Whyt(Rydia's new eiDOlon... lol) are addicting as all hell. The battle system has a few changes here and there with the modding or adding of all new abilities. Edward is actually useful this time around.

This game earns Malaki's esteemed seal of awesome.

(Also Scarmiglione's second form raped me the first time around...)


Well, it's about the same in terms of difficult, but it has been revamped so that almost none of the same basic strategies continue to work. If you treat it as the same old FFIV and don't take advantage of the new abilities, as others are saying, you will get raped. By a many-tentacled octopus boss.


I picked it up yesterday myself, and yeah, it's only more difficult in that some monsters can take you out unawares. I'm still in the early game (just picked up edgar, haven't played around with him yet) so I can't give a better opinion.

Augments make this game too easy...

Rydia was a beast and cheapened it up too much with Fast talker and 50% mp.

Strange as it is, they say a lot of the features makes the gameplay more similar to the Japanese FF4.

To me, this is by far one of the best DS games and it definitely makes my top 5 Final Fantasy list. And finally, the musical quality isn't totally sacrificed like in most conversions and it actually sounds better on the DS (headsets, not those horrible pair of speakers).

Well, it's about the same in terms of difficult, but it has been revamped so that almost none of the same basic strategies continue to work... you will get raped. By a many-tentacled octopus boss.
Yeah, I noticed that he does more damage when his health is low this time around. By the end, he was practically one-shotting Tellah and Rydia.

So far, one of my favorite things to do in this game is to go to a shop after a member of your party has died. When I only had Cecil and Rydia, I went to a shop and on the bottom screen where it shows the 3D models of the characters, there was Cecil standing next to Rydia, who was lying on the ground. I mean, I guess in RPGs whenever a character dies the others have to carry the corpse around until it can be revived, but actually seeing it laying there on-screen was pretty amusing.

Augments make this game too easy...

Rydia was a beast and cheapened it up too much with Fast talker and 50% mp.

Try playing it without them lol. I was doing the Japanese version, and I found a bunch, but none of the REALLY useful ones. I just didn't use them at all until I was really in a pinch in some places, and I was saying to myself "geez what is my freaking problem?". I guess my major fault is that I tried to treat it like the original for far too long before catching on to its newness.

On another note, I didn't decide to put the game down forever, and decided to fight that boss again. I beat him the second try (for the second time), and it actually made it through the cut scene! Shweet! So yeah, now I am busilly trying to figure out how to get down to fight Bahamut without dying 5 times along the way.

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