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I downloaded the trial, but my direct x is not updated. I downloaded direct x 9.0c or something and just got an exe that extracted several funny looking files into the folder. deleted those and dled from another source getting the same thing. this time i just left them there. Im guessing directx still isnt updated or anything. is there a site i go to to do this? srry noob q\uestion

it has to be a really good game for you to waste more than a sentence or two on it, though

If he starts using capitalization, punctuation and generally complete paragraph structures, it might be the best game of all time.

ill write more later maybe

I imagine most of the game's appeal is being able to customize. I suppose that's what gamers will spend most time on. I just hope it's not like Sims...all I did was customize and build homes but as for playing the actual game...hardly ever...



I ran to our Electronics Boutique (ran - literally) and begged for a pre-order. And then I moved my Sunday shift at work. My buddy and I were thinking of getting there right at opening and just cashing in the pre-order. And this was a week ago. It looks like gaming doing what gaming should be doing - entertaining on my terms. I am so sick and tired of gaming's 'new' phase of coat-tail hangers and designers falling like Lemmings into the 'Be Like Halo' trap. Or the 'Wii is cute!' trap, for those N-Dudes.

Personally, I lost touch with Nintendo after the GCN (bought a Wii, though only really for Virtual Console, a feature that has since been uber-disappointing), and my last vestage of gaming goodness has been either my old SNES and N64 or my compy, an aging pile of poo that gets changed when I go back to school (or the next uber-cheap day at Staples - associates for the win!). It's good to see Spore come out because I really, REALLY want to see gaming become original again. This is a new, awesome idea that I hope will bring sales and thus desire to wow us again. The true-blue gaming community hungers for stuff like this!

So, Wright, thanks from southern Canada! You've saved the heart of one gamer who otherwise would have...umm...played fewer games. Looking forward to the 7th!

why would you buy a wii for vc when you could legally obtain roms

Legally obtaining ROMs requires having the games in the first place, which, for older games, is definitely expensive.

VC = local multiplayer and the ability to play games on an HD TV set easily. Yeah, if you don't care about any of that then I guess use ROMs, but it's pretty cool to have River City Ransom back on my HDTV.


Is spore really all it's cracked up to be?

It has looked quite cool/fun but then again it seems like it could have hidden characteristics that could make it turn gay quite fast...

When it's out long enough for people to have a founded, truthful opinion on it, do post.

Wut he said...

Also I wouldn't be too concern about securom, something to break it will come out eventually

Oh hey for those that feel shitted on by these so called "Anti-Piracy" methods check this out :)!! One's rant that could voice the many of those that can't think of a way to rant.

I do feel screwed over by this whole securom thing since I DO BUY my pc games. As we all know, it's the people who obtain games legally that get screwed over. Either way I will buy it and hope nothing on my pc gets screwed. I figure might as well since I also plan on getting Red Alert 3 (Another EA game)

Good Video. I like how he emphasizes cuss words.


I second that sentiment, Airwalker.

But yeah. I picked it up at Walmart at midnight last night on a whim. I somehow willed myself to sleep last night without playing it myself (though I watched about three hours after starting the install in my room). Played for about 10 hours straight today, all the way to space - received the Galactic God achievement without trying.

I can't really wrap my head around an opinion on the game yet. Definitely in the positive, but I can't fathom how short it comes compared to the hype.

A lot of people are going carnivorous/aggressive/military, but the feeling of purchasing every nation on the planet should not be underestimated.


The game met my expectations. And I read a lot of the hype. I was mostly interested in the designing aspect of the game, and while getting something to work just right is a tad hard, I've had a lot of fun on that side. As for the first four stages of the game--it did get a tad bit tedious, but I wouldn't mind playing through them again going a different route. I just started the Space stage and I've been having fun with that.

Sure, it's not the game to end all games as some believed it would be. They exchanged depth for breadth, and I think that may be what you want to focus on.


Space is crazy, especially if you get two hostile races on two sides of the galaxy deciding they want to attack you and your allies so you have to run back and forth. Fricken Deer men. Thankfully they're all wiped out now.

The other race was really stupid...I took out their homeworld and they surrendered. Not even 4 minutes later they demanded a tribute. So I wiped them out too.

Of all of the phases the one I like the most is either Space or Creature

The least is Civ as it goes really fast and doesn't do much.

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