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About two thirds of the way into the center of the galaxy I went exploring on a planet for a mission. Guess what main herbivore there was? CHOCOBOS! I kid you not, that almost gave a heart attack of sheer surprise, though on second thought, I should have seen it coming.

nice, i myself met Patapon and Murlocs. :-P

So... how's that DRM? Is it as bad as everybody is making it out to be or is it not that much of a problem?

If no one had told me about it, I wouldn't have known it existed. Does that answer the question? :3

So... how's that DRM? Is it as bad as everybody is making it out to be or is it not that much of a problem?

I've not noticed it.

Some new things I heard. Contrary to some rumors, if you reinstall on the same computer, it won't count as another install. However, it is true if you have upgraded the RAM, video card, or something like that, and then reinstall it, it will take another one of your installs. So, it's a mixed bag.

I don't know how bad EA's support may be if you use up your 3 downloads


Well, it was meant to be an update because I find it strange that they would be still stuck over it. Then again, I never liked DRMs, ever. I don't even like it when Steam does something even remotely similar to it.

So... how's that DRM? Is it as bad as everybody is making it out to be or is it not that much of a problem?

DRM that gives you 3 installs and a manual that tells you that you can have more than 1 account, but EA says it's a typo.

I think DRM is hurting their sales more than anything. A lot of people don't want to buy it because of it. In most cases, they want to download it from a torrent instead.


My interpretation of Mother Brain from Super Metroid (Sporepedia deleted this because I-don't-imagine-why, seriously):

I found out why my creatures aren't loading/being deleted. Too complex creatures from CC. Will fix them! Be Back later! The thing is, I load my creatures from the pre-released CC, then I take stuff off and add new things, which surpasses the money you can spend making your creatures. That's the problem! Ted will be up on my page, but slightly different than what you see here, as well as Mother Brain (she lost her "armor") so Sporepedia would load her up.

EDIT POST: Scroll further down to see final uploadable version of Mother Brain.


I found out why my creatures aren't loading/being deleted. Too complex creatures from CC. Will fix them! Be Back later! The thing is, I load my creatures from the pre-released CC, then I take stuff off and add new things, which surpasses the money you can spend making your creatures. That's the problem! Ted will be up on my page, but slightly different than what you see here, as well as Mother Brain.


Final version of Throne of Ted so that Sporepedia would upload it (had to strip the bottom of all details):


Final version of Mother Brain so that Sporepedia would upload it (had to strip off the "armor" on the limbs):


I guess I can add more details to them using the tribal/civ/space editors, but I want to get as much detail in creature so that they show up in creature stage when you have to go fight them one-on-one. Besides, you rarely see the creatures themselves once you're past tribal stage anyhow...

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