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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Uh, I'm possibly interested, if you guys don't mind a guy with a poor shot. <_<;

I'm a pretty decent dedicated medic, though.

As for times, I'm up anytime, pretty much.


i work from midnight to 6:30 am central, i leave my house around 11:15 central because i walk to work. i generally prefer to turn off video games around 10:45, JUST FYI.

Current roster redux:

Vivi22(no word yet)

Now, let's talk scheduling. When is everyone available? List times in EST, please.

I'm going to be leaving on Sunday for a course, so I'll be unavailable for scrims until the 10th of August or so. After that I'll be back home and good for a game most nights (after about 5pm EST) and at just about any time on weekends unless I have prior plans.


Thread used roster explosion! It's super effective!



Joseki(after 10:30 Mon-Fri, anytime Sat-Sun)


garian((till 11:45EST)




Prophet Orwell(Thu-Sun nights)


Sporknight(Fri-Sun nights)

CaptainYahoooooooooooooooooo(ALL NIGHT LONG)

S.A.M.(after 7EST Mon-Fri, anytime Sat-Sun)

Bardic(nights, Thu pref)


EdgeCrusher(after 7EST Mon-Fri, anytime Sat-Sun)



duckyboy(anytime I think?)

The bench:

Black Waltz (unavailable)(8/2)

Rambo (unavailable)

Bonzai (unavailable)

Vivi22(unavailable)(8/10)(after 5EST Mon-Fri, anytime Sat-Sun)

17 people! Highlander might be feasible after all. Despite that, for simplicity's sake I'd like to open with a standard 6v6. As a general rule I'll try to schedule two weeks ahead of time, but with this being the premiere we'll shoot for one.

Based on current data, my dates are the 23rd and 26th, both at 9EST. People who are unavailable for one get priority for the other. Post if neither of these fit for you and I'll see what I can work up. Also if the non-posting people can be contacted regarding availability, that'd be great. I'll catch who I can, but any help you can offer is more than welcome.

EDIT: Also also, congratulations to Sensai and crew! [FTF] (ask them what it means; they'll be glad to tell you!) accrued a ton of converts last night, more than I've ever seen in one sitting.


I am free on both the 23rd and the 26th at that time.

[...] !!: i should be good for both

[...] !!: the only thing is on the 26th id probably be on laaaate

(So, !! is for sure on the 23rd, 26th is possible)

[FTF] Hoseke: (I'm good) pretty much every night after 11 est. I work until 10:30 on weeknights :/

[FTF] Hoseke: weekends I'm usually free

(So, Joseki's good on the 26th definitely, maybe the 23rd)

Also, Elesarana or however it's spelled expressed interest in doing scrims if they were Highlander style. I may have already mentioned that.

And what can I say? A lot of people really hate the FAN. :-D

Also, Elesarana or however it's spelled expressed interest in doing scrims if they were Highlander style. I may have already mentioned that.

And what can I say? A lot of people really hate the FAN. :-D

I love the FaN! =D

And what's Highlander? Did I ask this before? I can't remember.

Thread used roster explosion! It's super effective!

Hemophiliac(after 8EST Tue-Sat)

Based on current data, my dates are the 23rd and 26th, both at 9EST. People who are unavailable for one get priority for the other.

You misunderstood what i had posted. It's not Tuesday through Saturday, i always forget my schedule starts on fridays. The stuff i gave you before was from Friday the 17th through Thursday the 23rd. So i don't know how the 26th works for me. Yeah my schedule changes weekly, sorry about that.

However, the 23rd sounds good.

I love the FaN! =D

And what's Highlander? Did I ask this before? I can't remember.

Highlander is 12vs12, only one class per team per player. So youd have one soldier, one demoman, etc. Pretty much a class restriction of one.

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