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That can be frustrating. I know there's sfPack , sfArk , sfArkXT , etc.

Sometimes if the soundfont was compressed with one version of sfArk , using a newer (or older) version might not work .

In any case , I managed to decompress the fonts I got from DarkeSword's page but the only one I kept was the drums_industrial.

Maybe I'll get the orchestral font soon enough.

Soo , yeah . Basically , once the file extension of your soundfont is .sf2 , you should be able to load it into your host app.

You can try to drag -and - drop the sfArk file onto an open window of sfArk . That seems to work even though clicking the font and choosing 'decompress' or 'open with>sfArk' doesn't . It's weird .


Anyone know of any good thunder, wind, and rain samples? Or where to get any?

Preferably stereo, 44khz.

Oh, and I have searched the net but most of the time they're really low quality or the pages bring up ad pages or its simply 404 errors.


Hey, thanks a lot... I had found that site the other night but was getting page not founds when I clicked the link, and right clicking to save as wasn't working either. Gave it a try again and it worked.

Z3RO, all you need is an Orchestral kit for military sounds. Use EQ to brighten it up a bit and that will probably make it a little clearer. There is no "military" drums, its all just basic orchestral stuff.


Well, I found some good samples, dcpsoguy, but thanks anyway. I will make a soundfont out of the weather ones I found and upload it somewhere. Anyone know where I can do that?

Z3RO, all you need is an Orchestral kit for military sounds. Use EQ to brighten it up a bit and that will probably make it a little clearer. There is no "military" drums, its all just basic orchestral stuff.

http://soundfonts.darkesword.com/ has Squidfont and a Tubular Bells soundfont.

Squidfont has a decent orch kit. Here's a mix that I used it in for an example of the percussion. The timpani and gong are not part of the orch kit in Squidfont. I'll update the site today with those two fonts.

dude, you are the man! these are by far the best gong samples I' ve ever come across. these will come in handy in the near future. :lol:


Darkesword I took all of your soundfonts and they all are great. Thanks man.

I'm looking for really authentic-sounding guitars.

Bass, acoustic, electric, everything.

And this one's a little weird, but a human vibrato whistle.

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