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oh yeah i forgot gitaroo man

No one should ever forget Gitaroo Man :-D that game is legendary!

God I replay tons of games-but some just never take my fancy after a single playthrough.

Worst candidate lately has been MGS4.

Some games, like the above mentioned Gitaroo Man, I could pick up for a bit everyday and still not get bored of them :-)


Oh hells yeah. MegaMan X for one, I've beaten that game at least 35 times. Super Metroid I've beaten about 13 times. Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger... yeah, lots.


Much like you Atmuh I played the hell out of Megaman X4 though I think your time is faster than mine. I'd often just play through it as X then the next day I'd go as Zero. Two very different styles yet always enjoyable.

Megaman 4: I enjoyed not only the "megabuster-only" challenge, but the music; especially when I go to Skullman's Stage and Dr. Cossack's Stages.

Legend of Zelda: Just to play the 2nd time around, loved the challenge.

R-Type series: I just love SHMUPS and the epic feeling I sometimes derive completing Super R-Type in the hardest mode...

Punch-Out: I love boxing and have fond memories of playing PO along side with gramps when he would take a try. Still play it though now on the Wii.

Super Castlevania 4: Most gothic of the series and awesome tracks. Lost count how many times I've beaten it. I still play it to this day, though now on the Wii.

As of late:

Persona 3: Messing around with the large variety of "Personae" along with the challenge of killing the Reaper/Nyx Avatar/Elizabeth on hard mode.

Any Touhou Game: That bitch Remilia Scarlets' been robbing me of an awesome score in EoSD; not to mention the extra mode along with the other titles within the series awesome challenges.


The games I've found myself playing over and over again are Ecco the Dolphin, Ecco:The Tides of Time just because the background story is really interesting to me and I enjoy the music/game play. Starfox 64 cause it's pretty awesome, as well as Sonic 2 and S3&k on the PC (to the point where I had all of the super emeralds on all the characters).

Cave Story might add itself to that list once I've had it long enough to warrant more than the token 2-3 runthroughs. I'm sure some day I'll get bored enough to try to speed run Ballos rather than my current 14 minutes, but for now, I'm content to leave it be.

I guess the list would be longer, but I don't really think stuff like Mario Kart/party, Smash bros and the like would count since they're kind of party games rather than play through a story games.

Edit: Oh, and SMW2: Yoshi's Island and Mario RPG.


The Madden Series. No matter how many times you play franchise or whatever over. THE STATS ARE ALWAYS DIFFERENT. They always are. That is why, to me it has the ultimate replay value. Plus I love football xD

Tom Brady Out for the Season haha, I just had to add that.


For me that would be

Sonic 3& Knuckles:

Always as sonic. I really got into trying to speedrun the game. My times are nowhere near ideal. BUT its so fun and Satisfying flying through levels at high speed timing jumps from ramps so that you launch at the highest speed achievable in the game.

Just a great test of memory and reflex set to some really great tunes with nice backgrounds.

Megaman X/X2/X4:

Charge,dash,jump fire,charge,dash,jump,wallkick,fire.

Ive probably played those games through about a 1000 times?

I went through a period (esp wiht sonic) where instead of going to sleep id quickly have a whizz through.

To add.

Crash Bandicoot 2 and 3:

Big fan of those 2 games. sometimes i just realise how great they are when i get cravings, 3D platforming done right IMO.

Gradius V:

I simply cannot get enough of this game. Ill sit and playthrough it 3 times in a row every night in a week. (only get to about stage 3 in loop2 then start over).

Currently trying out different formation types.Type 2 is my default but im finding 3 quite brutish.

Just typing that out is making me want to play all of those right now at the same time

:goes to get a fix:


I don't normally replay games a lot. I beat MGS about 10 times probably but i don't regularly return to it. I think i'm growing out of replaying games and I'll relate it to the MGS series. I played the hell out of 1 and unlocked everything. I beat 2 about 4 times probably, I didn't unlock everything but it was maybe half. MGS3 I only beat once and MGS4 I barely beat once. I just don't have it in me anymore. On 3 and 4 I didn't unlock anything extra, I even stopped caring about being seen. I'm just a lazy gamer these days.

I don't normally replay games a lot. I beat MGS about 10 times probably but i don't regularly return to it. I think i'm growing out of replaying games and I'll relate it to the MGS series. I played the hell out of 1 and unlocked everything. I beat 2 about 4 times probably, I didn't unlock everything but it was maybe half. MGS3 I only beat once and MGS4 I barely beat once. I just don't have it in me anymore. On 3 and 4 I didn't unlock anything extra, I even stopped caring about being seen. I'm just a lazy gamer these days.

I'm lazy in actually looking into new games. I'm kinda stuck in the past, know what I mean?

Anyway, I also played the hell out of MGS1 and 2 (moreso 2 than 1 though) and 3 a couple of times. 4 not yet because no PS3. I have a friend with both a PS3 and 4 though and he's told me enough (not story-wise though)

Also, another series that's fun to play consistently is Mega Man :3 Especially 4 or 7


Not many of these are ones you can beat in a day but these are the ones I've played all the way through multiple times over the years.

Super Mario RPG

Resident Evil 4

Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Zelda: Majora's Mask

Zelda: The Wind Waker

Toejam and Earl

Streets of Rage


Starfox 64

Goldeneye 007

Perfect Dark

Jet Force Gemini

Metal Combat (really hoping they bring this to the VC because my super scope broke)

Metroid Prime

Beyond Good and Evil

With all of these I've played through them at least three times each. As far as long epic games go SMRPG and RE4 are the ones I've played through the most at around nearly ten times each. The shorter games like Starfox 64, Streets of Rage, and Metal Combat I might have played more than just 10 each but it's been a while.


Half Life (pretty much the entire series)

Super Mario RPG

Most of the Zelda games.

Legend of Gaia (Time, if you're not in the US)

That's all I can think up off the top of my head.


I pretty much play Super Smash Brothers Brawl everyday.

I don't really play many games after I beat them. There was a time when I'd do the New Game + modes in some games, but nowadays they fail to keep my attention.


Oh I forgot to mention FFMQ. I know that many hadly classify it as a real FF game, but it was the first RPG I ever beat. The only reason I still go back and play it is because it holds so much nostalgia for me. (And because I love tristian's theme so damn much).


I think it's safe to say that CoD4 is soon entering a legacy phase. Because after about 25 games between purchasing Call of Duty 4 and now putting about 200 hours of gameplay into Soul Calibur 4, I went back to CoD4 and I'm pretty convinced no other FPS games will even touch CoD4 for a while. At least until the rumored sci-fi Call of Duty 6 is made by Infinity Ward.


For me that would be Donkey Kong Country (SNES) and Lylatwars (N64).

Both games are immense fun to play, even today.

I finish DKC in the exact same amount of time each time I play it (1 hour 21 minutes I think). Still know where to find every little secret :)

Lylatwars I must have played at least 5 times a day at some point, just to keep beating my score.

I could never reach "pro" level at any game I have, but with Lylatwars I got pretty close to feeling pretty damn good at it.

There are no games after the GameCube era that have that kind of staying power for me.

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