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So I just got a PS2. Way late to the party, right? :P

Anyway, I'm looking for some games but there's really SO MANY AVAILABLE that I need to make sense of the huge library. Oh and I already ordered Katamari Damacy that was kind of obvious.

I know I want an Ace Combat game, but which one should I get first? I'll probably want them all eventually because I'm a fighter jet whore, but I just want one to start out with.

Here's the kind of stuff I'm looking for:


-big robots [like Gundam, or that one game where you control a super robot by remote (RAD something?)]

-one or two good fighting games [i remember playing Tekken Tag and I loved it so I think I might get that]


-bizarre off-the-wall but surprisingly good stuff like Katamari

-a good story that doesn't involve plodding through random turn-based battles [so cancel any recommendations on Final Fantasy or 99% of all JRPGs ever, unless they have some sort of "auto-battle" function]

I will compile a list :3 also, anyone wants to offload their old PS2 games, I'm your huckleberry. SNES and Dreamcast too.


Definitely get ahold of Rez, Okami and Shadow of the Colossus ASAP (also We Love Katamari, since you have damacy). As for more general things, you can never go wrong with Burnout 3, Soul Calibur 2, the Metal Slug Anthology, or the first Spy Hunter (which I think is surprisingly fun).


Tekken Tag is pretty good for a fighter.

MGS2/3 are kinda shooters with reasonable stories, if a little confusing.

big robots

Shadow of the Colosus has big robot-type things and is epic.

Final Fantasy or 99% of all JRPGs ever, unless they have some sort of "auto-battle" function

FF12 can fight itself if you want it to, you mostly just step in when stuff is going badly. Its fairly grindy at times, but at least its easy grinding. And there's none of that random battle rabble.


I know I want an Ace Combat game, but which one should I get first? I'll probably want them all eventually because I'm a fighter jet whore, but I just want one to start out with.

Start with the 5 (Unsung War) then the Zero (Belkan War) after that buy the 4th whenever you want (it's the older but still playworthy)


Musashi: Samurai Legend


One of the most overlooked PS2 games. It is a great game with a kick ass soundtrack.

Oh, and also, if you decide to play online shooters, I suggest SOCOM 3 or SOCOM: CA (they both also have challenging 1 player games). I don't really know if people still play this or not, but Battlefield 2 was pretty fun online and it had beautiful graphics. The only drawback is, it takes way too many shots to kill people and character custimization is out of the question.

GTA: SA is also pretty cool to play after a long frustrating day, and even better when you're drunk.


Ace Combat 5 (Flying)

Ace Combat Zero (Flying)

Alien Hominid (Run 'N Gun)

Castlevania: Lement of Innocence (3D Action)

Contra: Shattered Soldier (Run 'N Gun)

Dragon Quest VIII (RPG)

Final Fantasy XII (RPG)

Gradius III&IV (Shmup Compilation)

Gradius V (Shmup)

Guilty Gear X2 (Fighting)

MegaMan Anniversary Collection (Action Platformer Compilation)

Metal Slug Anthology (Run 'N Gun Compilation)

Onimusha (Survival Horror)

Onimusha 2 (Survival Horror)

Onimusha 3 (Survival Horror)

R-Type Final (Shmup)

Resident Evil 4 (Survival Horror)

Rygar (3D Action)

Shadow of the Colossus (3D Action)

Silpheed: The Lost Planet (Shmup)

Soul Calibur III (Fighting)

Taito Legends 2 (Compilation)

Twisted Metal Black (Car Battler)

WipeOut Fusion (Battle Racing)


I second Ace Combat 5. It's a bit peacenik-y and so forth, but it definitely warrants a play. (I personally love the game.) You don't get better than Ace Combat for arcade-dogfighting games. If you want to avoid the ham-handedness of Ace Combat 5's anti-war message, start with Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies. It sounds more like you're a professional military pilot and its messages are separate from the flight. That's a really good game too, and is worth your time. The good news about both titles is they're Greatest Hits titles, so you can get them for cheap.

I also second MGS3, but try to get Subsistence rather than just Snake Eater. I heard Subsistence is a better game for what improvements are made.


0_0; Get...The Red Star!

It's a shooter/action game based on a comic book series that plays in an alternate universe Russia where magic and technology come together.

It's got a lot of references to all yer classic shooters and has a nice upgrade system and plenty of unlockables. Multiplayer makes it even more awesome; me and my best friend have been blasting through it so many times it's not even funny :D


If you're a masochist action gamer who likes technical gameplay/combat, get Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition (don't bother with the original version, you'll hate yourself if you buy it.)

Includes the most fun and rewarding final boss encounter I've played in a long time.

Also Shadow of the Colossus. You can't own a PS2 and NOT own this game. I'm making that an obligation now.

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