bladiator Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 I have to agree that I enjoy the more colorful look. Maybe I'm just pansy for liking to have to squint to see stuff, but when they have the tools to make something that gorgeous, it seems dumb to brown it down all UPS style. Quote
Dhsu Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 You can do the whole brown-backlash shtick again if you want, but we don't need more super-deformed, unnaturally-animated, blue-green WC3/WoW-style games either, especially when WC3 already did the Diablo-style dungeon-crawl thing with its indoor missions. Let Diablo have its browns. Quote
Triad Orion Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 I like Blizzard's art direction, and frankly having Diablo being colored more works for me. Remember that this is still probably an early build of the game and we only saw a couple of areas. And really, the bright, defined colors allow Blizzard to display greater environmental and character detail. Frankly, I could see them making some pretty awesome looking monsters with more colors at their disposal. Browns, grays, and darks don't necessarily make a grittier game. Besides how gritty it looks is always second to the quality of gameplay, and Blizzard never disappoints on that. That's what we all play Diablo for, right? Quote
sephfire Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 Given time, the internet will complain about anything. Quote
FlagshipAmadeus Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 Although it promises to be a ton of fun and I will of course buy it the day it comes out, it still looks like an M rated WoW. It has those same rather cartoonish textures on everything, it all looks nice and clean, and the colors are all friendly and whatever. Also, just like in WoW, shadows are strangely missing from things like tables. Disappointingly, Starcraft II also has the same problems with its colors and overall feeling. I sincerely hope that Blizzard changes the art to be darker both in atmosphere and in how much light there is, because this game should be a sequel to the first two Diablo games, not an M rated Warcraft RPG. Quote
maniacodepressif Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 Something tells me Diablo 3 won't make Diablo 2 has oblivious then 1 to 2. What I don't like about all this diablo 3 stuff is...why not just work on sc2 for now? Not that I care for the game, but fans are waiting, and if most are like me...waiting too long makes me care less and less Quote
Bigfoot Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 FlagshipAmadeus said: Although it promises to be a ton of fun and I will of course buy it the day it comes out, it still looks like an M rated WoW. It has those same rather cartoonish textures on everything, it all looks nice and clean, and the colors are all friendly and whatever. Also, just like in WoW, shadows are strangely missing from things like tables. Disappointingly, Starcraft II also has the same problems with its colors and overall feeling. I sincerely hope that Blizzard changes the art to be darker both in atmosphere and in how much light there is, because this game should be a sequel to the first two Diablo games, not an M rated Warcraft RPG. Omg, why does every game have to be compared to WoW? Are we going as far to now compare games that aren't even an MMO to WoW now? Come on. Besides, we haven't even seen all of the "acts" yet. This is just one area along with the inside of a dungeon. Like Coop said, I doubt Blizzard is going to care one bit about this petition. Quote
The Coop Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 Bigfoot said: Wow, people are actually petitioning the game. First people complain about games having too much brown, and now they're complaining about too much color. Gamers these days are too spoiled. They should be happy there's even a Diablo III to begin with. ... You know, I'm not generally one to insult people, but that's just stupid. Do they really think Blizzard is going to give two shits and actually redo the graphics and colors to make some overly sensitive fanboys happy? Blizzard is in an art style groove, much like what Capcom went through when Darkstalkers and Street Fighter Alpha came about. It's a new visual take that frankly, looks fine to me. Color is a good thing. And to me, it's not a "WoW" style, it's a simply a style... one that's being used for more than the WarCraft saga now. In a number of years, Blizzard will run with a new art style. And years after that, another one. That's how it works more often than not in the art world. Some people stand still artistically, other's choose to move forward and explore new visual styles. Blizzard is in the latter group. And besides... recoloring things to make a few people happy is what the mod community is for Quote
Imagist Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 If there's one thing I'll agree with them on, it's the matter of the light radius in dungeons. Part of the reason Diablo was so much fun in the first places is because you're facing a horde of hellish enemies you can't even see until they're right upon you, scaring you shitless. There's nothing like turning a corner with no idea what's around it, and the images of dungeons so far seem to have forgotten that. Their "demands" (and edits, which are little more than gratuitous hue/saturation adjustments) for the outdoor environments seem ridiculous, though. Quote
The Coop Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 Imagery said: If there's one thing I'll agree with them on, it's the matter of the light radius in dungeons. Part of the reason Diablo was so much fun in the first places is because you're facing a horde of hellish enemies you can't even see until they're right upon you, scaring you shitless. There's nothing like turning a corner with no idea what's around it, and the images of dungeons so far seem to have forgotten that. I wonder how many of the people who are bringing up the light radius thing, complained about Doom 3 being too dark Quote
Torzelan Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 I like how it looks, but I have to say the shoops of that petition were amazing. Were it up to me, that's how I'd do it, because the game I played and loved was the original Diablo and not even Diablo II came close to that atmosphere. The first game had so much cooler locations, items, music, themes and so on and so forth. There is so much in the gameplay video that clearly comes from the WC3/WoW style (despite appreciated efforts to make it more Diablo-ish), and while there is nothing wrong with color or cartoonish proportions, I wish they kept it out of this game. I love plenty of colorful games, but I don't know how cool it would be to battle through the armies of hell itself to fight the lord of terror in one of those. I much more enjoyed battling skeletons in the dark under a church than strolling around in the desert in the middle of the day right outside a town/camp. Diablo 2 never made me feel so alone; never made the situation look so "FUBAR" if you will. Whatever though; pants were creamed upon the announcement of this game and it will be great. Hardly think a petition with 4.5k signatures gets Blizzard-with-millions-and-millions-of-WoW-players to reconsider anything. Just a bit of fun to toy with "what-ifs" though. -edit- Oh, and hating on something for being "brown", aswell as hating on something for having color, just for the sake of it is just dumb. Not a matter of how many games are what way or what's popular to hate on these days, just a matter of what fits this particular game. The way WoW looks fits WoW, and the way Diablo 1 looks fits Diablo in my opinion. Quote
sephfire Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 For perspective. Personally, I dig the new style. It's very painterly, in a way. And I imagine we'll be seeing more gritty environments as Blizzard shows more anyway. Quote
FlagshipAmadeus Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 Bigfoot said: Omg, why does every game have to be compared to WoW? Well, both Diablo and WoW are made by the same company so it's a legitimate circumstance for comparison. Quote
Torzelan Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 sephfire said: For perspective. Just a matter of what perspective you want to see. I don't actually play WoW so if this wasn't actually an outdoor boss I'll blame my friend, but I guess the point comes across anyway. Could do this to all of the images... Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 As valid as it may be, that doesn't necessarily mean it's an accurate comparison. I can see they probably got a few influences to the overall system from WoW(just as WoW got MANY of it's system elements from Diablo), but if you'd kindly take a gander at the wonderful side-to-side screens Sephfire has provided, you'll see that there are plenty of artistic distinctions all over the place. I'm sure Blizzard knows the differences between two of their trademark series and are going to make sure they keep them as separate gameplay experiences. And it's beyond reason to complain about a game that we've only seen a minute fraction of in the first place. You know I'm sure Blizzard knew this kind of backlash would come. If they would have released D3 before WoW, I guarantee that not a single denizen of the internet would be comparing and complaining. Quote
relyanCe Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 I think the thing I'm most worried about from the gameplay vid isn't the classes, colors, locales, or blah-blah-blah... Did anyone else notice that the boss FRICKIN PICKED UP THE BARB AND ATE IT?? I swear if they give bosses instant-kill scripts I will be MAD... Quote
Shadow Wolf Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 Of course it's influenced by WoW, it's the same group of designers, there's gonna be crossover. The point is, WoW is long since showing its age in the graphics department, the engine is 4 years old. Also WoW was intended to look slighty animated, which is a great look for that world. But if you want a fair comparison, pull some shots of Lich King and compare them, that expansion will have graphical enhancements to try and keep it on par with today's new games. No matter how you look at it, D3 is undeniably gorgeous. I love the overall look, and the gothic color pallette will work well I think. It's still dark, but not boringly dark. As someone with a small amount of experince in 3D animation, it really sucks to model a whole environment perfectly and then see all your form and texture ruined because somebody threw one can of paint over the entire thing. light adds depth, and color adds more. I'm definitely gonna go buy the Diablo Battle Chest so I'm caught up on this series when D3 comes out. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 relyanCe said: I think the thing I'm most worried about from the gameplay vid isn't the classes, colors, locales, or blah-blah-blah... Did anyone else notice that the boss FRICKIN PICKED UP THE BARB AND ATE IT?? I swear if they give bosses instant-kill scripts I will be MAD... Think of it this way: If you grind all the way to the highest level and everything you touch DIES, how else are they going to keep battles challenging? Note: This is based on abstract reasoning as the only game I've ever gotten my characters to the highest level was FFVIII, and that's a totally different game. So take my opinions with a grain of salt. Quote
The Coop Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 Shadow Wolf said: I'm definitely gonna go buy the Diablo Battle Chest so I'm caught up on this series when D3 comes out. Don't forget about Hellfire, the expansion for Diablo. It's not in the Battlechest, as it was made by Sierra. But, it can be found pretty easily, and it adds a new class, 8 new quests, and 23 new monsters. Quote
sephfire Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 The comparison shots I posted don't really prove anything (I didn't make them), but it does help to show that the new Diablo look isn't completely "WoW-ified." As far as we know. Quote
relyanCe Posted July 2, 2008 Posted July 2, 2008 I think graphically, Diablo 3 has more in common with SC2 than with WoW. They're probably using the same 3D engine as well. Also, I bet D3 and SC2 will put a nifty workload on your system. You see the animations on all those lil guys? At that framerate and level of detail, I know I'm gonna have to up my vid card! Thats ok tho cuz my old card just burned out (lucky me!) Quote
FlagshipAmadeus Posted July 2, 2008 Posted July 2, 2008 Alright then, I agree that it isn't really that Wowified, but the shadows and overall lighting should still be much darker I think. I mean really, this looks kind of weird... Quote
Sindra Posted July 2, 2008 Posted July 2, 2008 Still looking fucking sweet though. After 8 years, I'm not about to complain about slightly-off *lighting* of all things. Quote
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