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Here's a question for everyone:

To what extent must a game be changed before you call it remade?

I don't think FFIV DS actually puts in much new content. You can learn other chars' abilities, that's true. But otherwise I think it just 3D-izes and retranslates what's already there. Now is that worth replaying through? To hear voices and possibly understand a little bit better what they're trying to say?

How about Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories: A Japan-only PS2 version of Chain of Memories that was packaged with KHII FM+. The only new content in that game was a new boss fight. It was redone with the KHI/II engine, the music was updated, and the characters were given voices. Is that considered a remake?

While I've heard lots about why these potential new CT features are lame, I haven't heard as much about what would be sufficient to grab your attention. I also hope you don't say that a remake depends on updated graphics and sound alone.


Then...why do you even care?

While I've heard lots about why these potential new CT features are lame, I haven't heard as much about what would be sufficient to grab your attention. I also hope you don't say that a remake depends on updated graphics and sound alone.

I don't see why not, considering those are pretty much the only things you can change significantly before you start messing with what makes Chrono Trigger, Chrono Trigger.

People just have to deal with the fact that other people are graphics whores.

While I've heard lots about why these potential new CT features are lame, I haven't heard as much about what would be sufficient to grab your attention. I also hope you don't say that a remake depends on updated graphics and sound alone.

Think of it the same way that you'd think of a remix. If a song was tweaked for improvement purposes, it'd be the same thing, technically. If there are major changes in the scheme, then it'd be a remake. I don't care, even if it isn't good. My only reason for being unhappy with a seriously bad change is this: I wouldn't want to go through the whole game and find out that there was a stupid change. It's a game anyway... I like games, but I have a life, so... yah, lol.


Well let's look at the remake for FFIV.

Not only has it made the obvious jump from 2d to 3d as well as a seriously improved OST and even a new vocal theme, it has new plot scenarios, a new ability learning system, new summons(Whitkin) that you can even customize via minigames, and voice acting.

There are plenty of things that can be done in a remake besides audio and visual enhancements. Chrono Trigger doesn't have to do everything here(or anything here), but it had better do something akin to these things in order for it to be a remake.

Graphics whores? Check out all the hype and drooling for Star Ocean First Departure and Second Evolution. By today's standards they're visually archaic with 2d sprites over 3d backgrounds, but they're still cool remakes nonetheless.


Well, it's not so much a matter of how well it compares to current graphics as long as there's some sort of improvement over the original. Even relatively minor stuff like the PS2's texture-smoothing was enough to get a lot of people to play their old favorites over again.

This is good news. Hopefully this port will bring this niche title to a new audience, which with luck will translate into remixes for the site. It's about time we got a few tunes for this underappreciated game that is disappointingly under-represented at OCR.

Please tell me this is an attempt at trolling.


Y'know, a lot of people have been hating on this game because they already have an SNES copy. Do any of you guys ever worry about your SNES and/or cartridge breaking one day? I'm not a super paranoid person, but I know all of my favorite games (mainly FF ones) are on the PSone (and to a lesser extent, the PS2). For that reason, I recently bought a slim PStwo even though I plan on buying a PS3 as soon as FF13 comes out. Why did I buy it? To guarantee I can always play my favorite games even if one system breaks.

The SNES is an old system. Even if you keep it protected, it's bound to break sometime. I'm not made of money, but I'm personally not against buying an extra copy of a game (or even console) if the price isn't too drastic. Especially if that game is a favorite of mine.

Now, I've never played Chrono Trigger, but I'm so excited that I'll be able to soon. However, this is something for you folks to consider.

Hahaha. Actually, I could swear he does have one line in the game to the effect of "Thank you, Marle" or something. If he had a voice, I guess he'd sound like Goku.

In one ending, where Marle and Lucca are rating the male stars of the game, Crono says "What are you two doing?"

That's his only line in the game.


Well, I mean, I do understand why they don't do it -- part of it being that we let them get away with it since we've allowed ourselves to be convinced that these games are holy mystical treasures locked away in a secret vault rather than a few megs of data which can be plopped onto a compilation disc at any time.

That's the Disney strategy. :? Make it rare--or at least appear to make it rare--and then look like gods when you rerelease it.

Only bad thing about this: I guess that means no CT on the Virtual Console...

In one ending, where Marle and Lucca are rating the male stars of the game, Crono says "What are you two doing?"

That's his only line in the game.

Not true. There are many instances where the player chooses his response. Those are his lines.

The line in the ending is the only time where he speaks without the player's input.

Y'know, a lot of people have been hating on this game because they already have an SNES copy. Do any of you guys ever worry about your SNES and/or cartridge breaking one day? I'm not a super paranoid person, but I know all of my favorite games (mainly FF ones) are on the PSone (and to a lesser extent, the PS2). For that reason, I recently bought a slim PStwo even though I plan on buying a PS3 as soon as FF13 comes out. Why did I buy it? To guarantee I can always play my favorite games even if one system breaks.

The SNES is an old system. Even if you keep it protected, it's bound to break sometime. I'm not made of money, but I'm personally not against buying an extra copy of a game (or even console) if the price isn't too drastic. Especially if that game is a favorite of mine.

Now, I've never played Chrono Trigger, but I'm so excited that I'll be able to soon. However, this is something for you folks to consider.

Nah. Cart based systems rarely break. No moving parts mean the things last forever, and the SNES is one of the most solid cart systems out there. The carts are the same deal. Unless you wash your CT cart, the worst thing that can happen is the contacts getting dirty, and in that case a cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol will have it back to perfect shape in seconds.

If CT was originally released for the Sega CD or some old disc-based system you'd have a point, but it wasn't, so you don't. Nothing wrong with buying a rerelease of a game you love, but so far this doesn't seem like anything an SNES emu on the PSP couldn't do just as well.

You know what i'd be even more excited for than CT on the DS.

Secret of Mana. Or even Seiken Densetsu 3.

if they released this with wifi multiplayer ya

Well, it's not so much a matter of how well it compares to current graphics as long as there's some sort of improvement over the original.

Technically, all the FF Advance games were graphical improvements over the originals. They certainly weren't as substantial as 2D to 3D, but they were smoothed out. Perhaps the most obvious was the redone profile pictures. Looked prettier to me, anyway.

Not only has it made the obvious jump from 2d to 3d as well as a seriously improved OST and even a new vocal theme, it has new plot scenarios, a new ability learning system, new summons(Whitkin) that you can even customize via minigames, and voice acting.

Yet the FF remakes for the PSP have been lambasted as being the same thing over again, even though it's a serious step up from the original (and even Dawn of Souls) both graphics and sound wise. They have new magic and a new dungeon with plenty of new bosses. That sounds like most of the checks on the list and it doesn't require recoding the entire game.

batteries die you idiot

Meh, I have all my old original SNES and Genesis games and none of them have any problems, but that is a point I guess. You idiot. Also, what Coop said. You idiot.

Technically, all the FF Advance games were graphical improvements over the originals. They certainly weren't as substantial as 2D to 3D, but they were smoothed out. Perhaps the most obvious was the redone profile pictures. Looked prettier to me, anyway.

Yet the FF remakes for the PSP have been lambasted as being the same thing over again, even though it's a serious step up from the original (and even Dawn of Souls) both graphics and sound wise. They have new magic and a new dungeon with plenty of new bosses. That sounds like most of the checks on the list and it doesn't require recoding the entire game.

This is an awesome word and I'm glad it's usage caught on. :-P

Also way to ruin my argument, Sephfire. :-(

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