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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I counted 12 red team train deaths. I was 3 of them.

Requium4u was actually not too bad of a player for being 14. I know we've all played against other kids who were much better, but I'm saying it was the one reason I didn't kick/ban him before Darkesword did. He actually was making positive contributions to the team. Of course in the end, the various micspam/trolling/whining made more negative team contributions than any skill level, so he was gone.

This kind of stuff happens to me all the time. I run Microsoft VISTA unfortunately, so i think it just happens occasionally. As long as it doesn't happen every time, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Updating the drivers is always a good choice, though, and if there was a problem, that has a good chance of fixing it. Good luck! Keep us updated if there's any improvement or more problems.

Now I have updated to the newest drivers for my graphiccard. Going to test it tomorrow when i have more time and see if its been any changes and if the problem is gone.

Selectable resolutions are determined by the aspect ratio you have selected. Change it from 16:10 to something else and you should be able to select other resolutions.

Unless I'm totally misunderstanding your problem.

ya and also the size of your monitor

unless your monitor supports 1680x1050 or 1920x1200 on 16:10 youll only be able to pick 1200x800


I saw this in the XKCD forum... it made me smile.... thought I'd share


*DEAD* Caesar: Et tu, Brute?

and the hlxstats apppear to have been reset.

Dang, I was just starting to break out of my 9,000 point ceiling... Ahh well, I guess I can look forward to climbing back up again.


So, anyway, I decided to stop playing tonight when I noticed that all the really good players were stacking up on one team.

Edit: Well, actually I gave the match a few minutes to see if it would start going the way I thought it would (which it did).


No, you heard right, HLStatsX have been reset.

Bahamut spouted some bullshit about how "it would have taken forever to get #1 with the old stats."

I was on my way to the top of the list and really that's not what was important but all of those statistics I've accumulated over the past couple of weeks. I was proud of all of those kills and awards I got... but now they're all shot to shit.

Thanks for nothing Bahacunt.


Not sure I like that the stats were reset, ESPECIALLY if the way that this time around will work is the same as last time.

You are going to modify how many points are doled out, etc, right? Or are we just going to reset server stats every so often...?

That's kind of crap. :\ Does it really matter if it's difficult or not to get to 1st? I liked having an accurate record of how well I was doing.

this .

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