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I think AS will only run their original shows.

That's... Kind of scary.

I personally think AS would be heading more in the right direction if lessened the amount of "12oz mouse" randomness they seem to enjoy spewing at us. Venture brothers has to be one of the best shows they have IMHO. Metalocalypse is alright and I have some hopes for that barbarian show they piloted several months, if not a year ago now. Anyone know what the status was of that show?

Toonami died when they took off all the awesome anime and cartoon series:

-Batman: Animated Series

-Sailor Moon S (Never really cared for Classic, R, or SS)

-Dragon Ball

-Static Shock (I think it was on that block)

-Super: Animated Series

-Outlaw Stars

-Yuu Yuu Hakusho

-Samurai Jack

-Any reruns of 90s action cartoons

took the words right outta my head.

That's... Kind of scary.

I personally think AS would be heading more in the right direction if lessened the amount of "12oz mouse" randomness they seem to enjoy spewing at us. Venture brothers has to be one of the best shows they have IMHO. Metalocalypse is alright and I have some hopes for that barbarian show they piloted several months, if not a year ago now. Anyone know what the status was of that show?

Korgoth The Barbarian. And I hated it. As far as I know, it wasn't picked up.

They need to get rid of Squidbillies too. Just awful.

Well. I'm glad they at least gave Toonami a somewhat formal good bye, compared to a lot of the other stuff they've canceled.

Agreed. This plus the 10th anniversary clipshows they put together last year really seem to at least be a fair sendoff, rather than a quick slash to the department.


Toonami was great before it got bumped to Saturday, as some have already stated. It started as an action block, and at one point was running for 5 hours. Usually running at 4 hours, and also having the Midnight Run before [adult swim] came along.

Though it was pretty terrible in it's Saturday incarnation, the loss of Toonami represents a huge loss of childhood for me, and a huge part of why I like what I like today.

As for [adult swim]...it's pretty terrible. There are a couple of good shows, and the rest is pretty much crap. Tim & Eric? I can't believe anyone will watch that.

Long live Toonami.

The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest

Dragonball Z

Yu Yu Hakusho


Megas XLR

Tenchi Muyo and Universe

Gundam Wing, G Gundam, Gundam 0079, and motherfucking Gundam 08th MS Team

Outlaw Star

Rurouni Kenshin

Justice League

Batmam: The Animated Series and Batman Beyond

Blue Submarine 6

Cowboy Bebop

Ronin Warriors

Samurai Jack

Macross(although I saw this one years before Toonami late night on CN)

So much good shit from Toonami. So many good memories of getting home from school, turning on the tube and watching Johnny Quest or something else. The videos, the game reviews. Everything about Toonami was amazing.

It's been a long time and I've grown up a lot, but Toonami, and the Cartoon Network of olde will always hold a special place in my heart.

Damn it! Way to make me cry tears of pure nostalgia. My head almost exploded when I realized that I used to watch all of these shows religiously. Toonami probably shaped my childhood more than I will ever realize.

And I'll be damned, Johnny Quest. I almost forgot about that show!

Edit: Also, lol at that pic, Aninymouse. I don't really know who that first guy is b/c I haven't watched Toonami in ages, but I assume he was the new host.


I think we had a a different version in England.

First it was CNX.A dedicated Channel to pretty badass stuff.

which used to show. Spawn. and The Sheild.

Big O,Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star. and some other stuff.

Was quite full on.

Thne it cahnged to Toonami. they startyed showing more kid freindly stuff during the day. loadsa DBZ, S.Jack. Got rid of Spawn, Outlaw Star, Bebop etc.Then came One Piece, En Masse.

Wouldnt be surprised if nwo they're showing naruto all the time with his "BELEIVE IT!!!!" bollocks :/

Judging by Malaki-LEGEND.sys's post. you lot over the pond had a better deal!


I guess Texas doesn't really count that much for the South, but really, I don't think living or growing up somewhere like Georgia would increase the appeal of squidbillies to me.

To each his own though, a lot of the AS stuff is hit and miss with me anyway.


I live in the same area of Texas as you, cobalt, and I think Squidbillies is pretty amusing. Can't really say how being a Texan has shaped my opinion of the show but just the stereotypical southern accents make me grin even when they aren't delivering a punch line.


Let's see, Samurai Jack... good. Never got to see it much.

Fosters.... LAME!

Eddy's...Wanted to tare my eyes out.

tom and jerry...for some reason I thought tom would win at some point. But since jerry is the dishonorable one and always wins, I stopped liking it.


Sailor moon....didn't like. TOo girly for me.

Ronin Warriors...liked it a lot

gundam whatever... most were pretty good. There was one where the gundams were kidsized though. that one was dumb.

Kenshin... was good until they finally killed Shishio(sp) then it was fillers till episode ninty some. The Jesus wannabe didn't hold my interest.

Outlaw star... one of the best shows to ever hit TV. It's too bad they didn't make another season.

Megas XLR... too many reruns. But it was good the first few times I saw an episode.

DBZ...Liked it. and team four star is doing a pretty good job at their abridged series. Check it out on youtube if you want.

Billy & Mandy... Wanted break my tv when it came on. Hated it so much.

Courage...I almost felt like I had to like it. But man it was annoying.

Tim and Eric....wanted to puke

Mole men....wanted to puke even more

bobobo...can jump off a cliff

G-force...I liked it when it was on

Chowdar...Can't stand it.

Several other's I didn't mention

I guess I only care for more mature cartoon and really don't like the young kid stuff.

Now go ahead...flame me for this list.

I live in the same area of Texas as you, cobalt, and I think Squidbillies is pretty amusing. Can't really say how being a Texan has shaped my opinion of the show but just the stereotypical southern accents make me grin even when they aren't delivering a punch line.

Yeah that's my point, saying someone "must not live in the South" should have no bearing on whether someone finds humor in the show or not. You and I are a good example, we live in the same relative area, one of us likes it and one of us doesn't.

I guess really there's nothing about the show that appeals to me, it's pretty ugly in all areas. Although I guess I shouldn't wish it to disappear since there are those who do enjoy it, I can always watch something else. (most of the time I don't even have access to CN, much less AS anyway).

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