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You mother fuckers played rock band without me.

Also, I had a great time as always. Highlights included:


the impromptu mashup of dream on, wonderwall, and boulevard of broken dreams, as well as the 90s moody pop marathon

prozax jacking off a glowstick

starla as chun-li

that toad girl


uh what else

oh yeah the bands were pretty fucking awesome.

What a great mag. I really enjoyed seeing you all again.


more tagfest stuff. bardicknowledge on the countertenor, me flailing about on the lead, norg on the dastardly loud baritone, and escariot faking a bass :< doesn't our intro sound awesome? we need real mics next time, and we need not to record this at 1:30am (bardic and i were having trouble after yelling all weekend...that IS an A or so for me and a C for him, after all)

Apparently, BGC didn't get the memo ;)

yes I did. You need to check your ears :razz:

I will say it would have been better if I hadn't blown it by the first night... That'll teach me to talk so much!

Next year, I think Brandon and I should shoot for an official jamspace concert slot and have a "non-VGM songs we all know and love from the 90's" set or something. Grey Street was also another one we should have recorded.

the impromptu mashup of dream on, wonderwall, and boulevard of broken dreams, as well as the 90s moody pop marathon

omg, that was frickin sweet. Someone should have recorded it

It's not as impromptu as you might think...

Here's a link to that MP3

Still sorry I missed that fun. Jose can attest to how much I love cheesy karaoke... (You were there with me in DC, right?)

While I'm still working on sorting my 250 picts, here's some more highlights:

Stealing a noisemaker and tiarra from the expensive Bond party New Year's Eve (sorry I don't have any pictures of the party...)

"We put a keyboard in your keyboard so now you can jam while you jam!"

Meeting Walter Day of Twin Galaxies and King of Kong fame (I didn't know he'd be there; I was star-struck...)

Meeting Howard Drossing after the informative Q&A and getting him to sign my copy of this:


Meeting Tommy Tallarico--even if only briefly--and getting him to sign this:


The chiptune concert rocking the pants off of Otakon's and pretty much every other rave I've ever been to 8-)

Meeting and chilling with bLiNd

Dancing by Bustatunez and Hale-Bopp

NSMB--and I don't mean New Super Mario Bros. ;-)


Getting most of the OCRers (and ScrewAttack people too) to sign my "The 7th Fest" poster. Will definitely inspire me in the coming year(s?).

Edit: How can I forget--OCR PANEL: one of the best ever IMO!

Seriously though, it must again be iterated that I have utmost <3 for each and every one of you and I can't wait until even a small subset of us are together again. Thanks.


And how many others here agree that bLind and Jade are like, the perfect couple? They just seem truly made for eachother.

;_; You're killing me here, Mazedude. It was a pleasure to meet you. I didn't expect you or BGC to be there. You are like one of the vets too and been listening to you since the very beginning. You're really down to earth and extremely friendly. I hope we can make it out next year and see you again. ;)



Holy shit magfest was unbelievable this year. I want to hang out with you all again. You guys better come to Otakon's Jamspace and rock out too.

FYI got a few things:

Wiki page with a list of all the coverage that I know of so far (but not vids or pics yet)


New magfest staff blog:


Btw, check out the blog post for what I have in mind for next year's MASSIVE chiptunes rave in the main concert hall. CHECK IT. I want to do it hardcore and awesome, and I'm going to need a lot of help.

Magfest 8 is going to be the year. We all have some big, big plans.



Magfest Music Coordinator


Hey all, I apologize for my monstrous lurking...but anyway...

MAGfest was freakin' sweet. And it was my first time. Definitely will be coming back for more and more. It was fantastic to meet (or at least see) all of you. Equally great to jam (or at least watch you play) with you. Thank you all that enjoyed my mini-DoD set. Here's a video taken by Rama of ThaSauce:

All 3 official videos will be up on my channel eventually. I'm going to get the audio from Escariot and video from Xerol.

Hey, does anybody know who the band was that played that super badass version of the Ocean Palace theme on Thursday night? I was thinking it was either Rare Candy or Entertainment System but I'm not sure.

Rare Candy did. I remember that VERY clearly. It's one of the reasons why I bought their album for $5. CD is amazing, by the way. They gotta be one of my favorites I saw that weekend.


Ok, finally to give my thoughts on MAGFest...

Like I said, it was incredible. And I was impressed at every step of the way. I have never seen people come from so far and wide for a convention of this size (smaller conventions rarely attract many people from outside the immediate area). And I have never seen this kind of support for a convention come from the average folks just attending the con (no other convention I know could pull off the idea of "supporter badges" and get people to buy them). I don't know all of what Brendon and the other MAGFest staff are doing, but they're doing it right, and it made all the difference.

First, the concerts... This was one major draw for me, and I didn't even expect to get as wrapped-up as I did. Thursday night was awesome--with guys like The Megas and Entertainment System (on that note, I'm really looking forward to The Megas MM3 album). Too bad Power Glove and Select Start couldn't make it, but I definitely enjoyed a few of the other bands the rest of the weekend. Oh, and:

Hey, does anybody know who the band was that played that super badass version of the Ocean Palace theme on Thursday night? I was thinking it was either Rare Candy or Entertainment System but I'm not sure.

It was Rare Candy. They actually have it on the CD they were selling at the concert ("Gotta Rock 'em All").

Second, the JamSpace... This was a great surprise. I really think that the JamSpace characterized the entire convention--just a lot of folks who love video games getting together, having fun, and inviting anyone else to join in. I first ran in when I overheard "Star Salzman" being mentioned (which is when I ran into pixietricks, zircon, DrumUltima, et. al.), and also coming in periodically the rest of the weekend was always worth it.

Saturday there was also another performance by The Megas in JamSpace. And on account of getting there early, I got to see Prince of Darkness and his jaw-dropping bass skills.

Third, the game rooms and arcade cabinets... Like a kid in a candy store, really.

Fourth, the major, major highlight of the weekend was getting to meet or see again many other folks on these forums. I'm worried about listing everyone since I just know I'll leave some folks out, but really, it was awesome. My only regret is that there are still several people here that I wasn't able to meet (which for me has never happened at any other forum for any other convention, since I'm not used to so many people being in attendance in one place). I mean, seriously:


Kizyr - I have yet to meet you. If you see this before you leave the MAGHotel, stop by JamSpace sometime and introduce yourself.

After seeing that Dr Horrible JamSpace bit, I'm positive that I saw both you and your girlfriend there a few times. Unfortunately, I didn't recognize you at that time... sorry. (If it helps, in that IHOP photo I'm the one in the front row, third from the left--next to zircon and Taucer.) Next year, I guess?

So did I! [manage to avoid embarassing myself at SF2THDR]

I really hope you're feeling better now, and you make a fast recovery. But, I wanted to add that if I'd had the chance I probably would've challenged you at SF since, I think, you're the only one there I'd've had a remote chance at beating (although I'd wager that the reverse might also hold true).

*sigh*, with so much going on with panels and gaming, not to mention good ol' socializing, it's always inevitable that I miss some of the best of JamSpace... But at least it's on the Internet for all eternity :wink:

Man, I know! Not just JamSpace, but everything! Usually with smaller conventions, there's just tons of down-time and not a lot going on. MAGFest was the polar opposite: always stuff going on, and sometimes so much that you have to get selective. Again, I dunno what they're doing to make it like this, but they're doing it right.

Thanks also for tolerating the DJs in JamSpace Saturday night; it was all very last minute...
Tolerating the DJ's? You guys were so awesome, even Zircon was dancing.

I gotta echo what yodaisbetter says. The DJing was great! Coming both from me (who really isn't into the scene) and my friend who was with me (who really is--or was for a long time--into the scene). And I mean, if you really need any more validation: DJBlind-JillAndy02.jpg (...zirc's gonna end up hating me for this)

GOD TIER: Metroid Metal

HOT DOG TIER: Smash Bros


LOL TIER: Armadillo Tank [i wish the best with pieness though seriously, they have nowhere to go but up :)]

My only complaint (and a 100% subjective one at that) is that I'm not much of a fan of metal, and a lot of the bands seemed very metal-heavy. So, I wasn't really getting into Armadillo Tank (though I agree that there's potential there), Arm Cannon was sort of half-and-half for me, and I didn't actually go to see Metroid Metal (everyone assures me I missed out, though). But, I'm still satisfied with having seen The Megas (twice!), Smash Brothers, and Entertainment System at the very least.

Having it as our honeymoon, I felt truly blessed. I'm being serious too. ... When we said good-bye to a lot of the OCR people, I cried a lot in our room. I was so sad to go and say good-bye. :cry: It's just SO hard to find people that take video games and video game music as a passion.. I didn't want it to end.

Oh believe me, you're definitely not alone there. This PMD is setting in for almost everyone here, and I think for a lot of the same reasons. But, there's still the chance to meet up again next MAGFest, or even sooner if the opportunity arises!

Kizyr - I... can't remember who this was: OCR-HDR08.jpg looks like BGC v. OA

Thanks! I sort of recognized OA (though I was worried with the flash and all that it may well have been Larry, Jose, or Shael), but I couldn't tell it was BGC from the back.

And how many others here agree that bLind and Jade are like, the perfect couple? They just seem truly made for eachother. Of course, the same could be said for Zircon and Pixietricks, getting all lovey dovey on the OCR panel in front of everybody. :)

Oh man, that's the first thing that I thought when I saw the two of them (bLind and Jade, that is)! And that did cross my mind when I saw pixietricks and zircon way back at Otakon the year before last. I didn't want to be the first to say it, though, for fear that it might come off as too cheesy. I mean, sure, some folks might find it odd that y'all picked MAGFest as your honeymoon spot, but I think it totally suited you.

Ok, time to try to do some work to get my mind off of MAGFest... if I can. KF

Ok, finally to give my thoughts on MAGFest...

Oh man, that's the first thing that I thought when I saw the two of them (bLind and Jade, that is)! And that did cross my mind when I saw pixietricks and zircon way back at Otakon the year before last. I didn't want to be the first to say it, though, for fear that it might come off as too cheesy. I mean, sure, some folks might find it odd that y'all picked MAGFest as your honeymoon spot, but I think it totally suited you.

Ok, time to try to do some work to get my mind off of MAGFest... if I can. KF

Wow, thanks for the great choice of words there! You are very friendly and I appreciate the love and support from you and Mazedude! :razz:

But lemme tell you... I could careless what those people think about Jordan's and my decision. Him doing his set was like one of his ultimate dreams and seeing him happy satisfies me enough to call it a wonderful honeymoon. If no one understands that, you got a lot to learn about love and what makes your mate happy. :tomatoface:


Anybody who gets to hug Joe Cam on their honeymoon and scream their love for weiners did it right. End of story.

I finally had my Post MAG Crash. Slept 14 hours last night. Totally screwed up my sleep pattern since I go back to work tomorrow night, but I gotta be in Philly tomorrow morning. I'm so screwed.

Man, I want a Hot Dog now...


So uh... We have a JamSpace forum (and temp website soon): http://www.conjamspace.com/smforum

That is going to turn into the central hub for all JamSpace planning and talk. Anybody that wants to join feel free. That will be where all of the most up-to-date information is posted/stored, since there are a lot of communities around that are interested.

Anybody who gets to hug Joe Cam on their honeymoon and scream their love for weiners did it right. End of story.

I finally had my Post MAG Crash. Slept 14 hours last night. Totally screwed up my sleep pattern since I go back to work tomorrow night, but I gotta be in Philly tomorrow morning. I'm so screwed.

Man, I want a Hot Dog now...


Those hot dogs were amazing. I couldn't believe Virt served free food to nerds like us. haha He's a really kool guy.

It's not as impromptu as you might think...

Here's a link to that MP3

Still sorry I missed that fun. Jose can attest to how much I love cheesy karaoke... (You were there with me in DC, right?)

While I'm still working on sorting my 250 picts, here's some more highlights:

Stealing a noisemaker and tiarra from the expensive Bond party New Year's Eve (sorry I don't have any pictures of the party...)

"We put a keyboard in your keyboard so now you can jam while you jam!"

Meeting Walter Day of Twin Galaxies and King of Kong fame (I didn't know he'd be there; I was star-struck...)

Meeting Howard Drossing after the informative Q&A and getting him to sign my copy of this:


Meeting Tommy Tallarico--even if only briefly--and getting him to sign this:


The chiptune concert rocking the pants off of Otakon's and pretty much every other rave I've ever been to 8-)

Meeting and chilling with bLiNd

Dancing by Bustatunez and Hale-Bopp

NSMB--and I don't mean New Super Mario Bros. ;-)


Getting most of the OCRers (and ScrewAttack people too) to sign my "The 7th Fest" poster. Will definitely inspire me in the coming year(s?).

Edit: How can I forget--OCR PANEL: one of the best ever IMO!

Seriously though, it must again be iterated that I have utmost <3 for each and every one of you and I can't wait until even a small subset of us are together again. Thanks.

You are a very sweet person, q-pa! We loved hanging out with ya! We hope to come next year and see you again! :) You were one of Jordan's favorites, indeed.

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