The Damned Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 Also, after all this time, the game finally gave me Zombicidal Maniac. I don't know how many times I've played Expert campaigns over and over, but it just never took. Even though I have 2 out of 4 for What Are You Trying To Prove (I wish it listed which ones you did), it never registered until now. Fuck you, shoddy achievement system. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 Fuck achievements in general. Fixed sexsexsexsexgollgaghIknowwhereyoulive Quote
Garian Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 hey guys, my server is still very much alive (i'm going to be paying for this month and next month this weekend when i get paid from work). if you want sourcemod admin access just give me a holler and i'll hook you up. I have been running vanilla settings for a while now, but I'm going to go back to my custom settings for VS that I was using before the big patch back in january. One of the things i need to-do is create a config to reset all of the convars to the current defaults... but it's not high priority because modifying server.cfg to not load up the custom configs will let me fix things with a server restart (pretty ugly though!). i've already posted older versions of my main vs config in this thread, but i'll keep this post short... you can view all of the current versions of the custom config files at the main one that will be loaded will be "vs_funtimes.cfg." I need some help tweaking it though. The hunter pounces seem to have a little too much reach to them, and even though I'm fine with it I want other people to be able to play on my server without totally having to relearn the nuances of the boss infected. The Tank health buff seems pretty balanced to me, and the burn DPS is still 200... but that's just my own opinion, if we could do some play testing we could figure out if it should be knocked back down or not. The smoker tongue having a bit more range and fly speed coupled with the slightly faster regrow times seems to make it a bit more competitive to the other infected, but I need to test if the drag accuracy modifier is a floating point value or not, because it really knocks accuracy to shit right now :S well... i'm going to be hopping on to test some stuff out now! EDIT: I did a little testing with Yosho/Scytheful, regarding the smoker drag accuracy penalty, we settled on .25 as the penalty, because 1 seemed like a 100% penalty if not more, and even with 50% it was hard to get a hit in on him. I also had a look at him performing a level pounce, it didn't seem to much larger than the vanilla pounce, but it was indoors because we screwed up on NM1 so I still want to do some testing on that. Just get in touch with me via Steam or IRC and let me know if you want to help out or just goof off. Quote
Gollgagh Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 Fixed sexsexsexsexgollgaghIknowwhereyoulive I know where you live better than you know where I live. also achievements are cool, but personally set achievements are even better Quote
The Damned Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 In case no one heard yet... The new DLC is free, not just for PC, but also for you 360 players out there! Yay, free stuff for everyone! Quote
Slickzero Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009, after all this time, the game finally gave me Zombicidal Maniac. I don't know how many times I've played Expert campaigns over and over, but it just never took. Even though I have 2 out of 4 for What Are You Trying To Prove (I wish it listed which ones you did), it never registered until now. Fuck you, shoddy achievement system. If you disconnect at anytime during the campaign, you can't get the achievement. Also if the server you're playing on is modified at all it disables achievements. That's probably why you never got it before Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 You can mod a server with sourcemod and still get achievements. Quote
Strike911 Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 Do achievements also cancel out if you've gone idle at any time? Seems like it would, but I never let it happen so just don't know. There are a few times early on when I got the game and was concerned about getting achievements for finishing campaigns, occasionally it wouldn't give me credit for finishing a campaign with my buddies once we finished. Never understood it. Anyway, me and my buddies are just now starting to be able to handle Expert... we're slow starters I guess. We slowly started with Normal and have been ramping it up as we complete each campaign. Quote
Slickzero Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 Do achievements also cancel out if you've gone idle at any time?Seems like it would, but I never let it happen so just don't know. There are a few times early on when I got the game and was concerned about getting achievements for finishing campaigns, occasionally it wouldn't give me credit for finishing a campaign with my buddies once we finished. Never understood it. Anyway, me and my buddies are just now starting to be able to handle Expert... we're slow starters I guess. We slowly started with Normal and have been ramping it up as we complete each campaign. The key to expert is to avoid friendly fire, and corner EVERY swarm. Friendly fire can wreck you so fast, and with zombies doing 10-20 per hit, swarms MUST be managed with corners or you're hosed. Also, very helpful to have at least one guy watching behind the group. Normally in vs. I go shotgun for T1, but I find that going submachinegun/assault rifle is best on expert because it's easier to avoid friendly fire, and if you do hit your team it hurts less than a shotgun blast. Quote
big giant circles Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 FINALLY got the All 4 Dead achievement last night, woo! Also, does anyone else occasionally experience any texture glitches such as these? Quote
Inimitable Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 The only time I've ever gotten texture glitches is when I screw up when adding new custom textures. If you've not been doing anything like that, I couldn't say... Outdated video drivers is usually my first guess, but that wouldn't explain why it only happens occasionally. Quote
The Damned Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 Yeah, that's an issue with graphics card drivers. Update yours. There are a few that might require using an older driver, though. What card are you using? Quote
Strike911 Posted February 14, 2009 Posted February 14, 2009 I know some people that get that texture glitch when they Alt-tab out of the game and back into it, not only in L4D but in Team Fortress 2 and pretty much all the other Source games. In fact, I've seen that exact same glitch with people I can say it with relative certainty. If you didn't alt tab then like all the others say, update update update your drivers. Quote
big giant circles Posted February 22, 2009 Posted February 22, 2009 So, how do you choose a specific server from a lobby again? Here's how Garian explained it, I think. Type "sv_search_key [key]" in console, and then click Start the Game. I did this last night, using the key that is specified in our config, and it said no server found. Is there something else I'm supposed to do? Quote
Tensei Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 So, how do you choose a specific server from a lobby again?Here's how Garian explained it, I think. Type "sv_search_key [key]" in console, and then click Start the Game. I did this last night, using the key that is specified in our config, and it said no server found. Is there something else I'm supposed to do? As long as you're the lobby leader it should work, it's just that sometimes the server you're looking for is offline or something, which is why the 'no server found' message will pop up. "sv_search_key ocremix" works for me (as long as the server is online that is ) Quote
The Damned Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Oh my god. Look up and try to watch something called Left 4 Head. That's not a typo, that's the actual title. It's... it's just horrible. You have to watch it, it's so bad. Let's just say that the Smoker isn't what you expect when you're watching it. Quote
Nyuura Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 It's... it's just horrible. You have to watch it, it's so bad. This is not making me want to watch it. Quote
Brushfire Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Hey that reminds me. What is the monthly upkeep cost for Garian's L4D server. I wish to pay him tribute. Though he steals men's souls, and uses them as his slaves. Quote
Dhsu Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Mankind ill needs a savior such as Garian! Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 What is a man!? A miserable little pile of secrets! I can never resist a good SoTN quote session... Quote
Triad Orion Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 Now then, have at you! *Plays Illusionary Dance* ...Couldn't resist either. Quote
Garian Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 it's 17.95 for an 8 slot L4D server, but i don't want to take anyone's money. Anytime you guys want vanilla settings let me know so i can change the server config, currently it loads my custom vs settings. I've been tweaking them though so the accessable mirror is a little out of date. Also, the way to find a specific server IS to use the search key system, it's kinda like a mini-password. The lobby leader puts in "sv_search_key ocremix" and that forces it to ignore all servers that don't have the same key. If my server isn't up then it won't hit, of course, AND if there is already a game on it it won't either. One of my brothers has been using my server to play with a bunch of pubbies in campaign mode, only to quit after the first map and let the randoms continue playing. is a decent way to check on the status of the server, but it sometimes won't refresh for 5 minutes at a time. Warchamp7 (he's one of the guys from the #magfest irc channel on has been helping me out with a lot of stuff (particularly the banner and is working on a motd html file for us) and had been pretty active for about 2 weeks so he's got ftp and rcon access, and i'm pretty sure scytheful and bahamut have the rcon password. If I'm not available (pretty common during the daytime hours because that's when i'm asleep, and from 6:30-11:30 EST when i'm at work) and the server is being used by non OCR people (possible if they played with me and took note of the search key or if they used the server browser) just have them use HLSW and give them the kick. Also, if anyone else wants rcon and I can trust you, just give me a holler on irc or steam, because i generally don't log in to forums or check my email. Also for clarification, nearly everyone from #ocremix and these forums will be added as a SourceMod admin. I usually get people added in when I see them playing and I can verify their identity. Current admin access is Slay, Kick/Ban, Config, Console Variable (using the "sm_cvar" command) access, Chat/Fun commands, and voting. If there gets to be a problem with slaying survivors/tanks I will disable it for the person abusing it. The same goes for spamming any other command, too. Quote
Tensei Posted February 23, 2009 Posted February 23, 2009 A campaign game on expert gone horribly wrong gave us some rather interesting pics. Quote
Doulifée Posted February 24, 2009 Posted February 24, 2009 nice pic tensei. Could be an ads for the airport itself. Quote
Strike911 Posted February 25, 2009 Posted February 25, 2009 *cries* Me and my group cannot beat anything on Expert. We get to the finale, and we're just stuck... we've done multiple campaigns and get to the finale, but we have a lot of trouble staying alive right at the end... ... rawr. Those darn tanks. Quote
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