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Square-X, what kind of rap?

Others- Pretty hard to find a good sounding guitar soundfont. They don't end up sounding real because there are a lot of factors that go into how a guitar sounds...

i'm looking for a good acoustic guitar soundfont. something that sounds similar to the "plucked!" generator, which is what I am currently working with until I find a decent soundfont.

Word. I need one too.

I used "Ovation" and "ProTrax Classical Guitar" (one is nylon, one is steel) for quite some time as SF2. I'm using other resources for guitars now (sample packs or a real one), but I'm sure you can still find it over at Hammersound. "Ovation" is like 4MB bi (RAR) and ProTrax is like 7,4MB (RAR).

Don't trust the feedback at Hammersound, though. Most of them said "bah... bad recordings", but if you add a bit more presence and "know" how to play, you won't get anything better for free.


I was messing around with ovation the other day and it is very good. all you need is the proper eq, reverb, and velocity adjustments and note placement (i get the feeling most of the bad reviews are from the people who would write a guitar chord with every note hit at once and shit like that lol)

You just have to think about how it would sound if you were actually playing the song on a guitar. how your hand would hit harder on the bass strings on the way down and harder on the high strings (and missing the low strings practically) on the way up.

Strumming... hahaha... good luck, but it can be achieved well enough to fool some people so give it a try. and again, not much your gonna find better for free so listen to compy.

I need a woodblock, one that can sound good in about a 2 octave range.

i do believe there were some fonts at hammersound...

people really should at least try to look for sounds before requesting them... i cant believe somoene actually requested a nice piano on here a page back lol, if you dont find what you want at hammersound check google. I know theres a like 120 meg piano font floating around the net.

I really miss the soundsite though, that was my friggin heaven. The best soundfont site that ever existed :(

I wish i could find an archive or something from them.

I was messing around with ovation the other day and it is very good. all you need is the proper eq, reverb, and velocity adjustments and note placement (i get the feeling most of the bad reviews are from the people who would write a guitar chord with every note hit at once and shit like that lol)

Or no background info how a guitar is build and played. The chords on a guitar may "sound" the same as those on a keyboard. But the keyboard uses less notes at the same time.

You just have to think about how it would sound if you were actually playing the song on a guitar. how your hand would hit harder on the bass strings on the way down and harder on the high strings (and missing the low strings practically) on the way up.

Strumming... hahaha... good luck, but it can be achieved well enough to fool some people so give it a try. and again, not much your gonna find better for free so listen to compy.

Glad that the archives are still active:

Simulating Guitar Strums

In this topic I wrote something about "how" to simulate strums and the anathomy of a guitar. There're even some demo samples in there. One with Ovation (afaik, not EQed however, this is why it sounds dull).

I used the Ovation and ProTrax guitar in one of my latest WIPs, but please don't ask me to post it as it isn't nearly finished. The feedback from guitarists and non-guitarists however were very positive and almost all of them asked "what samples did you use" as I send them the demo.

You see... those samples can't be that bad. Even if they're smaller than 10MB (RAR packed). It only counts a little bit of patience and "eager to search for things" to it to find really good material. Sometimes I feel the same as DMLee that most of the requesters are too lazy and await "spoon-feeding". Oh well...


@DJ Zenith:

Try to get "Sonic R" for PC (or at least a Demo), it has some original Sega Samples as *.wav in it. (among them the classical "ring collecting" sound)

Or try to record it via an emulator with the BG switched off - or the soundmenus you can access. The Dreamcast and GameCube games "Sonic Adventure" also have a sound menue who have the same classic Genesis sounds, too. (you can find that at "options").


Just a question... why does everyone stroke it to Squidfont? I don't see what the fuss is. Case in point? Listen to these strings. Am I the only one who thinks that sounds like crap? No effects added to eximplify a point. Oh yeah, the other instruments are missing notes, because the samples don't run the full range of the instrument. Brilliant.

Just a question... why does everyone stroke it to Squidfont? I don't see what the fuss is. Case in point? Listen to these strings. Am I the only one who thinks that sounds like crap? No effects added to eximplify a point. Oh yeah, the other instruments are missing notes, because the samples don't run the full range of the instrument. Brilliant.

No effects added, huh?

There's your fucking problem. :roll:


Exactly... you can do a lot with Squid if you know how. Look at some older stuff here at OCR where the Orchestra parts were made with Squid (I guess even Kaijin used that one). Everything sounds a bit flat if it's raw. But right EQed and the right delay/reverb and you're set.

Hell even my EMU Virtuoso (hardware orchestra synth) needs effects layers! Or the EDIROL HQ Orchestra... without Delay (do let it sound more wide) and reverb (to let it sound deep), and best if you stack it to like 4 subgroups, you simply can't expect to get an outstanding effect.

Besides... you can't expect a Viola go into the range of a Cello. Think about how an orchestra is built up, then bitch around again.

And if you want something without effects, get samplepacks for 400+ bucks and upwards! But if you want something for free... live with it and find a way to shape your sound to the desired level. 'nuff said.


And if you still don't like Squid. There're still tons of other "free" SF2s out there in the orchestra section. Use the search function from the board as I mentioned this sometime. We can't spoon-feed everyone. Some little researches are also important.

Exactly... you can do a lot with Squid if you know how. Look at some older stuff here at OCR where the Orchestra parts were made with Squid (I guess even Kaijin used that one). Everything sounds a bit flat if it's raw. But right EQed and the right delay/reverb and you're set.

I've heard this said (re: poor sound quality) said about Reason's samples as well, but with effects and EQing, they can be tweaked well.

Here's a dumb question. Does anyone have guidelines to make these things "sound better"? I confess, I'm still new at this all and I still need to develop my ear, but any knowledge would be more useful than none. This is a slightly (actually, a pretty dramatically) OT question so if it is let me know and I'll start a new thread instead.

Thank you for your attention.

Exactly... you can do a lot with Squid if you know how. Look at some older stuff here at OCR where the Orchestra parts were made with Squid (I guess even Kaijin used that one). Everything sounds a bit flat if it's raw. But right EQed and the right delay/reverb and you're set.

I've heard this said (re: poor sound quality) said about Reason's samples as well, but with effects and EQing, they can be tweaked well.

Here's a dumb question. Does anyone have guidelines to make these things "sound better"? I confess, I'm still new at this all and I still need to develop my ear, but any knowledge would be more useful than none. This is a slightly (actually, a pretty dramatically) OT question so if it is let me know and I'll start a new thread instead.

Thank you for your attention.

There are tons of resources here at OCR on how to make your stuff 'sound better', just search around and EXPERIMENT. But I'll say this for now: a little reverb goes a long way.


Do researches. Simple and easy.

With this you can understand how an orchestra works, how the ambience is, how everything is set up and stuff.

Most samples are recorded RAW or as clean as possible. Now how does this sound in a concert hall? An orchestra has rules, instruments have rules, different rooms have rules. This is the thing that you want to fake and you have to work on.

I won't spoonfed here as I had to learn this for myself and it worked really well in other productions for understanding what to do and what not. We even had some topics about mixing, EQ, orchestra and stuff here at OCR. You just have to search. And if this doesn't help: books... or go over to "Sound on Sound" online and search in the article archives. (you can find at least 3-5 articles about that there)

I need a woodblock, one that can sound good in about a 2 octave range.

i do believe there were some fonts at hammersound...

It says there's some on the index page but when you click on the link there isn't any on the sub-page. Four pages of google and I couldn't find one that wasn't either a broken link or a proprietary format.

I guess I could use one from a GM soundfont. Recommendations?


are you looking for a woodblock you can pitch up and down?

You'd probably be able to do this if you just find a wav sample of a woodblock and just pitch it how you want.

If you can't find a good sample, then go to hammersound and check through a lot of the drumkits (i dont mean just look for a woodblock drumkit, i mean look at the regular drumkits that may have woodblocks in them) until ou find a good sounding woodblock then make a single strike of the block at like 280 bpm so you can get a short sample (should give a smaller file size this way) and just export it to wav and use it this way. (make sure you have the volume adjusted because the wav sample will be at the volume exported but then when you load the sample the channels volum will be down to 75% or whatever again.

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