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Uwe Boll's VIDEO GAME (Seriously, WTF?)

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Hahah I love Uwe Boll.

People diss him and he keeps doing what he wants. You know why? Cos he has the opportunity and doesnt give a fuck what people think

Good on him.

If someone said you could make alot of money by playin around and having fun, you'd do it too

Hahah I love Uwe Boll.

People diss him and he keeps doing what he wants. You know why? Cos he has the opportunity and doesnt give a fuck what people think

Good on him.

If someone said you could make alot of money by playin around and having fun, you'd do it too

I totally would do the same if I could

Why would someone, not want to click on the link and check out kotaku...it's like one of the best video game news site, if not the best.

The game doesn't look that great but I wouldn't mind giving it a shot!

Ah yes I forgot a lot of musicians dislike popular things just for the sake of it. lol

Did you just double post to quote yourself and answer your own question?

Also, fighting in a linear tunnel doesn't sound too appealing to me.


...it looks like a generic FPS, set in Vietnam. With a "twist". My guess is the twist is either going to be aliens, zombies, or zombie aliens.

...like Contra, 'cept this doesn't look all that fun. KF

Did you just double post to quote yourself and answer your own question?

Sure looks like it.

As for the game, visually, it doesn't look half bad in the video. God knows what it would look like at 1024x768 (or larger) though. Knowing Boll, this will likely have some rather non-PC elements in it on top of the gore, just to get some extra attention (soldiers calling the local enemies various racial slurs, or something else that a lot of modern period games leave out so as not to offend).

I'll give the guy credit, he's pretty much said "Fuck you" to every critic he's ever had. He wants to make movies, and he does. Now he giving gaming a try... which seems oddly fitting given the source for his movies of late. It would be perfect if he made a game based on a movie, that way he could have the possibility of proudly proclaim that he's shit on both sides of the same road.

I'll laugh if this game of his winds up getting 7s and 8s from various websites.

I'll just say that their writing is incredibly poor for a video game media site.

So poor that you refuse to read an article of interest without it being copied and pasted elsewhere? :S Seems a little needlessly pedantic.

Uwe Boll makes me a sad panda. I wonder how on earth with his reputation he convinced any dev team to make a game for him? Bet they go under fast... or ironically make some logic defyingly amazing game.

So poor that you refuse to read an article of interest without it being copied and pasted elsewhere? :S Seems a little needlessly pedantic.

If I had heard of this from elsewhere, I would've just went there to find out about the news. There's a good reason some vg media won't ever use Kotaku as a source.

If I had heard of this from elsewhere, I would've just went there to find out about the news. There's a good reason some vg media won't ever use Kotaku as a source.

VG Media shouldn't be using other video game media as a source, they should get their info from more direct sources. Otherwise, they're just rewording other sites/magazines articles, which while making for a potentially more pleasant read is not the greatest journalism or the most insightful into the subject matter.

Kotaku is one of those sites that jumps at every rumour, gets it written out quick, so their writing standard is fairly basic and lots of the time, they post later articles that correct previous assumptions. But generally this means when they do get the big news, it's that bit before most other major sites.

...But none of that changes the fact that it's incredibly anal to take the time to post and ask for a copy and paste instead of just clicking the link :-P. Even writers who don't find Kotaku credible will still check it out if it's relevant; what're you afraid of, giving them that +1 hit? xD

Awesome! Its great when artists have a chance to do something fun and different, and get paid for it

I agree on that! I think if you choose your actor right, give him general lines on what to say, the results might come has something a lot more natural


lol for once i have to give credit to his smart thinking cuz he beat all the gamers to the punch by making a movie based on a video game that he's making. For what it's worth the game got my attention and it looks more fun than the movie. ummm part of me doesn't want to play it be the music got me all pumped even if it looks generic.

Hey coop for as long as i first joined ocr that werewolf has been terrorizing that smiley. Won't you let him have a breather for once and let him scare the werewolf?

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