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I know who GrayLightning really was. :)

aaah, are you being facetious? For some reason I'm inclined not to think so (if only because this is a far cry from the rough tone i've seen you take concerning wips)


I couldn't help but post here...

...but not having known GrayLightning, I must say this makes almost everyone on this site look like a bunch of manic stalkers. Though I don't see how a group of over 100 people could manage to stalk someone without them noticing, hehe!

Well if you do find him, drag him back here and duct-tape him to his computer. We need moar mixes from him!

I couldn't help but post here...

...but not having known GrayLightning, I must say this makes almost everyone on this site look like a bunch of manic stalkers. Though I don't see how a group of over 100 people could manage to stalk someone without them noticing, hehe!

Well if you do find him, drag him back here and duct-tape him to his computer. We need moar mixes from him!

maniac stalkers? The guy was a friend, remixer, great musician, and all around great person. Its not common that a group of people would pursue him. He just up and vanished without a trace. Really makes you wonder, what the hell happened. Not having met him either I can't vouch for much. But its clear he was a big part of OCR.

Edit: oops, my bad. Manic, lol disregard kthx.


What if one of the insiders (like DJP) who has direct access to the forums copies GrayLightning's subset of data out, then brute forces or de-encrypts it (whichever is easier). A password can tell you a lot about a person.

If that doesn't divulge much, then run a test of his password against all other accounts in the forums and see if it matches up with anyone else. Those matches could then be his other aliases.

Or a moderator could just delete this post cause I'm suggesting the data owner to potentially hack one or more of it's user's accounts. 8-O

Though desperate times call for desperate measures and we've all seen what larger companies have done per the requests of others... like GOOGLE.

So how about this... DJP I'm suing for you to run a test against GrayLightning's account! :-P

Now watch... everyone's gonna go change their passwords and someone's gonna try to brute force the forums from the outside and will make the servers go down... Hopefully no one is this stupid.


I remember Gray when he was first up for nomination to the panel. He was always the most genuine and helpful person in the community as far as I was concerned.

Regarding the search efforts: He clearly touched a lot of people in this community in a very positive way, and for that reason he holds an important place in a lot of your hearts, but I think it's worth noting and respecting that he didn't have any intention of being found. He chose to stop participating in this community, he didn't give ANYONE (as far as I know) any contact information, and he did say goodbye. He moved on.

A common reaction I see is that people say "You don't just leave a community of people who care about you and sever all communication; something terrible must have happened to him, there's no reason why he should have done what he did." But it's really more accurate to say that we don't UNDERSTAND why he did what he did. Different people can have very different values and motivations and while it disappoints us not to have Gray anymore, I think we might do best to simply be thankful for the time we had with him.

You may remember that he always did keep a certain degree of separation from the community that many of us do not. Some people in this community, myself included, have forged geographically distant friendships that we hold very dear and could never walk away from permanently, but every single one of us manages our own balance between the time we devote to our OCR "internet lives" and our "real lives." Gray was never particularly inclined to mix one with the other, which so many of us have difficulty accepting or understanding because for some of us there's such a great degree of overlap.

Try not to feel slighted or insulted, but instead feel grateful that he chose to give us so much of his time and his art. And please try not to allow yourselves to worry about his health or safety. As hard as it is to hear this, you need to realize that abduction, terminal affliction and catatonic depression are not the only reasons why someone might decide to leave OCRemix permanently. :lol:

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if at some point down the line we learned that he has devoted his life to some Tibetan monastic order and he's living in a temple on the top of a mountain somewhere.


I remember Gray when he was first up for nomination to the panel. He was always the most genuine and helpful person in the community as far as I was concerned.

Regarding the search efforts: He clearly touched a lot of people in this community in a very positive way, and for that reason he holds an important place in a lot of your hearts, but I think it's worth noting and respecting that he didn't have any intention of being found. He chose to stop participating in this community, he didn't give ANYONE (as far as I know) any contact information, and he did say goodbye. He moved on.

A common reaction I see is that people say "You don't just leave a community of people who care about you and sever all communication; something terrible must have happened to him, there's no reason why he should have done what he did." But it's really more accurate to say that we don't UNDERSTAND why he did what he did. Different people can have very different values and motivations and while it disappoints us not to have Gray anymore, I think we might do best to simply be thankful for the time we had with him.

You may remember that he always did keep a certain degree of separation from the community that many of us do not. Some people in this community, myself included, have forged geographically distant friendships that we hold very dear and could never walk away from permanently, but every single one of us manages our own balance between the time we devote to our OCR "internet lives" and our "real lives." Gray was never particularly inclined to mix one with the other, which so many of us have difficulty accepting or understanding because for some of us there's such a great degree of overlap.

Try not to feel slighted or insulted, but instead feel grateful that he chose to give us so much of his time and his art. And please try not to allow yourselves to worry about his health or safety. As hard as it is to hear this, you need to realize that abduction, terminal affliction and catatonic depression are not the only reasons why someone might decide to leave OCRemix permanently. :lol:

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if at some point down the line we learned that he has devoted his life to some Tibetan monastic order and he's living in a temple on the top of a mountain somewhere.


This is a great post and I agree with/second everything you said.

What if one of the insiders (like DJP) who has direct access to the forums copies GrayLightning's subset of data out, then brute forces or de-encrypts it (whichever is easier). A password can tell you a lot about a person.

If that doesn't divulge much, then run a test of his password against all other accounts in the forums and see if it matches up with anyone else. Those matches could then be his other aliases.

Or a moderator could just delete this post cause I'm suggesting the data owner to potentially hack one or more of it's user's accounts. 8-O

Though desperate times call for desperate measures and we've all seen what larger companies have done per the requests of others... like GOOGLE.

So how about this... DJP I'm suing for you to run a test against GrayLightning's account! :-P

Now watch... everyone's gonna go change their passwords and someone's gonna try to brute force the forums from the outside and will make the servers go down... Hopefully no one is this stupid.

I'm going to point out, brute forcing is highly illegal. :\


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if at some point down the line we learned that he has devoted his life to some Tibetan monastic order and he's living in a temple on the top of a mountain somewhere.

As someone who's played with this idea myself, I'm surprised this possibility isn't brought up more often. His music did always have a spiritual vibe to it. What if the dude just decided to renounce all his attachments to this world and pursue enlightenment?

I'm going to point out, brute forcing is highly illegal. :\

Brute forcing isn't illegal, it's frowned upon. Like...masturbating on an airplane.

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