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Well already another all-new PSP is hitting the stores somewhere around October 2008.

I guess Sony updates these things consistently every year.

"The PSP 3000 will include a built-in microphone for use with Skype and Go Messenger. It will also feature an "enhanced" LCD screen, with more vibrant colors and reduced glare when using it outside." - IGN

There isn't much of a difference besides this, even the design looks the same, and I personally could care less about a built-in-mic.

It still looks pretty cool though, but so does the "Slim & Lite"

I probably won't get this, but who knows.

So who's buying?


Sony is now hopping around in Nintendo's favorite playground, redoing their handheld every year. Too bad this is more of a minor update than a real upgrade. A new screen, a microphone and a "PS" button? What about a multi-point touch screen, or fixing the battery life? How about making that UMD drive run more efficiently?

Sony is now hopping around in Nintendo's favorite playground, redoing their handheld every year. Too bad this is more of a minor update than a real upgrade. A new screen, a microphone and a "PS" button? What about a multi-point touch screen, or fixing the battery life? How about making that UMD drive run more efficiently?

Maybe it's possible that they have the touch-screen technology on the system, although it isn't quite ready yet and would be released for use on a later firmware update.

I also thought the mic was just a rumor.


why mess with a good design

I'm still quite happy with my PSP 1001, but I see no real reason to complain if they keep refining the system (as long as they don't jack the price up with every iteration)

also, they wouldn't add some radical new functionality to a system this late in the game, like touchscreen. That would just totally fuck up the dynamics of the system. Not only would current userbase would be livid about being "left out", but for a developer to make use of the new functionality, they would have to ignore about 90% (yes, numbers out my ass, yay) of that userbase that doesn't have the functionality, thus reducing their possible profits from a game and therefore the feasibility of producing a game with the new functionality.

in other words, even if it were added, it would never be used


I'll be getting a PSP from my fiancee for my birthday, so I won't be getting this. Not worth waiting another month or two for the update if you ask me since I doubt I'd ever use the microphone, and the current screen is good enough for me. I don't play my handhelds outside very often (more like never actually).

why mess with a good design

I'm still quite happy with my PSP 1001, but I see no real reason to complain if they keep refining the system (as long as they don't jack the price up with every iteration)

also, they wouldn't add some radical new functionality to a system this late in the game, like touchscreen. That would just totally fuck up the dynamics of the system. Not only would current userbase would be livid about being "left out", but for a developer to make use of the new functionality, they would have to ignore about 90% (yes, numbers out my ass, yay) of that userbase that doesn't have the functionality, thus reducing their possible profits from a game and therefore the feasibility of producing a game with the new functionality.

in other words, even if it were added, it would never be used

I don't really think games would need to use it beyond menu interface. I mean we're not dealing with a dual-screen system like the DS here. It would just make the PSP more iPhone-like.


Well that's cool with me since I never really got around to hacking it and I'm still enjoying my system.

I'm sure the hacking community will find a way. If they can't and still bitch about being stuck with their fats, well nobody's stopping them from upgrading. If they're still bitching about it, well you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Sony is now hopping around in Nintendo's favorite playground, redoing their handheld every year. Too bad this is more of a minor update than a real upgrade. A new screen, a microphone and a "PS" button? What about a multi-point touch screen, or fixing the battery life? How about making that UMD drive run more efficiently?

I think a touch screen would ruin the PSP as it is now. They should shore up their own customers and it's actually doing pretty well saleswise (just because it's behind the DS by a large margin doesn't mean it's not selling millions).

Also, the screen glare has been a major problem as far as handhelds go for me, so it's definitely not a non-issue. It's great to hold on to buying a PSP for all this time. When I finally get it, they'll have the free memory stick duos, free games, the best PSP version possible, etc. I just hope it's still possible to put ROMs on it.

I want a second thumb-stick, dang it.

So there can be two piece of shit joysticks to deal with? How about one joystick that can do its job properly first. Im sure they can add these features on the psp 4000.

As long as hackers are breathing, they'll make the PSP ROMable.

I've played a PSP before. Only for a few minutes, but still. I liked it, but I guess if you play it regulary, you'd get sick of the design and battery life.

A touch screen would ruin it because Sony has already attempted to emulate features that Nintendo has done famously with (motion sensor controllers, touch screen). They can try, but I foresee someone getting extremely mad when their PSP battery dies and they stab their screen in frustration with a stylus.

but I foresee someone getting extremely mad when their PSP battery dies and they stab their screen in frustration with a stylus.

:lol: Yeah I can visualize someone doing that

They can try, but I foresee someone getting extremely mad when their PSP battery dies and they stab their screen in frustration with a stylus.

Also thirded. Hell, mine has to put up with enough abuse when I get pissed at it because I suck at Dracula X Chronicles. Thank goodness swearing doesn't damage the PSP. It's about the only thing that doesn't nick the screen if you're careless with it. XD

but I guess if you play it regulary, you'd get sick of the design

not really?

I love the heft of the PSP compared to the DS Lite's apparent weightlessness (that and the DSL really is too small for me to be able to hold comfortably for long periods of time).

The DS Lite actually has a bit more weight than the PSP Lite, so..

You know, at first I didn't believe you so I grabbed my PSP Slim and my DS Lite, and I was shocked... the DS feels like lifting a brick after holding the PSP.


I cannot care less about a mic. Don't use Skype. And the current screen serves all purposes required. Home button!? Ah, I see, trying to go for uniformity with your systems... I don't really mind. It's when they start adding huge features that make new games inaccessible to me that I'll start getting bugged because less than 12 months ago I bought the PSP-2000. For instance, a vastly improved joystick... that would piss me off if they didn't offer some kind of upgrade for previous systems... I've seen mods to attach PS2 analog sticks onto the PSP, I might give that a try one of these days. Love my PSP and my DS, but that little joystick nub is hard to use. :/

Don't use Skype.

you should

that little joystick nub is hard to use. :/

i beat gitaroo man lives with that thing on both normal and master

if thats possible the nub isnt terrible

(that and the DSL really is too small for me to be able to hold comfortably for long periods of time).

That is my single qualm with the DSL. After a 30 minute session with Contra 4, I get this painful red mark on my left palm.

On topic: Nothing about the PSP really excites me, whatever version it is. I sold mine on eBay, and I'm hoping to get a cheap surround sound system for my room with it (since lightning fried my old one).

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