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To think, the background music used to be one of the songs I hated most out of Wolfenstein. ^_^; It's really amazing what a good remix can do. It's definitely a sad song but it still has some hopeful tones to it - I really like how it mixes that all together to give it a feel, and not just leave it as a flat, boring piece of music. This has inspired me to try my hand at a few remixes myself. ^_^;; That sounds stupid, I know, but hey - inspiration is found anywhere. Right? ^^;

  • 4 weeks later...

What a great song, though my friends may give me odd looks, as the first thing on my fifth CD is Hitler yelling. That aside, I like what was done with Wolf3d. This music is sad, not so much about-to-cry sad, but lonely and desperate, and I think that this mix captures the desperation of Wolf3D, the fact that you eat corpses to survive. Quite a good mix, I can recommend this one for a softer, slower pace.

  • 1 month later...

I'm new to the board and the site. This will be my first post and first review.

After reading the comments above, I have to agree that this is an amazing emotional piece of music. The inclusion of quotes from Hitler's speeches adds a lot to the overall feel of the song.

The mix of orchestra and techno beats really drives the song. Perhaps my favorite type of music is this - one that mixes classical orchestra with techno/electronica. Graham Revelle and Rob Dougan are two of the more prominent in this style. You can convey so much more emotion with an orchestra, emotion you can't feel with a guitar, or a driving bassline. The song has a very sad feeling to it, causing reflection, and remembrance.

I believe that the inclusion of the Hitler quotes helps to put the song in context. We have this sad song, but what are we to be sad for? We hear Hitler's voice, speaking to his army, and we reflect about what that man did to the Jews, and the world, and we feel the emotion in the song.

I do believe that the use of requiem in the title is a bit misleading and may be even inappropriate. And that's all I'll say on that matter, as I believe it has been discussed to it's conclusion.

In response to some of the posts above, the mutants in the game, while extrapolative, and while the creators have taken some creative liberties with history for the context of the game, are based on historical fact. Hitler and his Nazi regime were experimenting with mutations, both genetic and chemically-induced.

If you are a history buff, and would like more insight into the horrors of some of this, I suggest you read the book Auschwitz, which was written by a Holocaust survivor and tells of his story while in that prison camp. He served, while in the camp, as a sort of aide to Dr. Mengele, who was Hitler's primary "research" doctor ( and I use the term "research" very loosely ), meaning that he was primarily responsible for the mutation experiments, in which he gathered sets of twins, little people, and other examples of naturally occuring genetic anomalies, in order to further his research.


Hi this is my first time to, and I thought ill say a few words on this peace. Its a very piece because it is very moving and makes you think of wat A.Hitler did (if u rearrange those letters you get The Liar bit of info 4 u and its true, really he was) I wouldnt mind a remix of this remix without the speaches so I could listen to either I dont mind the talking its just sometimes I just want to listen to the tune on its own :P .

All in all a very moving piece

  • 3 months later...

Impressive remix, quite epic, quite sinister due to the speech.

It shows how pro the remixer has gone and it would fit even for a movie.

Could he do some remixing of other tunes of the game?

  • 1 month later...
Could he do some remixing of other tunes of the game?

There were no other tunes.

Sure there are. Here's some of the midis from Wolfenstein 3d:


This song is so great, and emotional, and powerful, and great, and bla bla bla yadda yadda...

For the record, when I first heard this Mazedude track; I didn't like it, and it took me awhile to get past some of the strange mechanical-style drums (they would have been cool for one section near the end; but the whole song?), and how some of the extra stuff in the background was mixed together was weird (like that Young and the Restless style Piano that plays through the whole song; and the string arrangements that are introduced at 1:39). The high strings that also played in the original (0:46+) were really touching, but I found that they sounded a little too screetchy and/or whiny when they hit the really high notes.

There's obviously ALOT of creativity in this this song (if you listening to the original "Wondering About My Loved Ones" and compare), and it's great to expand upon short songs to give people more to look at; but I think this remix is kind of decieving... as it's close enough to the original in some ways that the additions sound more like they're trying to battle with the original stuff than blend in together with it. For some reason, parts like the bridge at 2:20 make me go "NO!!!! WHAT'S GOING ON?!? WHAT HAPPENED TO MY GREAT WOLF3D SONG?!? AAAAA!". I always had a vision of a lovely choir singing along to those high notes too, but having that timpany melody in the right ear was really nice.

The part at 3:15+ is awesome, and I think if the song was played more true to the original in other parts (like no panned robotic drums until 2:20; adding a different kind of atmosphere there in it's place... for instance) - than the ending section would have been so much more rewarding and crazy when you finally got to it. I don't know, maybe I'm just a crackhead and have no idea what I'm talking about... but I just wish this song focused on making the touching mood of the original more prominent than it was; atleast for some sections. But hey, I guess this is what Mazedude was in the mood to create... and I'm eternally thankful he did a remix of a Wolfenstein song, and put so much detail into his artwork; either way. So, thanks Chris; great work - I think! *scratches his head* lol. :)

I'm new to the board and the site. This will be my first post and first review.

Woah, that was pretty sweet venture into the remix and the history of World War II you wrote there. Thanks for that interesting read man! ;)

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I don't know what it is, but this song scares the crap out of me. Possibly because of the clips of Hitler in it... one of those dramatic, adventerous songs, make's me look back on the past of what happened. In technical terms, this remix sounds very nice, the electronic sounds go well together with the more (realistic?) sounds in a weird sort of way. Very good work by Mazedude.

  • 2 months later...

I love this remix, I can't believe I just learned about it just now! 5 out of 5 stars, 9.5 out of 10. The Hitler clips are too cool and matches the theme of the song perfectly. Make one about Stalin;)

  • 1 month later...

This has been one of my most favorite Remixes for a long time now. Ever since November. It's absolutely moving and has such a feel to it.

It's right up there with the Beyond Good and Evil Frame of Mind remix. 8)

  • 3 weeks later...

Deliciously creepy, implaceably melancholy...this mix is daring in all respects. Using clips from "Triumph of the Will" was an inspired touch, as well. As a World War II buff, I can tell you this mix gave me cold chills -- and that's a good thing. VERY well done!!!


What can I say? This was and is a terrific remix! I've even got my dad hooked on it. Placing parts of Hitler's speech in it created a perfect effect to the song, and makes me kinda jealous. ^^;; Anyhoo, I love this. Way ta go. ^_^

  • 3 months later...

Heil Mazedude!

Very solid track overall on all levels. The Hitler samples were an especially nice touch. (Good lord, does THAT sound wierd coming out of my keyboard...)

It's not my favorite track on this site, but it's in my rotation no problemo.

8/10 overall.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Dude, that was fucking sweet. Even better than the game's version. I'm listing to it and at first I hear hitler, then I hear the music. And I'm thinking, Oh damn, this is gonna be good.And it was.

But I don't get the chilling part at 3:15


Incredible man, That brings back memories of playing Wolf3D.....Cant help but feal slightly mesmorised by this song. Only thing I want to know is what that gibberish was at 3:15 right before the music started playing again.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Good stuff. Anyone who finds the Hitler clips disturbing is shallow, I hate "that mass-murdering f--k-head" more than anyone else, and I don't find them disturbing in the least. They set an ambience that goes along perfectly with the theme of the song - the sorrows of war.

Also, Dionyseus is correct - someone should do a Red Alert mix about Stalin.

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