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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I don't know why people are getting mad that pub democracy did not go their way. Okay just kidding I do know but really, SpectreShot was just one vote, I don't see why he's getting all the flak. Shpla could've just as easily votebanned SpectreShot. And didn't ducky just post a rant about how vote commands were mostly harmless and anyone should have the right to use them at any time for any reason whatsoever?

Also doesn't Chadly have admin? If it's that big a deal you can just cancel the vote.

Edit: I play Disney Afternoon and Pokemon songs, but only during setup. :3



Re: Micspam.

One server I play on has a fellow who's pretty good with Heavy. Whenever he kills someone with fists, he plays falconpunch.wav which I'm sure you can guess what it is.

It adds that extra bit of humiliation to it and makes it hilarious, imo.

I don't know why people are getting mad that pub democracy did not go their way. Okay just kidding I do know but really, SpectreShot was just one vote, I don't see why he's getting all the flak. Shpla could've just as easily votebanned SpectreShot. And didn't ducky just post a rant about how vote commands were mostly harmless and anyone should have the right to use them at any time for any reason whatsoever?

Also doesn't Chadly have admin? If it's that big a deal you can just cancel the vote.

Edit: I play Disney Afternoon and Pokemon songs, but only during setup. :3


The problem with votebans is that once a ban is set, it's damn near impossible to remove... There is no menu option to unset bans. You have to know the *exact* name, IP address, or Steam ID that got banned. And by Steam ID, I mean the one that consists of the word STEAM_ and a bunch of numbers.

The problem with votebans is that once a ban is set, it's damn near impossible to remove... There is no menu option to unset bans. You have to know the *exact* name, IP address, or Steam ID that got banned. And by Steam ID, I mean the one that consists of the word STEAM_ and a bunch of numbers.

It can be found by looking at the server logs...but wow it's a pain.

It can be found by looking at the server logs...but wow it's a pain.

At least it should be in the Sourcemod logs as well... that'd be quicker to search, I think.

Still, I had to try each and every one to unban someone (bonzai I think) last year after they were having connection problems and the server (or Sourcemod) banned them for having too many connection attempts.

I think that one was an IP ban.


I've thought about micspamming before, but I always get worried about whether or not people would like the music, so I've never really gone through with it. Except for once on Left 4 Dead, when we rushed across the rooftops in Dead Air singing along to Butcher Pete.


Yeah, I generally don't micspam because people who have music playing can easily get annoyed. Excepting that one night where I played DKC 2 project tracks, but that was special.

Edit: Just to keep everyone up to date, this is the current rotation:














Suggest changes, or forever hold your peace...or at least unless Powerlord or Fireslash changes it upon suggestions.













fixed that for you


Oh, a map change. That explains how cp_well came up twice in a row.

I really wanted to play pl_waste tonight, but my connection is being weird tonight... even resetting my cable modem and router (which sometimes fixes problems like this) didn't help.

And didn't ducky just post a rant about how vote commands were mostly harmless and anyone should have the right to use them at any time for any reason whatsoever?

There is a big difference between !voteban and voteban.

!voteban pulls up a voting option, where people opt a yes or no choice to ban a player for 30 minutes. I've only used this option when I had a votekill option, and even then probably twice in recent memory (against tiddly as lulz). Using this command in the manner that Spectre used it is blatant admin abuse, and should be stripped of his reserved slot

voteban takes the 17 people and blah blah blah the thing I use because it's relatively harmless. If Spectre used this, then ahahaha poor shpla that sucks, but no harm done (this is probably not what happened, since this same feature is on atmuh's server, and yeah, he's shpla)

From what shpla said (that the vote needed 70% to pass), I assumed it was the !votemute option, since that seems more likely to have given him those statistics, and I don't think random pubs would take the time to type voteban and then pick shpla, then once that passes, a !voteban type vote comes up and then 70% has to pass. Do you see a bunch of pubs doing that? I do not.

I see them picking the instaban !voteban option, which automatically pulls up a yes/no ban vote.

Also I remember the good old days when a reserved slot meant something. It meant that $3 every month went to the server fees that's what. I'm unsure how to handle the reserved slots best, all I know is I should have one :3


I have no problem with the vouching system that Chadly proposed, but let me just respond to what Garian said.

Yeah, it's nice that the server has grown organically as a community, but in the end, it's a server for the OCR community. I like playing on our server because I get to play with people that I already know and interact with, people who are into video games and video game music and video game remixes and all that. I don't want to play with Joe the Pubbie, who doesn't give two shits about this community or what we do here, and when it comes down to it I really just don't like playing games online with people that I don't know. I actually don't play TF2 on any other server because of this reason.

I don't think it's too much to ask that people who want a reserve slot should join the forum and post here occasionally. We discuss stuff like map rotations and server events here, and if they play regularly enough to want a reserve slot, then they should take part in those discussions.

EDIT: I also want to say, we should put that one king-of-the-hill map in the rotation. Was it called Garbage Day? We played it last night, and I was really diggin' it.


Does voteban(and friends) have the usual 1 = yes 2 = no, or whatever, setup? I've always hated that. I know there are revotes and stuff, but still. Sometimes my amazingness[sic] allows me to stay alive in the action long enough to not have a chance to fix my weapon-switch vote.

Votes should run from 6-0... although that would shorten map options on many servers.

Meh. I dunno. I don't play as much as I used to so maybe it's not even an issue.


I agree with DS. It started as a server for this community, and that's one of the reasons I keep coming here. I like most of the people, and it has very few pub people to ruin the fun. That's one of the reasons I don't play on the SA servers that much, cause I'm not a huge poster there, and I feel out of place. I don't like coming to someone's house even if I know a guy that knows a guy that hangs out there.

That and I don't think some kind of community participation would hurt, especially if someone regulars the server. We could be nazi fucks about it and require a server validation link and pass etc, but it'd be nice just to have some input on maps on here, you know?


+1 on Garbage Day. I think I suggested that a while back and got the same response, which is 'it's okay unless it's played regularly or if the teams are unbalanced, then it's awful.' I'm willing to take that risk. If teams are really bad, we can just RTV off it.

+1 for vouching system, although I thought that's what we already did. I'm not terribly knowledgeable. :-/

I'm also of the persuasion that the server itself is growing its own culture, and while it's not separate from the OCR forums, it is certainly distinct. That being said, I do enjoy having a place to talk about it in the form of this thread.


I think I joined OCR like...a few months, if not weeks, before playing on the server, so I really don't know much of what I'm talking about. Take it with a grain of salt and all that.


Some update came out today, so I tried joining the OCR server and I ran into an error:

"Server is enforcing consistency for this file:


So... my guess is that when TF2 updated, for some reason it didn't grab that file. Then when I exited the program, it got some other random error.

Anyone else having this problem?


Everyone who updates and then connects will have the problem. The server needs a restart to update itself, till then it's running on the last build.

I messaged Baha and Powerlord, hopefully one of them will get back soon. Fireslash is offline, and to my knowledge they're the only three who can restart it.

Everyone who updates and then connects will have the problem. The server needs a restart to update itself, till then it's running on the last build.

I messaged Baha and Powerlord, hopefully one of them will get back soon. Fireslash is offline, and to my knowledge they're the only three who can restart it.



Oh, whoops, I got back to my computer and saw a message with Clefairy asking me to restart the server, I checked to see if there was a TF2 update, saw that there was, and restarted it.

Which is why it restarted again awhile after Fire restarted it.

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