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  • 4 weeks later...

DJP, you never cease to amaze me. I don't think you've remixed a song that i don't like. Jack of all genres, master of them all, as well.

Now if only you'd treat us to an interpretation of the Robo theme...

That'd be sweeter than leet.

  • 5 weeks later...

Gonna counteract my original statement.

A decent span of time after I originally commented, I queued this song up again.

It's awesome. Anything I said negatively just through at how well this mix *works*.

Good job. :D

  • 3 months later...

Well, when I downloaded this and listened to it I thought it wasn't good, but now that I started listening to it again, all I can say is..

...WHAT was I smoking at the time? This is brilliant! 8O I like the rhythm and the guitar and everything. It all just fits the song so well.

  • 1 month later...

When i heard it for first time in the game it was just feeling that is a party in the town. i think that it is what composer wanted too tell us. Now when i heard remix i think that djpretzel thinked the same. its great "feel-good"


ps. sorry for language im not good in eng.

  • 3 weeks later...

Nice. Very relaxing and laid-back. I love accoustic guitars. Everything is well put together to make one giant image of a relaxing remote Pacific island... thanks to this song it's going to be harder to wait for summer. 9.25/10

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
8O DJP, you've most certainly done it again and serenaded us with on kick-ass remix. If that's you on the guitar, i'm impressed, if not, i'm still extrmely impessed. I like the new style, it makes it one of those remixes that stands out. Good job!
  • 1 month later...

A fun remix, I enjoy it's sound. I wish every fair I went to was playing this tune...it just fits with the atmosphere of excitement and community, all the while evoking feelings and memories of fairs past. At around 2:00 the remix moves into that short late afternoon lunch/break feel, when you and mom and pop are chillin' at a picnic table chompin on hotdogs, corn and giant pickle... and then dives right back into the festivities.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

These guys don't know nothing about music. This is one of my favorites. It's fantastic.

Good news!

The guittar strings sounds very real. I guess it was made with a real acoustic guittar. If the intention was make the music sounds "real", you got it. Amazing! The arrangement (mainly the little beat on the guittar) is great. An OCR Grammy for sure.It's not a question of taste. There was criativity, feeling and sensibility on making the new arrangement. Sounds really beautiful.

Bad News!

I can't belive that some guys didn´t like this mix...


I've always been fond of this mix. No, it isn't his best (that honor belongs to Booster Tarantino in my opinion for so many reasons) but it jives. If you're looking for hardcore electronica, you'll probably be disappointed. This song just jives, though, and it's VERY faithful to the spirit of the original. Frankly, I think the artificial guitar helps the piece to flow a bit more. A real guitar would sound odd against all the precussion, I think. And it isn't too loud, the original was pretty reliant on background precussion too.

This piece rocks the socks, Pretzel - I'd like to hear more like it.


Wow I can't believe I said I didn't like this song before, its gotten to be one of my favourite DJP songs now

Its very festive, we have the music, all we need now are fireworks and dancers!

Awesome guitar work and great percussion

I can just see myself at some festival having tons of fun

Great remix DJP!

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

[disclaimer]Regardless of my not-even-close-to-perfect in most forms of artistic creation, I tend to be overly critical and analytical about all forms of art, merely because I personally prefer constructive criticism to compliment. If anything below sounds like an insult, apologies in advance.[/disclaimer]

Pretty awesome. I always found the tune at the fair catchy in the game. Light, playful, and just perfectly fit both the atmosphere and time period the festival was taking place in. Any version of this appeals to me. More specifically to your remix, I really liked the way the sounds of the guitar and flute mixed together as they worked together, both in unison and in harmony. It's always pleasant when someone combines the sounds of two very different instruments into something that just works. The dynamic contrast was also great, especially around the large "break" before the last reprise of the theme. It was a nice shift when the percussion cut out, leaving a calm, less rhythmic, waltzy-type section.

A lot of the little counterpoint stuff going on was quite intriguing as well--the accordian was especially noticable when the melody cut out for one phrase, which stayed in the background since it blended so well with the melody. The echo variation where you followed a flute riff with a nearly identical guitar riff was pretty clever, as well. The melody itself also appeared meticulously variated. Lovin' the rhythmic figures in that, especially the second part of it.

More about the percussion though--and this is probably just attributed to the samples used, and sort of just a personal thing--somehow, the snare drum didn't quite work for me. I think it kind of felt a little more like a sailor's march--green was made bluer, Ireland to Scotland, and all that. Not a huge different, but somehow felt a little to hard to me. Perhaps a tap on the side of the snare with the stick as opposed to a snare-on hit? Not in all sections, though. At the end, right after the break, that snare was perfect. Maybe it's just the repeating nature of it. Also, in the soft, percussion-less section, somehow my mind was serching for a straight 3/4 waltz, as opposed to the 3/4--6/8 feel the rest of the song. It was almost there, save the little tinny cymbal.

VERY nice, though. Sorry if I wasn't much help so much as a hindrance, since it's hard to be specific without audio in front.


great remix, very nice and calming. I love this song much more than the original, although I found that Blind's remake of it was 100% perfect. Give me a second....my vision is getting a little blurry from my tears....

****cries and balls over the shut down of CTRP****

ok, where was I....Yes, great remix and I just love that flute you've got in their, and the gentle beat of that bongo or whatever that small hand beaten drum is. Good stuff!


Jethro and Vash... the flute was too solid to sound like Jethro Tull, but it's still a greal ReMix. It sounds calming and clean, definitely a different ReMix. Most of the remixers, in the effort of being far from the original, produce a song with too much arrangements, too much noise... This is calm and simple. I really like it. But... it calls for a base guitar... XD

  • 2 months later...
Yo Dj Pretzel, what the $@%^ ? I've come to expect more from you, but for the last 3 or 4 remixes you've totally failed to deliver. This song was absolute crap, there was nothing original or entertaining about it. The remixing was decent quality but so what? You used to be so good, but now you're barely on par with most of the remixers on this site. This song pales in comparison to starblast's recent chrono trigger robo remix. Sorry but this is just worthless remix garbage.

I tried to see it out of your direction, but it ain´t true. The original was good, but it was a whole lotta MIDIS and small synths that made funny and happy noises. That feeling is still here, that I can say he didn´t change, but he has changed all of those SNES-music-instruments into some real good acoustic guitars along with a flute that gives the feeling of carneval that has once returned to the good´ol west where it belongs and will belong. If this mix represents his house, then it had to be some sort of royal castle, because this remix was great.


I can't believe I haven't thrown in my two-cents worth on this song yet... If I have and I just missed it, whatever.

This is freakin amazing. Maybe it's personal taste, but this song just rubs me in all the right ways. This ties Stray Donkey Strut for my favorite DJP mix. The guy is freakin incredible. I love the way the instruments mesh and how the individual parts play off of each other. It's all genius. 10/10

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