prophetik music Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 sf is a game for older gamers, not your little brother in front of his brand-new xbox. when was the last time, before hd remix came out, that you played it? it's not a modern franchise anymore. this is merely capcom's attempt to pull some extra cash out of an expended and outdated series. i don't see the appeal. anso, i know you all weren't on the original project. how did you get to be a part of this, then, if it was supposed to be from the original project only? did djp just say 'hmm, these are the best mixers on the site, lets make them do it and say it was from the original project for pr purposes'? i'm frustrated because there wasn't any way for anyone else - particularly people who actually WANT to do this for a living, unlike some of the people on that list - to get involved as well, if it's such a big deal. just because i'm not the new OCR golden boy means i can't be involved or make music worthy of being in a game either? you're also all acting like everyone and their mom is playing street fighter now. as of now, there's 35k copies that have been played on live since release. not a bad number - even for XBLA - but that's nowhere near the penetration that other games have made. it's not selling like hotcakes - it's just doing mildly to moderately well. i'm not making my point clearly, and arguing with you people makes me pissed. i'll just talk about it with you all (at least larry and andy) at mag. let's just stop talking about it. Quote
zircon Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Prophet, actually, Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting was one of the most popular XBLA games ever. It has sold TONS of copies. That was a big motivation for remaking Super Turbo. It's probably the most well-known fighting game of all time. As flashy as Soul Calibur? No, but I guarantee you most Xbox owners know Street Fighter. anso, i know you all weren't on the original project. how did you get to be a part of this, then, if it was supposed to be from the original project only? did djp just say 'hmm, these are the best mixers on the site, lets make them do it and say it was from the original project for pr purposes'? i'm frustrated because there wasn't any way for anyone else - particularly people who actually WANT to do this for a living, unlike some of the people on that list - to get involved as well, if it's such a big deal. just because i'm not the new OCR golden boy means i can't be involved or make music worthy of being in a game either? Well, for one thing, Anso was not the only person not involved with the original project who ended up on the soundtrack. Capcom looked to other SF2 remixes on the site and Dave/Larry looked to remixers with a proven track record. Anso is a ridiculously great remixer who can work extremely fast. He has done things at the drop of a hat for us before (eg. the Leisure Suit Larry & Cheetahmen remixes) and his arrangement & production quality are always pro quality. He's also consistently around on the boards and IRC. With that in mind, why would we go to you over him? Where's your track record of quickly-produced, triple-A quality stuff? When have you volunteered to help us in the past? You've been rejected repeatedly and your production skills are solid, but often below our bar. You've hardly done any electronic stuff whatsoever, and certainly not in the style of the music present in HDR. This isn't a slight on you personally because we passed up hundreds of people for the same reasons. You're a great arranger and performer, and if the soundtrack had involved saxophone music in some way, I'm sure your name would have come up. But can you really say you would have been the best person for the job for THIS project? Quote
djpretzel Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 sf is a game for older gamers, not your little brother in front of his brand-new xbox. when was the last time, before hd remix came out, that you played it? God, I'm sorry, maybe it's that you're not communicating your thoughts clearly, or maybe it's that your thoughts are just fucking ridiculous. Just because a game is OLD doesn't mean it's for older gamers. If that were true, it would defeat a lot of what we do here, and there's ample evidence that it's not true. That's a narrow viewpoint that suggests that younger gamers should only go for the shiny new stuff... it's REALLY close-minded and I expected more from you. Also I'd fired up Anniversary Collection on my PS2 a month BEFORE we got in touch w/ Capcom. The game succeeds and is still relevant because of its GAMEPLAY. Newsflash. it's not a modern franchise anymore. this is merely capcom's attempt to pull some extra cash out of an expended and outdated series. i don't see the appeal. Uh-huh... how come they kept delaying, then? I know, I know... they wanted to build up hype, right? How come they did a beta and asked for community feedback? All part of the money-making scam? For a company looking to make a quick buck and rest on their laurels, they SURE went the extra mile!! And what IS a modern franchise? SF4 is coming soon, and as far as fighting games go, modern has never meant better... SF2 defined the genre and remains extremely relevant. Also, let me get this straight... you're mad that you weren't considered for arranging a soundtrack to a game you "don't see the appeal" of? What the hell is wrong with you? anso, i know you all weren't on the original project. how did you get to be a part of this, then, if it was supposed to be from the original project only? did djp just say 'hmm, these are the best mixers on the site, lets make them do it and say it was from the original project for pr purposes'? i'm frustrated because there wasn't any way for anyone else - particularly people who actually WANT to do this for a living, unlike some of the people on that list - to get involved as well, if it's such a big deal. just because i'm not the new OCR golden boy means i can't be involved or make music worthy of being in a game either? We've explained this in numerous interviews if you cared to read them. Frankly, it sounds like you're just whining because you weren't involved, and everything else is just bullshit you're making up to mask what amounts to a jealous temper tantrum that you've had the bad judgment to make embarrassingly public. We started with BotA PLUS existing mixes on the site, and attempted to contact mixers whose pieces CAPCOM selected for revisions. When we couldn't get in touch and/or CAPCOM didn't like any of the options presented, folks like AE and AnSo had a track record for quick turnaround that we needed based on the deadlines presented to us. And your argument about people who "want to do this for a living" deserving some sort of special treatment or consideration is the worst type of bullshit I've ever seen you write. This is a fan community, and while we certainly embrace and encourage those artists who choose to pursue music as their career, we will never in any way draw a distinction or give them special treatment because of it. Period. Shame on you. you're also all acting like everyone and their mom is playing street fighter now. as of now, there's 35k copies that have been played on live since release. not a bad number - even for XBLA - but that's nowhere near the penetration that other games have made. it's not selling like hotcakes - it's just doing mildly to moderately well. Do you want to take bets on how many copies sell in the long run? Does it matter? What number would make you admit the horseshit you've been posting here is really just guise for a shameless complaint that you weren't on the soundtrack? A million? Five million? i'm not making my point clearly, and arguing with you people makes me pissed. i'll just talk about it with you all (at least larry and andy) at mag. let's just stop talking about it. At Mag, I suggest we print out a copy of this thread so you can explain to us all how ANYTHING you said in your post above makes an ounce of sense. You've got a lot to answer for. If it seems like I tore you a new one, here, it's probably because you NEED a new one... Quote
Urban Xperience Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 An interesting debate has developed here. I can understand both arguments but I have to side with Pretzel and crew as the soundtrack could NOT have been done any better than it already has. In order to contribute, you need a solid background and proof of your credibility with previous remixes etc. A slightly on-topic point here, is it just me or could the game have been just a little bit better? In terms of its offline mode, wheres the score count? Rankings table? Gallery modes? (And dare I say it,) trophy support? I feel that too much emphasis has been on the online side of the game (which is not a bad thing btw), but perhaps the offline mode seems a lil neglected. I still love the game, just think it could have been just that lil more 'complete'. Quote
Equinox Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 1) SF is not a game for "older gamers" -- that's ridiculous. 2) Prophet, I'm quite convinced you know nothing about fighting games. 3) This sucks because i had to buy this for 360 and PS3. Quote
anosou Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 prophet if youre going to troll at least attempt to be good at italso stop sporting the no caps you make people like me look bad __________________ Keep in mind I have and always will love you. We never even had a chance to become friends! Then, back on topic. Prophet; it IS starting to look like you're just pissed you didn't have a chance to get on the soundtrack. I don't really like the tone my fellow staff members are using but they've got a point. They probably turned to me because I've proven myself as an arranger time after time and they needed something quick that was within the scope of what I'm capable of. I could just say "I'm better than you and they needed awesome" but that would be both rude and a bit unjust... and we're not being rude and unjust here, are we? Thanks for naming me "new OCR golden boy" though Also, what's the deal with saying we should give priority to people "who wants to do this for a living"? First, did you not see the giant thread I'm pimping about my first commercial game OST? Second, it would be really unfair to Capcom, all the remixers and OCR to give priority to someone because of such a reason. When it comes to pro-work and such a big opportunity for a community it's a good idea to go for the guy best suited and capable to come up with what they need. Gotta prove OCR's got the skills! This time it was me, some other time it's you. For example that iPhone game! You got the gig, not me! Finally, Dave, Andy, people attacking Brad.. chill. Where's the love? Turn the other cheek? Don't sink to that level? Many sentences fit my thoughts Quote
SoloGamer Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 A slightly on-topic point here, is it just me or could the game have been just a little bit better? In terms of its offline mode, wheres the score count? Rankings table? Gallery modes? (And dare I say it,) trophy support? I feel that too much emphasis has been on the online side of the game (which is not a bad thing btw), but perhaps the offline mode seems a lil neglected. I still love the game, just think it could have been just that lil more 'complete'. I, for one, am disappointed the fast music plays in round 2 regardless of who's losing the round. Also, I miss the gringo tourists on the donkey in T. Hawk's stage. Quote
prophetik music Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Prophet; it IS starting to look like you're just pissed you didn't have a chance to get on the soundtrack...Thanks for naming me "new OCR golden boy" though i really wasn't talking about me specifically, although i would have loved to have contributed. i was a music ed major, not a comp guy - i want to teach. there's several other 'proven' mixers who didn't show up on this OST - just a lot of personal friends of ocr's main guys. that was what got my hackles up. my question was rhetorical, not a real question. according to microsoft's stats, that sf II xbla game sold 490k units. more than i expected...but as of today over 25 million 360's have been sold. that's 1 out of 50 xboxes - and i can honestly say that between the two colleges i've attended, and all my friends that own 360s (well over 50), i know of no one who plays fighting games on the 360 or the ps3 (or the xbox, or the ps2). that's where i'm getting my opinion that it's not as much for your average gamer, rather it's more for the hardcore player. i'm not doubting anso's skillz, either, or trying to say that mine are so ridiculous or something. on the same token, most people here (including you, andy) haven't seen anything of mine that i've done recently, so it's a moot point. i should point out that the reason that i specifically targeted anso with that question is because i consider him a friend, and so i know he wouldn't take it out of context or freak out, which he didn't. for what it's worth, dave, i realize that you're not happy with me peeing on your parade with my opinions...but they're just that: opinions. if you want to print out my posts from this thread and publicly thrash me, go ahead. most of the community would side with you regardless of how clear my points are because you're the guy who had the vision to set up this community eight or nine years ago in the first place, and so most people think of you and LT and zirc and the other high-end people at this place as demigods or something. i also realize that i'm not your favorite person, particularly after the issues surrounding the release of thieves of fate. however, i still think you're doing what larry accused me of on my first post (which was somewhat true then as well) here - taking someone's thoughts or opinions and making serious business out of them. slinging mud on me personally isn't that mature, you know? saying that my statements are "what amounts to a jealous temper tantrum that you've had the bad judgment to make embarrassingly public" - especially considering that ocr's community generally is pretty aggressive against people being badgered for their views - sounds like you just don't like me or something, which is news to me. that's what private messages are for, generally. or you could just call me, considering you've got my phone number and all from last year. because i don't want to continue to pee on said parade (as i said before, i do think this is a big deal), i'm unsubscribing from this thread after this post. if you have anything else that you want to say to me, please pm it to me, don't continue this in public. it's obviously a personal issue that i have with the idea, since no one else has said that they feel the same way. Quote
JJT Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 most people think of you and LT and zirc and the other high-end people at this place as demigods or something. Yeah. The boards loooooooove LT and zircon. Quote
Equinox Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 Yeah. The boards loooooooove LT and zircon. Blasphemous. Quote
DarkeSword Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 Oh please. Your opinions are not "just opinions." They're insinuations. "Capcom did this because of they were just trying to cash in on a dying franchise; you guys picked these mixers because they're your BFFs; this game won't do that well because it doesn't appeal to mainstream gamers; this will happen because of that reason." You're not expressing opinions. Your insinuating facts, and you're way off-base. Street Fighter isn't a dying franchise: it's very much alive, considering Street Fighter IV comes out next year. HD Remix isn't a cash-in either; a lot of hard work went into all areas of the game: redrawn graphics, remixed music, rebalanced gameplay. This isn't a quick-and-dirty port dude, it's a labor of love. Extra people weren't picked because they're "good friends with the top guys." They were picked because they can deliver the goods in a timely fashion. They're known for it. They have track records. What it basically boils down to is that you don't really have a point. You're basically "pissing on the parade" for the sake of pissing on the parade. Why? To express your "opinion?" That's a bullshit line. You're just getting worked up over what you think happened, when none of your "points" have a leg to stand on. Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 Someone is just major upset they're not in the clique. It's like high school all over again in this thread. Quote
Liontamer Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 you guys picked these mixers because they're your BFFs I prefer "bromancers". Quote
Shadow Wolf Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 "bromancers". Thread over. Larry wins. Quote
Nekofrog Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 Screw all that. WHY CAN'T I BEAT UP CARS?! Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 Does it even matter what the motivation is? So a big-game tie-in has created Prince of Persia for XBL/PSN, Bionic Commando ReArmed and now Street Fighter HD Remix. All amazing games and arguably better than the big-game tie-in they are supposed to support. I don't care how eeeeeeevil the motivation is behind it all, if it creates such amazing remakes. Oh yeah, and barrel-beating and car-destroying should have been left there. And POINTS. NO POINTS AND FBI WARNING. Quote
Liontamer Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 Just wanna say, HD Remix is absolutely awesome, but it's really, REALLY hard. I can't beat Easy mode. I've tried different characters, I've continued over 15 times, but I just get owned over and over even before the last fight. I have lost on Easy mode, but I still beat it with both Dee Jay and E. Honda tonight. Considering I've never seriously played Street Fighter on a PlayStation controller (no diagonal inputs), I did pretty well. You need some skills. Quote
SwordBreaker Posted December 3, 2008 Author Posted December 3, 2008 Wow...I really didn't mean to start an argument here. Seriously, even though I really meant what I said about a potential FF7-OCR deal, I didn't give it much thought while writing it and perhaps should've clarified more. I won't argue about the whole system exclusivity thing because I can write an article worth of ideas and options. The reason why I wrote PS3 in the first place is because that system is what first comes to mind when talking about FF7. Sony has funded Square-Enix through and through with the PS1 classic and even had the liberty of distributing Advent Children, so it's natural for me to write PS3 and leave it at that. Moreover, what's wrong with being optimistic that the remake actually exists? S-E will make one as long as the positive reaction remains. Heck, even Crisis Core's ending teases us with a "to be continued". Even though it's a tech demo, did you notice how positive the reaction was from internet murmurings? The n64 had a tech demo of FF6, the PS2 had a tech-demo of FF8...yet nobody even knows that SE experimented on these systems like that. It's the same thing with a potential OCR inclusion for the FF7 remake soundtrack, the deal doesn't have to be exactly like SFHD. Perhaps Square-Enix can take some of the best-produced and most fitting tracks from Voices of a Lifestream and produce other tracks on their own. It can be anything, really. It's really not a silly idea like one of you suggested. OCR working under Capcom for SFHD was a silly idea if one suggested it years ago, but that just happened as you can see. The downloads on VotL have been excellent, the response has been extremely positive, and zircon even had the honor to hand the album to Nobuo Uematsu himself...I bet a lot of people thought that this "historic" event would be silly or impossible, but guess what: it happened! About SF's so-called "dying popularity", let's not forget that Street Fighter II for the SNES remains to be Capcom's best-selling game of all time. So to be working on a remake of Capcom's best-selling game (not a direct remake, but you know what I mean so please don't nitpick) is extremely flattering and I don't think Capcom would've taken the risk if they didn't know that OCR was good enough for the job description. Plus, it's free. As for Asphalt's quality compared to other OCR albums, I actually think that it's good. Not the best in the world, but good overall. I mean...I have to admit, it was the least interesting one to me. I only had Blind's Sagat mix, Sixto's Ken mix, and Jose's Vega track in my playlist. Yet after SFHD OST came out, my interest obviously sparkled so I downloaded the Asphalt torrent. If it was that bad, then how come I think that some of the remixes are actually superior to the remastered HD versions? Including the three remixes I already had on my playlist, I was extremely surprised by how good the lengthened versions of Fei-Long and Cammy are. Even though Asphalt didn't cover the whole SFII Turbo soundtrack, I think that it's way better than Hedgehog Haven and Relics of the Chozo. Bah. I sound like an OCR whore. But I don't care. EDIT: Gamespot Review. 8.5/10. Received a "Great Original Soundtrack" Emblem. Here's what the reviewer says about the soundtrack: "Adding to the phenomenal visual delight is an energetically enhanced soundtrack. A fusion of heavy metal guitar riffs and groovy electronica will pump you up with retooled versions of classic jams in the menus and during fights." Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 It's not that Street Fighter has gotten less popular. It's not like Sonic where it fell out of grace and people are calling it a crap series. Street Fighter was a rare phenomenon when it was practically way bigger than Zelda, Mario, Halo and Metal Gear Solid ever could have been. Also, it's the idiot 'casual gaming' crowd that is thinning the herd because they think a basic fighting game like Street Fighter is too 'hard core'. Quote
JJT Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 I have lost on Easy mode, but I still beat it with Dee Jay Now you're thinkin' like DeeJay! Quote
jayc4life Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 I'm frustrated that I don't have an Xbox to play this on. I'm frustrated that I'm not European. I went to buy it along with BCR and it wasn't listed in the EU PlayStation Network store. And I really can't be bothered with setting up an American PSN account. Quote
anosou Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 I'm frustrated that I'm not European. I went to buy it along with BCR and it wasn't listed in the EU PlayStation Network store. And I really can't be bothered with setting up an American PSN account. Something's wrong with this statement, I'm guessing the "not".. Quote
Urban Xperience Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 I 'AM' European and set up a US account. It was worth it, just for this game. Oh and also the fact that their PS Store is ten folds superior to ours. Capcom have been shoddy about Euro releases. Age of Booty just came out in the UK store would you believe it. Quote
Nekofrog Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 So does anyone want to play this shiz in the 360? I just got an HDTV and want to play some online matches with people who don't disconnect. Gamertag: Nekofrog Quote
jayc4life Posted December 16, 2008 Posted December 16, 2008 Something's wrong with this statement, I'm guessing the "not".. And now the word I'm looking for is "crap". Yeah, you know what I mean though. Maybe I will set one up before the new year. Who knows. Quote
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