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why exactly is Mega Man 2 the best one again

I have never played it mostly due to disinteres,t but I have 1300 Wii Points so you could all theoretically convince me to splurge on Mega Man and Mega Man 2.


It's got some of the better Mega Man music. It's somewhat easier than Mega Man 1 (at least, I find it easier). I'm on Robot Master 6 and I've only had to go through about six continues, whereas Mega Man... I have yet to get past four. Even with guides and maps to give me some help, I suck at Mega Man 1.

Also, if you don't, you're a fag. A gay fag. A gay fag who likes to do homosexual things. With other fags.

Who are gay.

why exactly is Mega Man 2 the best one again

I have never played it mostly due to disinteres,t but I have 1300 Wii Points so you could all theoretically convince me to splurge on Mega Man and Mega Man 2.

Mega Man 2 is definitely a classic, and what many consider to be the first "true" Mega Man game, in that it took what the first game had and made it better in almost every way (gameplay, music, 8 robot masters, items, etc). It set a new standard to the series that many feel has yet to be upheld by any subsequent title.

I personally feel Mega Man 3 did to 2 what 2 did for 1, and is my personal favorite in the series, but 2 is definitely the most popular. Either way it's incredibly fun, and worth many playthroughs. I think Mega Man 1 is missable, but I'd definitely check 2 out.


That wicker man megaman vid with the bees amused me immensely xD

Megaman 2 is awesome, I've played through that game a ridiculous amount of times and just never get tired of it.

I really wish they'd hurry up with Megaman 3 on the Virtual Console, but at least there's Megaman 9 to look forward to. Probably get it on PS3 though, unless it's released horifically later, because of the doubtfulness of Nintendo offering any solution to the memory limitations of the Wii. Besides, HDMI 8 bit? Seems just crazy enough to work...

Does 9 actually have a release date yet?


You know what? I say fuck Megaman. I suck so bad at those games, I can literally feel my e-peen shrink every time I boot one of them up. Little blue bastard, I swear he blows up spontaneously just to piss me off.

I'm from the SNES generation. MegaMan X represent. That's one of my favorite games of all time. Oh and it's mad easy so I can feel like I kick ass when I play it. At least it's mad easy after 35 playthroughs.


I've actually got to agree with Shadow Wolf - I enjoy playing a partly difficult game like MMX and eventually beating it then playing a hard as fuck game like MM and basically losing forever until I practice it - at which point it becomes sad because video games shouldn't have to be 'practiced' unless they are FPSs.


That was the thing back then, though. they didn't have fancy AI routines or pathways or any of that stuff we have now. The difficulty of a game was determined by what they could make the machine do. Games had to be practiced to win them; the only other way to do it was to get a cheat device.

One day, when you're old, some kid will talk about some game you liked and say how hard it was. Then you can remember this topic and tell them about how in the old, old days, games were ruthless in their rigid, cold difficulty.

Now get the hell of my lawn and get a haircut, ya hippy. Ya look like a woman. Maybe a tour in 'Nam will smarten ya right up.


Sorry, but I think this game is just far too ancient. MM2 was the turning point, but MM3 just had the most going for it since you basically fight 16 robot bosses and the story was just amazing with the introduction of Protoman.

You know what? I say fuck Megaman. I suck so bad at those games, I can literally feel my e-peen shrink every time I boot one of them up. Little blue bastard, I swear he blows up spontaneously just to piss me off.

I wish the MM developers made the game easier.


Mega Man 2 is the best one i think. Classic. I will definitely be getting this on my friend's wii so I can play through it. It's not a hard game; you just have to "learn" it. So it takes a little bit of time.

Mega Man 2 Final Stage music is the SHIT. My favorite MM track out of any.


was I the first to finish his Megamen in the Genesis with The Wily Wars? it may be not much but playing from 1 to 3 with better sound and graphics was a very good way to start with Megaman!

Have a look at it!


just try to ignore the stupid comentator's voice...:/

And here you can listen to the music without the annoying voice!



You pussies who can't even handle the simplicity of the old MM games are the cancer of good games...


I also like to add that despite 2's fun factor, I'd say 3 was the turning point as mentioned earlier, especially since MM3 arguably is the longest of the series as well as possibly the hardest if you don't know what you're doing...

4 (personal favorite) just tweaked it a little more with the addition of a charged shot as well as nearly impossible to beat bosses without the right weapon. (1 or 2 of them at least)

I can still beat pharoah man with just the buster cannon though... :)!!


I liked MM2 for the original Gameboy better to be honest. 0_0; They're quite different too.

I got MM2 for VC a while back, but I couldn't get past a certain point, simply because I lost patience. I think it had something to do with timed jumps on fading blocks.

I had no problems getting through the GB version back in the day.


I just realized something, for those having real problems actually getting through Megaman 2 (really shouldn't), go play Megamari, comparing the bullshit the characters Marisa Kirisame and Alice Margetroid got to go through and Megaman in MM2, MM2 is much easier...

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