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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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So just keep in mind, the new server IPs are and We'll need to do some configuring, but what do people want as far as differentiation of the two servers goes? I know a bunch of us discussed having the second server being more custom-map centered, but I want to double check with everyone - what would you all like?

So just keep in mind, the new server IPs are and We'll need to do some configuring, but what do people want as far as differentiation of the two servers goes? I know a bunch of us discussed having the second server being more custom-map centered, but I want to double check with everyone - what would you all like?

Unfortunately, Fireslash and I have some other stuff we want to set up (moving stats around, installing Sourcebans to coordinates bans between servers), but I need to do some setup on my end first... and I'm about to hit the sack.

Oh, and what are good names for the servers? I control DNS for ocrtf2.com and can set them to anything.

custom.ocrtf2.com ?

spy.ocrtf2.com ? :P


im gonna go ahead and say 2 servers is a bad idea

the server is usually full during the evening times and people with reserved slots have no problem getting on

if there were two servers that would just stretch the playerbase too thin and youd either have 2 servers that are half empty most of the time or one server that doesnt get used at all anyways

the second server could be used for private things such as the ocr scrims that people have been talking about

but thats just my opinion

edit sourcebans takes like 5 minutes to set up and can be set up after the other server is all up and running that isnt a big deal at all



1. What Atmuh said and reserve one for OCR events.

2. Have one be what it is now and the other more srs business with nocrit etc.

3. One stock rotation, one custom rotation.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some possibilities here.

Also, I did some poking around and found this, which may help alleviate teamstacking drama. Yay/Nay/Burn in hell PD?

Also, I did some poking around and found this, which may help alleviate teamstacking drama. Yay/Nay/Burn in hell PD?

ocr used this a long time ago (suggested by me) and people whined about it


2. Have one be what it is now and the other more srs business with nocrit etc.

If it comes to a vote, I vote for this. No crit/random damage and team-speak.

2. Have one be what it is now and the other more srs business with nocrit etc.

If it comes to a vote, I vote for this. No crit/random damage and team-speak.

I second this.

Also, Seldon says he'd be up for the scrims.

Yeah well I'd never play on a 24/7 nocrit server. Teamtalk is great, but nocrits? Seriously? :\

I have to agree with this, not in the not ever playing no crits sense. If a lot of people from the community played there I'd probably go for the team speak when I don't feel like playing with alltalk, but seriously? No crits?


To clarify, the "customs" server wouldn't be ONLY customs, it'd be similar to our current mapcycle (stocks we like plus customs mixed in) only with a few more customs in the rotation.

For instance, that server might have glacier, furnace, and follower added to the rotation, one or two stocks taken out, where the "stocks" server would be ONLY valve maps.

I also support te idea of the stocks server being team talk, with crits. There's always votecrits.

This would basically break down into a "semi serious" server and a "fun" server. Since we currently have both of these segments on the OCR server, and they tend to clash, I think separating them is a good idea.

I'd also like to throw out the idea of not running stats on the "fun"/customs server.

We also need to sit down one night and do a real load test on the server to check for ping issues. If possible, I'd like to do this tonight.


i thought the second server was going to be a bit more experimental, and was going to have more guys as admins for trying out different things and not necessarily locked down except for when it was called for (such as, say, scrim nights and other events). i guess plans have changed?

i thought the second server was going to be a bit more experimental, and was going to have more guys as admins for trying out different things and not necessarily locked down except for when it was called for (such as, say, scrim nights and other events). i guess plans have changed?

We're not sure at the moment WHAT we're going to do, hence the brainstorming.

A lot of ideas have been thrown around for the second server, but the key is that if the second server isn't used, it's pointless. So we'd ideally want to produce two configurations that cater to the opposing forces in the community, however that may be.

Alternatively, we can run a single server like we do now, and "hold" the other for events (like TF2 Tuesday, scrims, etc)

Yeah well I'd never play on a 24/7 nocrit server. Teamtalk is great, but nocrits? Seriously? :\

quick question

have you ever played on a nocrits server

We should just call one of the servers RED and the other BLU.



i disagree

i think one should be ocrtf2.com and the other should be something to designate that its something different (nocrits.ocrtf2.com or private.ocrtf2.com)

but yeah a nocrits/teamtalk server as great as they are (and they really are the best) wouldnt get players from the ocr people because they would be too afraid to play without crits

even though the best thing about playing with crits off is if you didnt know they were off youd probably never notice

except youd maybe wonder why you arent getting mad at kills ever


If you're getting mad at video games, for any reason, then I'm prepared to say that you need to chill out. Walk away, make a sandwich. It's simply not worth the time.

Regarding config, nocrits just makes it even more obvious as to when the teams are unbalanced. And I guess the type of people who think skill is everything get less butthurt. Those are the only appreciable differences.


i dont really get angry but i like to see what i did wrong every time i die and if its me vs a scout and im shooting at him and hes shooting back at me and he gets a crit that happens to take me from full health down to zero i cant stand that if he didnt get lucky i might have been able to kill him and i dont see any way to improve because it wasnt a skill based defeat

but seriously do you guys think the playerbase is enough to support 2 servers

i made this mistake once which is why im pretty confident that it cant

i dont really get angry but i like to see what i did wrong every time i die and if its me vs a scout and im shooting at him and hes shooting back at me and he gets a crit that happens to take me from full health down to zero i cant stand that if he didnt get lucky i might have been able to kill him and i dont see any way to improve because it wasnt a skill based defeat

Or, you know, you could learn that maybe you should try staying outside the scouts effective range and learn to maneuver better while tracking a target that moves as fast as the scout. Even in a crit death there's often a lot you could learn from it. The Scout may get lucky and get a crit that kills you instantly, but before that they likely got themselves up close and effectively dodged what you were throwing at them.

Or, you know, you could learn that maybe you should try staying outside the scouts effective range and learn to maneuver better while tracking a target that moves as fast as the scout. Even in a crit death there's often a lot you could learn from it. The Scout may get lucky and get a crit that kills you instantly, but before that they likely got themselves up close and effectively dodged what you were throwing at them.

i was more talking about scout v scout which is pretty much always close quarters

there is no justification for him getting lucky and me not but if you wanna go ahead and make justifications as to why crit kills are fair in any way go ahead i need a good laugh


I won't play on a no-crits server.

I gladly accept crits as part of the game.

I think TF2 is a chaotic game, and crits do a good job of adding to the chaos.

Crit kills are fair because everybody has a chance of getting them.

Just so happens you didn't get them in that situation.

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