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Do you have a NES/Atari/SNES/Sega/N64...

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The oldest systems I have that still work are my original Game Boy and N64. I usually only break out the N64 for the occasional Goldeneye or Mario Kart session with my friends, or better yet, some awesome Pokemon Puzzle League action.

I had an SNES when I was a kid, but I (very foolishly) gave it away. Then a friend of mine gave me one for my birthday a couple years ago, but sadly it stopped working after only about two months, right after I bought Mario RPG on Ebay. Money well spent...


I wouldn't recommend getting it from amazon, but I've tried one, and they work great.


Also with the arrow keys on a keyboard I can never seem to do any hadouken type moves while facing right... It doesn't help that there's no diagonal arrow key, but for some reason I can pull them off facing left but never right.

But of course the only fighting game I ever really play on an emulator is Gundam Wing: Endless Duel.

Also with the arrow keys on a keyboard I can never seem to do any hadouken type moves while facing right... It doesn't help that there's no diagonal arrow key, but for some reason I can pull them off facing left but never right.

But of course the only fighting game I ever really play on an emulator is Gundam Wing: Endless Duel.

Man I hate using emulators, as the controls are so dicky (especially with fighting games like street fighter, they are torture to do commands correctly.

I use the original consoles where possible as that is what the games were originally meant to be played on.

These are pictures from my last apartment but I still have the same setup in my current one. Please excuse the crappy camera phone quality.




Not pictured are my original Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance SP, and DS.

There is just something about playing a game on it's original system that is just so much fun, and it brings back so many memories. A lot of people were raising the issue of having to rebuy all of their old games if they wanted to play them on the Wii, but that was never a problem with me because I still own most of my old games. I mean I never even use Slot 2 on my DS, when I want to play a Gameboy game I just pop it in my GBA SP instead. I've never liked PC emulators because it feels silly playing games on a keyboard, and the Wii Virtual Console is much better. The VC balances it out because you don't have to blow on carts or do any other tactics to try and get games to work, that and it has that instant save feature.

AAAH TELEBE KUN! I so want one of those.

I still have my MegaDrive with about 40 games.

A Snes,PS1 ,Yellow Brick Gameboy

Dreamcast,PS2,Wii,Xbox360 are always hooked upto the TV. Played very often.

Megadrive often comes out when i need to play Thunder Force 4 or Some Gunstar Heroes.Cant wait until i move from this tiny room.

Ill just leave em all hooked up around the TV like i did at home.


In order I got them:

Turbografix 16 [Grew up with this system. Bonk is my hero.]

Sega Genesis [shortly thereafter]

Gameboy [Tetris, LoZ: Link's Awakening, and Mario 2 owned me]

Atari something or other briefly [spiderman, disappeared.]

PlayStation [CD motor burnt out, currently in pieces.]

NES [stored with a game compressed, the prongs can't be fixed anymore. Currently in pieces]

Gameboy Color [My portable for 10 years]

PlayStation2 [The Fatty]

XBox [Only use it for Halo and... well, that's all.]

Gamecube [Melee machine]

Wii [brother's, actually, but I'm too cheap to get anything new yet]

DS [My main system now]


I am ROUGH on my gaming consoles, it would seem, or I just have terrible luck with hardware.

Had an Atari 2600. It broke, tossed it, tossed the games too.

Had an NES. It kind of broke (the cartridge port wore out), tossed it, gave away the games. I had a zapper, too.

Have an SNES. Can't find the AC adapter for it, it's gotta be somewhere in storage. Still have all my cartridges.

Have a Genesis, original model. Its video out is so busted you'll spend more time jiggling around the video plug than playing the game, and the slightest bump freezes the game. Fun. Still have all my cartridges.

Had a Sega CD. It broke (a few months after I bought it. It totally scratched up any CDs I played in it as well), tossed it. Tossed the games, too. I only had Sonic CD and Sewer Shark anyway.

Have an N64. IT WORKS PERFRECTLY. Got the RAM upgrade too! Only two working controllers, though (First party. The third party ones broke). Got rumble paks and the memory cards that go in the controllers too. I can only find about half the games I bought for it though. Glad to have Starfox 64, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Ocarina of Time, F-Zero X, and a few others, but I can't find my damn copy of Diddy Kong Racing!

Have a gamecube. It's tricked out. Modchipped with Qoob Pro, case modded to fit full size discs, got the broadband adapter, 3 wavebirds, and 2 wired controllers. Tons of games. TONS.

Have a wii. Modchipped with yaosm, and the modchip is externally mounted using an RS-232 port's mounting bracket, so it can be unplugged if needed. Lots of stuff (2 classics, 4 wiimotes, 3 nunchuks, lan adapter, component cable) and a dozen or so games for it.

Have a DS lite. Modded with M3 Lite. I was way late to the portable gaming party.

I'm preordering Pandora when it's available for preorder Tuesday


...what the hell? There's a fighting game of that?

Ohh yeah, and it's awesome. It never came out in the United States so a PC emulator is about the only sound way you can play it these days. I'd highly recommend you check it out.

AAAH TELEBE KUN! I so want one of those.

Haha, what, you mean the Canti figurine from FLCL? I found that marked down three times at Suncoast a few years ago, but of course all of the ones in my neck of the woods had to go out of business. They had some cool merchandise.


Haha, what, you mean the Canti figurine from FLCL? I found that marked down three times at Suncoast a few years ago, but of course all of the ones in my neck of the woods had to go out of business. They had some cool merchandise.

I never realised they even had merch for FLCL.

Telebe kun ftw tho.along with CHUUUUUUUU CHUUUUUUUUUUUUU


Dayum, that looks pretty cool. Why haven't I heard about this?

I once had an NES, but it got tossed out. Not sure if it still worked when we got rid of it. Thankfully I still have my SNES. Never had any Sega system, or anything non-Nintendo for that matter until the PS2.


I wasn't one of the poor fools waiting for Super Mario RPG on VC because I have that shit on a cartridge, BOXED on my shelf. Not a pretty box, but that and DKC3 are the only 2 boxed SNES games I own.

Looking over at my desk right now, I have, hooked up and ready to play:







The gamecube is unhooked and sitting behind me in my closet, because the Wii plays those. Same with the PS1. I kept the PS2 because it's so damn hard to find a PS3 that plays PS2 games on the market and I have a suspicion they'll remove that ability via firmware update eventually anyways.

I have:

22 NES games

12 SNES games (just bought Secret of Mana 3 weeks ago)

18 Genesis Games

23 N64 games

30 Gamecube games

Fuckton of PS1 games

19 PS2 games

I don't include Wii and PS3 games because they aren't retro. But yeah, I love my old systems. Ironically, the only systems I won't leave for my bros when I move out are the SNES and the N64.





Game Cube


Gameboy Pocket


Gamboy DS

Sega Genesis x2 w/ 32x and Sega Master System adapter


Dreamcast x2



Atari 2600

The funny thing is that most of these systems were acquired within the past 4 years. I didn't have the time or money for a long time to buy gaming consoles. Now it's kind of a hobby collecting them and I'm pretty good at finding bargains. It's amazing what you can find on craigslist sometimes.

I have one of these:


And an NES controller of course.

It's really responsive, I was happy about my purchase.

Nice.... It's a testament to Nintendo, too, that my NES controllers still work after 20 years.

I have something similar for PS1 controllers (including DDR pads). I still prefer the regular gamepad I have, though--mostly since it's modeled off of the dual-shock PS1/PS2 controllers. KF


I stll have my Sega Genesis, NES Second Generation Model PS1 original, and i play them all, from time to time.

I cant get enough of oldschool games xD.

Also, I was at a gameshop the other day, they had a Copy of Megaman X-3. a limited number of them were released in america, they go for $150, I dont think i could bring myself to buy it.. and it was for the SNES, and the rarest and most expensive game in america, what a game to have in your collection, eh?


I have most of the old gaming systems, and multiple regions of some, but the only one I have hooked up to play at a moment's notice is my top-loading Famicom. Lots of good games too. Most of the other systems are either ready to be hooked up and played at any time, or back in the states. My gaming set up in my room is not really good for having lots of systems hooked up at the same time, but when I get a house one day I am definitely setting up a gaming room with all of my systems hooked up and a huge library of games. I use emulation for conveneince but nothing beats playing on the original system! The only systems I am lacking really are a good Turbographix setup (I'd like to get a Duo system with the CD system built in) and a Neo-Geo with games. Just a matter of time really.

  • 3 weeks later...
The only ones I still regularly use are my Saturn and PS1, and there aren't any decent emulators for the former anyhow. The NES, SNES, Genesis, and Sega CD (and 32X) that I grew up playing are all still working, but I left those at my mother's place when I moved to DC years ago.

Basically, I didn't bother bringing anything that I could just emulate. Although now that I'm having trouble getting Gens+ to recognize my CD drive in Vista (didn't have that problem in XP), I might end up retrieving my Sega CD or finding a CDX on eBay.

Also... especially for action games, playing it on the actual console works out much better. The controls always feel a little off on emulators. I can't do any of the tricks I used to do on Super Mario World or Mariokart, for instance.

A less insane handicap (although perhaps not as fun) is to play the entire game holding down the right button. You can still run/walk and jump, but you can't turn back. I forget how far I can get there before it seems impossible. KF

i remember back in the day there used to be a group of kids that played the nes d-pad upside down and they held it like a keyboard.


I'm trying to get my girlfriend into the type of video games I play.

So I booted of Secret of Mana on my SNES. Then the next day it came out on VC.

She says she's really confused but she's having fun playing it. We'll get there haha.


In my closet I store the: Game Boy, Super Game Boy, SNES, N64, PSX, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn

In my room I have hooked up: Playstation 2, Gamecube, Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo DS

I gave my Dad his Atari 2600 back and gave him my NES and Gamegear so my siblings could play it. Wish I hadn't of given him the NES now, you always regret giving any game/console away. Think carefully before you ever do it!!

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