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To whomever the fuck said Calling to the night from Portable Ops... Man, really? That's a fucking smooth song.


I tend to discount people's opinions if they can't even be bothered to spell properly.


"Callin to the Night" from Metal Gear: Portalbe Opps- The vocalist was horrible.
To whomever the fuck said Calling to the night from Portable Ops... Man, really? That's a fucking smooth song.


Yeah, I really like that song. I don't think that person has ever heard a bad song or possibly has the worst taste on the planet.

I'm here to defend Ballz. While the title track is downright odd, if you grab the soundtrack here, you'll see the rest of the music, while not OMFGAWESUM!, isn't horrid. However, I challenge you to go here, and indulge yourself in the soundtrack to Zero Tolerance.

Wow... So I listened to the Title Theme and thought, "Well okay, so that was bad." But then I moved onto Sub-Basement, "OMG, what is this shit?" High Rise Building was at least minimalist enough to keep it from getting bad enough to harm my soul. Space station was seriously like 8 seconds worth of random beat-box type rhythm repeated over, and over , and over... Elevator was a rip-off of a crappy mainstream song with a few notes changed. Oh yeah and only the annoying part of that song that gets stuck in people's heads repeated over, and over, and over.

By this point I was nearing a breakdown. Perhaps there was a reward at the end. Maybe the credits allowed for some solace to.... "Ah!!! No! Turn it off! Please, I give up! There are five lights, do whatever you will to her, but leave me alone!"

In the end, there was only 1 tune short enough to be bearable, and it was (so appropriately) the Game Over music.

I'm here to defend Ballz. While the title track is downright odd, if you grab the soundtrack here, you'll see the rest of the music, while not OMFGAWESUM!, isn't horrid. However, I challenge you to go here, and indulge yourself in the soundtrack to Zero Tolerance.

Wow... So I listened to the Title Theme and thought, "Well okay, so that was bad." But then I moved onto Sub-Basement, "OMG, what is this shit?" High Rise Building was at least minimalist enough to keep it from getting bad enough to harm my soul. Space station was seriously like 8 seconds worth of random beat-box type rhythm repeated over, and over , and over... Elevator was a rip-off of a crappy mainstream song with a few notes changed. Oh yeah and only the annoying part of that song that gets stuck in people's heads repeated over, and over, and over.

By this point I was nearing a breakdown. Perhaps there was a reward at the end. Maybe the credits allowed for some solace to.... "Ah!!! No! Turn it off! Please, I give up! There are five lights, do whatever you will to her, but leave me alone!"

In the end, there was only 1 tune short enough to be bearable, and it was (so appropriately) the Game Over music.

And to top it off, there are only seven songs... meaning you'll hear them many, many times in Zero Tolerance's rather long FPS quest. Of those seven tunes, three are badly off tempo, two are borderline off tempo, and all of them only use two (sometimes three) notes at a time (so there's virtually no harmonies either).

And now you know why I turn the music off on the Options screen :lol:

Flashback for the SNES is just hilarious to me

Genesis version was so awesome, the snes conversion didn't even bother to pick it with no change. good job nintendo.

Doom (32x): I know it's not easy to get the most out of the YM chip, but this sounds just like they hastily ran the MIDI files through a converter and didn't even bother to manually touch them up afterwards. Which makes sense given that the entire game was one big rush job.

even snes music was better.

ok fine not really but fo serious the music in harmy of dissonance is pretty annoying

Heh, and probably the most sophisticated music ever written for a video game.


While this didn't come from a video game, the theme song from the "Super Mario Bros. Super Show!" is pretty awful. Also the track "It happened one night" from secret of mana. The song isn't that bad at first, but after 30 minutes on repeat, yes, it will drive you insane.

The music and singing do not beliong in the same song.

Also: Celine Dion Soundalike.

1)Why don't they beliong?

2)I've heard like 2 celine dion songs in my life, I don't give a damn if it sounds like her or Queen Latifah.

This song is hella sweet and I'll kill to prove my point, as is the custom in any internet discussion.

PS: Isn't this a favorites thread?


Whoever mentioned Streets of Rage 3 needs to be quiet and go home.

It is a fairly authentic representation of Techno and Acid House at the time. Strange noodling riffs all kinda layered on top of each other. Just Poly-Rhythms bruv. Nothing to be scared of.

Hmm worst could be possibly Action 52 soundtrack on Megadrive. Damn id say most of the songs by NuRomantic bar most of Kid Chameleon and Chakan were fairly shocking. songs would randomly pan, elements would drop out, or tempo would change.


Mega Man 2 for worst game music? You must've been on crack when you nominated that game. Its music is some of the catchiest shit ever.

In my case, I'll go with Mario Kart: Double Dash. The whistling was extremely annoying and the composition was downright pathetic compared to the previous games in the series. Only one track stood out, however; Rainbow Road.

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