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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Dunno if it's on there or not, but I recently played pl_waste... fun map. I harassed the other team with a scout all too much. I think they ended up building a sentry just to cut my exits off. Definitely should be in the map cycle.

I was going to ask for a reserved slot, though I suppose I might as well wait if the server is about to change... dunno.

Just a funny note - on the HLstatsX page under the awards section (http://ocremix.hlstatsx.com/), it says that nobody had the most "Player Teleported." I'm pretty sure someone on Turbine said that they had 138 in one lifetime last night?

Hell, I had 75 just from my second entrance (first got destroyed by a Pyro) on dbheights section 3 on BLU today.

Just a funny note - on the HLstatsX page under the awards section (http://ocremix.hlstatsx.com/), it says that nobody had the most "Player Teleported." I'm pretty sure someone on Turbine said that they had 138 in one lifetime last night?

Tiddly got nearly 100 on Dustbowl once.

Also we are switching?

And do I need to pay money (I mean, "donations") anywhere?


Oh oh oh oh oh. Got another idea for a map we should try.

What's that map that's a control point, but done in a king of the hill style? Tiddly and I have definitely played it before, and I'm pretty sure there was at least one other regular there too (Jenga, possibly?). Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?


Also, after lookin' through the HLXStats page for a few minutes...I found I apparently have a 5.28 kill to death ratio on kamikaze, which is almost _double_ the next person. Sorry kamikaze...I'm apparently not so good at not killing you.


are you talking about "garbage day" ? The concept is neat, but that map specifically is fairly poorly designed for the TF2 class balance... it's good for about one round before it just gets stale, because it ends up being "team fortress death match" :S

Just a funny note - on the HLstatsX page under the awards section (http://ocremix.hlstatsx.com/), it says that nobody had the most "Player Teleported." I'm pretty sure someone on Turbine said that they had 138 in one lifetime last night?

I just noticed I had the most backburner kills yesterday. Must have been the kick ass game of Dustbowl I had. Oddly I don't usually use the backburner, but I was sick of losing pyro vs. pyro because of some guaranteed crits. Now I'm not sure I'll switch back.


Hey guys, if I happen to catch your spy-ass near our spawn trying to sap our shit and I don't fall for your Dead Ringer tactics and chase you down and burn you to death, that doesn't mean you get to get on the mic and whine about W+M1. Especially you're dead-last in points on the losing team.

Be a better spy. Don't get caught.

Hey guys, if I happen to catch your spy-ass near our spawn trying to sap our shit and I don't fall for your Dead Ringer tactics and chase you down and burn you to death, that doesn't mean you get to get on the mic and whine about W+M1. Especially you're dead-last in points on the losing team.

Be a better spy. Don't get caught.

Sometimes you just have to laugh. In fact, I choose to laugh every time I epicly fail as a Spy rather than piss off other players by blaming them for my sucktitude.

Sometimes you just have to laugh. In fact, I choose to laugh every time I epicly fail as a Spy rather than piss off other players by blaming them for my sucktitude.

I always laugh also -- or complain specifically to people I know that are killing me *cough* Darkesword *cough*

I find it ironic that spies complaining about pyros is hated on, while pyros / engies complaining about spies is totally acceptable. Is it because it makes the spies feel good? :P

I need to play every day just to make sure my best backburner award is mine :(

A little competition is never a bad thing. And I do mean a little, because it didn't seem the backburner is overly popular when I was looking at the server stats this morning. Wouldn't know it from the number of pyro vs. pyro battles I've lost to it.

Also, after lookin' through the HLXStats page for a few minutes...I found I apparently have a 5.28 kill to death ratio on kamikaze, which is almost _double_ the next person. Sorry kamikaze...I'm apparently not so good at not killing you.

Hahahaha, that's okay. I looked at it, and at least it's not the 38 kpd ratio you have on little bill...........

I find it ironic that spies complaining about pyros is hated on, while pyros / engies complaining about spies is totally acceptable. Is it because it makes the spies feel good? :P

Yeah. They're yelling at thin air to "some spy" who is "somewhere in the level" by then, and I laugh every time it's directed at me.

A little competition is never a bad thing. And I do mean a little, because it didn't seem the backburner is overly popular when I was looking at the server stats this morning. Wouldn't know it from the number of pyro vs. pyro battles I've lost to it.

Most people are so far up the flame throwers ass now just cause you can blow out other people. I say, fuck that. Here's a better idea, don't get set on fire :)

But seriously though, I don't play pyro like most people. Most peoples idea of pyroing is run in, set people on fire, die. I play it as an ambush class. I hide around corners, drop down from high up, anything to get behind a large group of people, especially on payload maps. If I can get behind a cart, I can wipe them out in seconds. Thats why most of my days on the stats are listed as 80 to 100+ kills with backburner on whatever days I play more than 10 minutes.

Plus, pyro vs. pyro, if I move around enough, I win most of the time. Cause it'll either amount to A) the pyro using his airblast to push me back, thus killing his ammo supply, or B) he turns just enough for me to crit him.

I find it ironic that spies complaining about pyros is hated on, while pyros / engies complaining about spies is totally acceptable. Is it because it makes the spies feel good? :P
Haha, maybe so. I think that people are just tired of hearing people bitch about Pyros...they're not that bad. The one thing that they do REALLY well is Spy check.

I don't understand Spies that complain about Pyros. I understand asking how they knew you were a Spy, but people realize that Pyros are intended to counter Spies, right?

@ EdgeCrusher, DarkeSword: The reason the backburner Pyro is no longer in fashion is 'cause the airblast is so damn good. I'm sure it comes down to personal playstyle, but I'd much rather have the ability to push the other person away (be it for 'oh shit, I gotta run!' or 'get in that corner, axtinguish time!') than the ability to crit when someone's back is turned (which, is more often than most think due to Valve not knowing what the front side of people look like).

The whole lying in wait thing makes sense, but it's damn hard to hide around as a Pyro, 'cause you got that big nose pointing out everywhere. And Valve still hasn't fixed the problem that you can see shadows through walls.

@kamikaze: <egotrip> 38 kpd? God damn. I feel like I should have a smoke after all the raping. </egotrip>

And Valve still hasn't fixed the problem that you can see shadows through walls.

All source engine games exhibit this behavior. It's not really a bug so much as a flaw in their method of drawing shadows. I don't expect to see this fixed in this incarnation of the source engine.

I should main spy again. ._.

Pssh, too many people play Spies recently.

Also, for whatever reason, when I click Random class, it gives me Spy about a third of the time. I have no idea why.

P.S. The only time I remember complaining as a Spy recently about outside of spawn is when a sapper never got placed on a TP and I got killed by a Sniper's sub-machine gun (weakest ranged weapon in the game other than Jarate). Particularly since I was fully uncloaked well before I reached said teleporter (also, I was using Cloak and Dagger, not Dead Ringer).


New update today:

Here's the TF2-specific changes:


Added an option to the advanced multiplayer menu to select left or right handed view models

Fixed a bug where a spectator's wearable items could be seen floating around the player they were spectating

Fixed a bug where a fake Spy hand would appear on the screen of other players

Custom death animations now only play 25% of the time

Fixed teleporters not being build-able in some places where they should be (such as within the pit at the end of Badwater Basin)

Fixed rare client crash on connection and level change

Removed refract from water ripples caused by bullet impacts for performance reasons

Added log entries for player extinguished events using the medigun, jarate, flamethrower and dispenser

Started tracking localization settings to help make decisions regarding localization in the future

Fixed the blank progress bar in the upper-left of the screen when the client scheme is reloaded

Mapmaker requests

Added spawn flag to func_respawnroomvisualizer that allows it be non-solid to players

Added SetSolid input to func_respawnroomvisualizer to change solidity to players dynamically

Added OnWonByTeam1 and OnWonByTeam2 outputs to the TFGamerulesProxy


Fixed a bad detection case in the "Friendship is Golden" achievement

Changed the description of the "Triple Prey" achievement so it better describes how to get it

Critical arrows now have a trail and correctly deal enhanced damage

The Huntsman now defaults to be right handed

Friendly arrows will no longer trigger the near miss sound on you

Fixed several sources of floating arrows


Fixed disguised Spies occasionally looking like they have invulnerability, instead of the correct fake Spy mask

Disguised spies will no longer lose their disguise weapon when they interact with a weapon locker

Fixed a bug where the spy's watch would randomly change models during play

Fixed uncloaked spies flickering in and out of the cloak effect when taking damage

The Cloak and Dagger now always regenerates at its intended rate. Previously it only regenerated at the correct rate when the spy was cloaked

Increased the Cloak and Dagger regeneration rate slightly

Capped the rate of energy loss from moving faster than run speed (falling / air toss) while cloaked with the Cloak and Dagger

The Dead Ringer's cloak consume rate has been slightly reduced, giving about an extra second of cloak time on a full meter

Emerging from the Dead Ringer's cloak now drains up to 40% of the cloak meter instead of 100%. This drain only happens if the meter is at least 60% full

The Dead Ringer's cloak meter can now be regenerated from ammo sources

The Ambassador now only crits when fully accurate and no longer penetrates enemies

The Spy can no longer change weapons from the knife while shocked by the Razorback

Force-A-Nature & Flamethrower air blast knockback effects no longer work on disguised spies

Fixed disguised Spies showing the wrong teleporter effects when using an enemy teleporter


Oh wow. They broke the Dead Ringer again:

Emerging from the Dead Ringer's cloak now drains up to 40% of the cloak meter instead of 100%. This drain only happens if the meter is at least 60% full

The Dead Ringer's cloak meter can now be regenerated from ammo sources

And balanced the Razorback. Too bad it's still a pretty bad weapon. :-(

The Spy can no longer change weapons from the knife while shocked by the Razorback
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