atmuh Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 atma please keep spamming "medic!" it doesn't irritate me at all, i'm only shouting "No!" for comedic effect. the round before that the medic on our team never healed me ever until i called for him like 40 times even when i was right in front of him i stopped kinda once i realized you were a medic ok edit i gotta say i was kinda upset when valve took away my tough guy's toque but i wanted the ushanka more and i have it now so woohoo
chivesontheweb Posted September 6, 2009 Posted September 6, 2009 Gentlemen. Last night my video uploaded. If you frequent the OCR TF2 Server I promise that you'll like this video. However, I'm not making any promises. Loud Fun on the OCR Server Highlights include: singing Looney Tunes Spaceballs watching Chives getting lucky headshots with the huntsman for the first five minutes then not killing anybody for the next five
Trianine Posted September 6, 2009 Posted September 6, 2009 Gentlemen.Last night my video uploaded. If you frequent the OCR TF2 Server I promise that you'll like this video. However, I'm not making any promises. I missed out on Karaoke night?! DX
Brushfire Posted September 6, 2009 Posted September 6, 2009 As Promised, Here are a couple of pics from Nerd Room 2.0 Beta And this one
Fellner Posted September 6, 2009 Posted September 6, 2009 I am a fan sir! also where can I find a spy crab awareness poster?
RussellChamp Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 haha... had a great time tonight. so, what was the deal with the OCR:TF2 "patchs"? I'd be interested in getting one! -[LTU]Krowbar
duckyboycantfly Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 soo much animu it hurts brush if that is your room i think i'm going to have to rethink our friendship
Brycepops Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 haha... had a great time tonight. so, what was the deal with the OCR:TF2 "patchs"? I'd be interested in getting one!-[LTU]Krowbar Those were already given out a few months ago :0
Mooker Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 Brushfire = king of all nerds. I didn't vote for him. LONG LIVE THE KING!!
ThndrShk2k Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 Brushfire, after careful consideration I only have two things to say: 1) Stop being so damn awesome 2) I want that monitor.
SporkNinjaDraken Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 Before I go to bed I just have to say I'm getting mildly annoyed with clan stacking... it's rather unfair sometimes I look at the team list and I'm like "Oh the other team has 3 Zuz members might as well just stay in spawn" and so on so forth. I don't blame Pav to be honest because he at least attempts to break up the clan when they come on but there's one guy in particular who never leaves the side of other ZUZ members he's like a limpet he sticks to ZUZ like a rock and even goes into spectator when he can't be on a ZUZ filled team and awaits a slot with them. It's... vexing to say the least I know it's an issue that's been brought up before but I feel the need to say something. (Lol I just noticed I mention nothing but ZUZ but there are other clans that do the same I just haven't seen them for a while but the same applies there) Edit: Brushfire's room is freaking sweet. That is all I have to say there.
atmuh Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 Before I go to bed I just have to say I'm getting mildly annoyed with clan stacking... it's rather unfair sometimes I look at the team list and I'm like "Oh the other team has 3 Zuz members might as well just stay in spawn" and so on so forth. I don't blame Pav to be honest because he at least attempts to break up the clan when they come on but there's one guy in particular who never leaves the side of other ZUZ members he's like a limpet he sticks to ZUZ like a rock and even goes into spectator when he can't be on a ZUZ filled team and awaits a slot with them. It's... vexing to say the least I know it's an issue that's been brought up before but I feel the need to say something. (Lol I just noticed I mention nothing but ZUZ but there are other clans that do the same I just haven't seen them for a while but the same applies there) Edit: Brushfire's room is freaking sweet. That is all I have to say there. love the center text, and as far as ive seen almost all of them choose auto assign except i believe ubel and yeah ive never liked ubel just throwin that out there
Vivi22 Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 Before I go to bed I just have to say I'm getting mildly annoyed with clan stacking... it's rather unfair sometimes I look at the team list and I'm like "Oh the other team has 3 Zuz members might as well just stay in spawn" and so on so forth. I don't blame Pav to be honest because he at least attempts to break up the clan when they come on but there's one guy in particular who never leaves the side of other ZUZ members he's like a limpet he sticks to ZUZ like a rock and even goes into spectator when he can't be on a ZUZ filled team and awaits a slot with them. It's... vexing to say the least I know it's an issue that's been brought up before but I feel the need to say something. (Lol I just noticed I mention nothing but ZUZ but there are other clans that do the same I just haven't seen them for a while but the same applies there) Edit: Brushfire's room is freaking sweet. That is all I have to say there. Not just clan stacking but I've seen team stacking in general be a problem sometimes without any clans present. What amazes me is that most people would rather complain about getting rolled four times on Turbine, or even not say anything, than they'd like to try to votescramble. And I'll agree, Brushfires room gets my seal of approval. not an actual seal
Trianine Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 One of the reasons I love this server is because the teams seem to even out pretty easily. That said, I have to concur that team stacking has been a gripe recently. people would rather complain about getting rolled four times on Turbine, or even not say anything, than they'd like to try to votescramble. The reason for this is that votescramble is unreliable and often makes matters worse. The scramble tools that we have used so far (to the best of my knowledge) only look at points and/or dominations. While this is good in theory, it is not effective for cart maps because players are rewarded for pushing the cart, but not rewarded for stopping it. In addition, a players score tends to indicate time played rather than player skill, so a great player who just recently joined could be placed on a team that does not need the extra help, and further pervert the balance. this is especially noteworthy when teams differ greatly in skill (less points rewarded overall) and on cart maps(disproportionate score for cart pushers). A more effective system would be to use player skill, which could arguably rely on HLstats or Psychostats (of which HLStats is heavily dependent on player time rather than skill) or any record keeping tools to balance the team.
Vivi22 Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 The reason for this is that votescramble is unreliable and often makes matters worse. The scramble tools that we have used so far (to the best of my knowledge) only look at points and/or dominations. While this is good in theory, it is not effective for cart maps because players are rewarded for pushing the cart, but not rewarded for stopping it. In addition, a players score tends to indicate time played rather than player skill, so a great player who just recently joined could be placed on a team that does not need the extra help, and further pervert the balance. this is especially noteworthy when teams differ greatly in skill (less points rewarded overall) and on cart maps(disproportionate score for cart pushers). A more effective system would be to use player skill, which could arguably rely on HLstats or Psychostats (of which HLStats is heavily dependent on player time rather than skill) or any record keeping tools to balance the team. I'm not trying to say that votescramble is perfect, but if the teams are stacked there's certainly no harm in trying. For what it's worth, if I'm on a team that's just steam rolled another for more than one round, I'll usually switch at the end of the round to try and even things out what little I can.
Monsty Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 I'm not accusing anyone of stacking but auto-assign is worthless when its effects are completely predictable(and they are). And how were the games last night? My memory's more than a bit foggy...
Trianine Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 ...if the teams are stacked there's certainly no harm in trying. Actually, I agree with you 100%. If the teams are stacked, it doesn't matter if they become more stacked, but they are more likely to become less stacked. But just you listen to them complain! And in part they are right, statistically there is a risk of things being worse.
Secret Agent Man Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 I know the auto-assign feature makes you join the offensive team (i.e. team blu) in the case of even teams, but what happens on, for example, CTF maps?
Powerlord Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 I know the auto-assign feature makes you join the offensive team (i.e. team blu) in the case of even teams, but what happens on, for example, CTF maps? It assigns you randomly on CP Symmetric, CTF, KOTH, and Arena (with the queue disabled). As to team stacking, it is sometimes a problem, particularly with the BROS clan.
Trianine Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 I'm not accusing anyone of stacking but auto-assign is worthless when its effects are completely predictable(and they are). And how were the games last night? My memory's more than a bit foggy... It assigns you randomly on CP Symmetric, CTF, KOTH, and Arena (with the queue disabled). I had my suspicions, but had no idea that's how it worked, I guess because of the different map types. Thanks powerlord for elucidating.
Rambo Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 People often confuse clan stacking with team stacking. Sure, when you get a good clan it can be bad, but clan stacking doesn't necessarily cause a problem. Team stacking is always a problem. If the MVPs looked something like this: RED: Vahn, pavlvs, ubel BLU: scythe-messiah, miyako, joseki then there probably won't be a steamroll. It could end up being a really good match. The problem is that when people join, they never take a moment to evaluate the teams before joining. Or perhaps they do, and intentionally join the stronger team, I don't know. If you're a regular to the server though, you should take responsibility for making teams fairer. You know who's good, who isn't, and can probably size up a team before a match starts. So if you're a good player, instead of hitting random and taking a 50:50 chance of stacking a good team even more, evaluate and choose. Similarly, one or two good players changing from the stacked team to the losing team is often far more reliable than teamscramble. Take it into your own hands to make things fair if you're rolling. Regarding the ZUZ stacking: Everything I just said should apply. Sometimes there aren't enough good players to go around, and they should see that and split themselves up. If the server is full, and there are skilled players a plenty, they should be able to try and play together. That being said if they start rolling they should again, split themselves up.
Garian Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 i banned [bros]wat last night for mute evasion, hopefully that'll chase them off for a while. from what i've observed, all they do is ruin the gaming experience of the regulars for their own personal enjoyment anyway, so it won't be like anyone will miss them.
Sensai Posted September 7, 2009 Posted September 7, 2009 I don't think team stacking with the BROS guys is that big a deal...they're all pretty bad. The problem is that they're attempting to get on everyone's nerves, but they'd still be regardless of what team they're on.
Rambo Posted September 8, 2009 Posted September 8, 2009 I don't think team stacking with the BROS guys is that big a deal...they're all pretty bad. The problem is that they're attempting to get on everyone's nerves, but they'd still be regardless of what team they're on. Exactly this.
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