Avatar of Justice Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 Oh my god... I just checked random game forums I know, and there's this common feeling going though a lot of the obvious Sony fanboys: SE has betrayed them! They're snakes! Traitors! Just think about what the Playstation 3 department at Sony is saying right now. It's probably a little more stern than "snakes." Perhaps they are even calling them "ocelots." Quote
Nohbody Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 Is FF13 going to be good, though? 12 was alright but I'm starting to got tired of the whole epic crystal quest thing... I thought Lightning was a guy in the trailer, I'll never get my shit straight... Quote
Darth Lime Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 Just think about what the Playstation 3 department at Sony is saying right now. It's probably a little more stern than "snakes." Perhaps they are even calling them "ocelots." I see what you did there....On topic, I saw Adam Sessler and Kevin Pereira interview the General Manager of XBox LIVE talk about FFXIII on the 360. After a commercial break, Morgan joined them, as well as an X-Play E3 analyst. They said it was a smart move on Microsoft's part because their fan base in Japan is rather small. Microsoft (I guess) is hoping for a more widespread audience in Japan. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 Is FF13 going to be good, though? 12 was alright but I'm starting to got tired of the whole epic crystal quest thing... I thought Lightning was a guy in the trailer, I'll never get my shit straight... Supposedly it will be like playing the Advent Children action scenes combat wise. If that appeals to you. Quote
Nohbody Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 Supposedly it will be like playing the Advent Children action scenes combat wise. If that appeals to you. For some reason I think battles will just end up being a clustershit of numbers and dudes flying everywhere. Quote
The Damned Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 I'm actually a little amazed at this whole "but it was an exclusive series! It's not supposed to be on other systems!: bullshit. Look at the history of the Final Fantasy series. It's been released, remade and ported to almost every system that ever came out, going from one system to another with the casual behavior of a slutty whore. This is like crying that your significant other is suddenly cheating on you, even though you saw they going at it with other people all the time. Is this some sort of revelation or something? How can it be when you've got twenty years of evidence to support otherwise. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 People are bitching about "quality" and how since it's going to the 360, it's not going to be zOMG awesome. What people aren't getting is that if they're saying it's going to the 360 now, that means that it's BEEN in development for the 360 for awhile, which means that more often than not, what we've been seeing for the PS3 is exactly what we'll be getting for the 360. I mean have these guys seen what they're doing for games like Infinite discovery and Star Ocean 4? Do you guys know what kind of a pickle Sony put themselves in for overpowering the PS3 and making it exceedingly difficult to develop for? Quote
Poke'G Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 Oh My God This is such an event as shall be spoken of for generation upon generation. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted July 14, 2008 Posted July 14, 2008 I went and read some of the actual press interview about this. FF13 probably won't be coming out for the Xbox 360 in Japan, as they won't be starting development of the 360 version in full swing until after the Japanese version is complete. They'll be both localizing for Western audiences and porting to 360 at the same time. source: http://kotaku.com/5025033/liveblogging-square-enix-press-conference This isn't quite the coup Microsoft hoped for I guess. It sounds like Square hasn't fully researched the market for this and it certainly isn't out of the question that they'll change their mind about no Japanese 360 release once they research and think about it a little more. Quote
Poke'G Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Considering Japan hates the 360, and that Japan seems to be the market of choice for SE, I have to wonder if this is a new move towards higher international market coverage. There are more 360s in the rest of the world than in Japan, so that makes sense. And SE does seems to like publishing games on the systems that have the larger install base (see next Dragon Warrior game on DS). Or MS just dropped a load of cash on their desk and said "FF13. 360. Now." Correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard the Final Fantasy base in America rivals the Japanese base. Here, Final Fantasy is the ultimate series for RPGs, while in Japan it's Dragon Quest. If this is indeed true, then Square Enix making this call makes a lot of sense in maximizing their reach to the fans. The PS3 may be crushing the 360 in Japan, but here that is by far not the case. Quote
lazygecko Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Once again it becomes apparent just how embarrasing some gaming communities can be. Quote
Yoshi3gg Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Oh my god... I just checked random game forums I know, and there's this common feeling going though a lot of the obvious Sony fanboys: SE has betrayed them! They're snakes! Traitors!Nevermind that the PS3 still gets the game, they see multi-platform releases as some sort of anti-fan thing. It's funny and horrible at the same time. Hahaha, I remember the same exact thing happening before. I think it was over Devil May Cry 4. They even started an internet petition! BETTER WATCH OUT! Quote
Evilhead Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 I went and read some of the actual press interview about this. FF13 probably won't be coming out for the Xbox 360 in Japan, as they won't be starting development of the 360 version in full swing until after the Japanese version is complete. They'll be both localizing for Western audiences and porting to 360 at the same time.source: http://kotaku.com/5025033/liveblogging-square-enix-press-conference This isn't quite the coup Microsoft hoped for I guess. It sounds like Square hasn't fully researched the market for this and it certainly isn't out of the question that they'll change their mind about no Japanese 360 release once they research and think about it a little more. If they release it over it I doubt it would have much impact on Sony. The 360 is pretty much a fringe system like the original xbox was. You can find it just about anywhere but the game library is limited and it seems most people have a Wii and/or PS3. Quote
8-Bit Metal Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Is FF13 going to be good, though? 12 was alright but I'm starting to got tired of the whole epic crystal quest thing... I thought Lightning was a guy in the trailer, I'll never get my shit straight... I for one started gradually opting out of the series since VIII...IX was a bit of a relief, but entirely forgettable, and X almost killed it. Now I've XII on a shelf while I run through VII again (only my second time ever). Ultimately, I like the symbol that this is, and consider it even (with tongue-in-cheek) some sort of fated punishment against Sony's hubris. So I like that, though the game itself will probably only grace my 360 as a rental. Still, it's not so bad, at least the game will still come out for PS3. This is nowhere near the shock VII created back in the day - "Final Fantasy is not only going on this PlayStation thing, but it's NOT gonna come out for the SNES, Ultra 64 or that mysterious "Project Reality" game boy!" Oh, and also, I hate that bishounen shit so much. Especially since in English you can get by a sizable portion of dialogue without ever encountering a gendered pronoun, I hate not having an idea whether that's a dude or a gal for hours of play-time. Just make your characters a bit above 18, put some facial hair on men, and leave crystals to jewellers, and you'll get my interest. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 If they release it over it I doubt it would have much impact on Sony. The 360 is pretty much a fringe system like the original xbox was. You can find it just about anywhere but the game library is limited and it seems most people have a Wii and/or PS3. Evilhead, you live in JAPAN. What are people playing on their PS3s anyway? I mean I'm really curious if there are a bunch of titles for it over there that make it a reasonable buy as opposed to over here. Inquiring minds and all that. Quote
Jam Stunna Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Considering Japan hates the 360, and that Japan seems to be the market of choice for SE, I have to wonder if this is a new move towards higher international market coverage. There are more 360s in the rest of the world than in Japan, so that makes sense. And SE does seems to like publishing games on the systems that have the larger install base (see next Dragon Warrior game on DS). Or MS just dropped a load of cash on their desk and said "FF13. 360. Now." SE has stated that they want 75% of their sales to come from overseas markets in the next 5 years: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6180046.html This seems like a pretty big step in that direction. Quote
Evilhead Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 SE has stated that they want 75% of their sales to come from overseas markets in the next 5 years:http://www.gamespot.com/news/6180046.html This seems like a pretty big step in that direction. Interesting! In that case, we might see more games geared for western audiences, which usually means watered down gameplay but hopefully won't. I'm curious if character designs will change a bit. They are so good at their Japanese pop idol look I'm curious what kind of characters they would come up that they think would go over well. I'm guessing a big rappin' black dude, some busty babe, and maybe some emo kid. Wait, they already made FFVII! Evilhead, you live in JAPAN. What are people playing on their PS3s anyway? I mean I'm really curious if there are a bunch of titles for it over there that make it a reasonable buy as opposed to over here.Inquiring minds and all that. Sorry to say I can't really tell you... I'm so far behind on console games. I mostly stick to my DS or PSP these days, and only a couple of my friend here play console games. Only one of those has a PS3 and he hasn't bought too many games for it (I think the main use is a blu-ray player). I want to get a 360 or PS3 eventually and when that happens I'll start paying more attention to the games. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 I was actually expecting a MGS4 announcement only to hear this happen. I have nothing against the PS3 since I actually do want it a lot, but in terms of video game utility of being able to play all the biggest games, the 360 is like the spiritual successor to the PS2 at this point. Now only if they announce Persona 4 or Persona 5 for it. That segment starting with that eye-toy crap through Lips was beginning to make Microsoft look like the worst press conference ever...until FF13. man... Talk about a SAVE. I'm all about of bricks to shat. I didn't think the conference was necessarily bad. It was obvious they were going after the casual gamers there, and the system still had a lot of hardcore demographic games on it. I think it's obvious what they're trying to do. And we still haven't seen too much from all the JRPGs for it either. And the Wii copies, I think it's a good idea. Might as well start somewhere. Quote
Dunnowhathuh Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Well ain't that a kick in the balls for Sony. Now I'll echo the rest of you in saying I wish MGS4 was ported over, that way I wouldn't have to buy a PS3 at all. Not that I hate Sony, it's just price wise, I could buy a 360 and have enough money left over to buy PC upgrades....and a nice lunch and dinner....and some dessert. Quote
Fishy Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 lol, typical fanboy response: How dare they betray Sony. They've been together since the beginning of time. ....o wait Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 It's weird, because a lot of Sony fanatics are now saying Star Ocean was a Playstation thing. In retrospect, it was. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Now only if they announce Persona 4 or Persona 5 for it. Persona 4 will be released on the PS2 supposedly by December 9th in the US. It had been released in Japan since July 10th of this year. Quote
anosou Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 I'm excited :3 The x360 is the best selling console in europe/US 'cept maybe the Wii (DAMN YOU FAMILIES!) and if SE is going to get games here, 360 is the way to go. Or at least multi-platform like this. Now.. Valkyrie Profile 3, Star Ocean 4, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona and every Nippon Ichi/Gust game confirmed with release date on 360 plz. Also, I'm loving the new XBL updates. Hard-drive gaming? Hell yes. Now I hate myself for having a 20GB. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Meh... I wouldn't feel too bad about having a 20 gig HD. we didn't know that THIS stuff was on the horizon, so I don't feel bad at all spending the extra green on the 100 gig HD. That was gonna go towards my PS3 buy, but now there's no need. When it comes to sales, it makes sense for SE to want most of theirs to come from overseas. I mean the U.S. market alone is staggering in size compared to the Japanese market, so it only makes financial sense for them to go multi-platform everywhere else. Also Star Ocean originally appeared on the SNES, although I guess that's a moot point now since Second Story, 'Til The End of Time, and the PSP remakes are all on Sony consoles. As for everyone saying that FF was originally on Playstation? You know these are a bunch of kids who've probably never seen "The Fabled Super NES of Yore" or "The Legendary NES of ages past." Quote
anosou Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Meh... I wouldn't feel too bad about having a 20 gig HD. we didn't know that THIS stuff was on the horizon, so I don't feel bad at all spending the extra green on the 100 gig HD. That was gonna go towards my PS3 buy, but now there's no need. When it comes to sales, it makes sense for SE to want most of theirs to come from overseas. I mean the U.S. market alone is staggering in size compared to the Japanese market, so it only makes financial sense for them to go multi-platform everywhere else. Also Star Ocean originally appeared on the SNES, although I guess that's a moot point now since Second Story, 'Til The End of Time, and the PSP remakes are all on Sony consoles. As for everyone saying that FF was originally on Playstation? You know these are a bunch of kids who've probably never seen "The Fabled Super NES of Yore" or "The Legendary NES of ages past." The NES FF's sucked ass anyway, but learn to play FFVI already fanbois Also, europe is a large role-playing market (although overshadowed by the ammount of WW2-humping, terrorist-mangling, explosion-horny 15 year olds) so SE is hopefully gonna notice how well this is going to go. Quote
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