djpretzel Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
GrayLightning Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 I was fortunate enough to hear this some weeks ago. This is one of my favorite guitar mixes I've heard at OC. Wonderful work Vig. Quote
zykO Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 excellent jazz phrasing, awesome tone and a very well thought out arrangement of the original, i think. i especially like the way it flows between 1:30 and 2:00 - brilliant trot into the solo which incidentally is craftfully played - reminds me at parts of lee ritenour and at other times like a morose santana... europa-like... i'm not sure how to characterize this tone but it is brilliantly used (despite being a standard acoustic/clean tone combination, it still stands on its own two feet regardless and manages to offer something slightly unexpected but difficult to pinpoint..) good work, bro ~weed Quote
neostormx Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 holy **** the production quality is amazing. I have nothing to say but, holy **** Quote
JJT Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 Very nice indeed. I can definetly hear the Metheny influence in the playing and the arrangement. The quasi-latin feel that starts up around 1:15 is just beautiful. I only wish I was a little more familiar with the source material. I really dig extended improv stuff, so this was right up my alley. Keep up the good work. -Jon Quote
SnappleMan Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 Finally, a mix worthy of the download time. Just when I've all but given up on this place, I hear a song that restores my faith in some of the people here. I tip my imaginary hat to you man. very nice work. I'll definetly be saving this one. Quote
Dread Pirate Salty Pete Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 This is one high quality song. Usually I don't keep songs from games that I haven't played, but this one is a five-star exception. EDIT: What do you mean, "download times"? I would say that bad download speeds are more indicative of the quality of your ISP, and not OCR's servers. Quote
Wombatforhire Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 Very very very nice. This mix is so incredibly smooth, amazing work Vig. Every once in a while a song shows up here that just stops me in the middle of whatever I'm multitasking...a song that reaches through my conciousness and refuses to just be BGM. I have to agree that this is one of the finest guitar remixes I've heard on the site (and there are some VERY good guitar mixes here). Keep up the good work, I'll be listening for more. Quote
Blak_Omen Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 You know, I've always loved chillout music. And this here fits the bill perfect. God damn this is an awesome remix - the guitar is played fantastically, its got an awesome atmosphere and mood to it and what else can I say? A fantastic guitar remix, great to listen to during a sunset. There is at times clipping though, but the pure sound quality that caresses my ears and makes out with them with el passioné more than makes up for it. Awesome, awesome stuff. Congrats, Vigilante! One Word ReView: Chilllllllll. Quote
verycleanteeth Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 it's really nice to hear something different at OCR. I haven't heard Metheny, but i'll be checking him out. this is only the second OCR mix i've ever completely liked so much I had to comment on it, and I haven't even played MGS:2. excellent work. Quote
Gren-Lohart Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 well it doesn't matter if you didn't made it with oc in mind as long as you made it with your heart. (which makes for some pretty darn good stuff) well you have yet to let me down even for a moment with your godly guitar sometimes a good thing can be bad tho cause now i'm hooked!!!! and i can't stop playing it over and over again and i just got over Super Metroid Zebesian Midnight OC ReMix enough that i didn't sleep with it playing now i'm gonna be up night and day with this song of godly acousticness thats not saying to stop makeing good songs tho i don't mind devoteing my life to playing these songs over and over again and spending all of my money on speakers and sounld cards to hear it in such good quality that it is :vomit: .......well you get the picture. Quote
a rabid dog Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 Excellent quality, style, execution, and atmosphere. I enjoy this mix very much. Quote
Ash Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 Excellent rmx, very atmospheric and moodsetting. I had this on repeat while I was driving today, just cruising and it was so relaxing and everything around me seemed to go in slow motion - it was quite beautiful! I would have liked to hear more of the vocals though; it really works very well! Quote
Liontamer Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 If you check my history, I looped this one for quite a long time, and everyone I know who's heard "May Fortune Smile Upon You" has been interested in finding out what this was. As a bonus, it's excellent background music when you're with your lady. Blends in perfectly. Not much more for me to say other than :incrediblyexcellentwork:, Jesse! Quote
Tzeentch Posted September 1, 2003 Posted September 1, 2003 Fantastic. That's all I can say. Just amazing. Quote
Gman Posted September 1, 2003 Posted September 1, 2003 This is great, being a guy that loves techno alot, I'm happy that some still don't make techno/dance/trance(whatever). This is very chill as said before, and the guitar playing is very smooth, I wish I could play like that.. Maybe I will try in the near futur, but for now, I'll stay with my electronica, cause I cant make anything good in acoustic/rock/whateverelse, without being able to play live, or pay a bunch for samples. But, anyways, This is a song I can loop and sit around with my girl and chill. The vocals flowed nicly I thought, it added a lot to it. Alot more immotion and heart, what music is really about. If you can make someone feel happy, sad..etc. You've done a good job, wheather its elecronica or chill guitar stuff. Well, I'm keeping this one...even though I dont remember where the heck its from. Chill -Gman Quote
Mustin Posted September 2, 2003 Posted September 2, 2003 Nicely done. Good job. Hope to hear more mature mixes like this. Quote
AngrySquirrel Posted September 2, 2003 Posted September 2, 2003 One of the best acoustic mixes I've heard. Smooth, excellent quality, and a great song to listen to while in the rain. The ending of this really touches you, as you get lost in the atmosphere for a long period of time-then it all mellows out and summons up all the emotion into the guitar. Wow. Quote
ResidentPS2 Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Being a fan of Vigilante and his work on both the Zebesian Midnight and his other Metal Gear Solid Remix, I had high hopes for this song. I'm glad to say, those expectations were well met. Great song to listen to while you write a paper for English. Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Boy, um, right now I feel sorta awkward. I mean, I love this mix a ton, and I'm not normally the kind who falls for intentionally expressive songs such as this but right now I feel a huge urge to praise this song. At the same time, I also feel like any words I spout will just be totally unnecessary. So um yeah, this song is great. 2:26 = SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGE!!!! Quote
DaleNorth Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Absolutely Brilliant. Seriously Brillant. -d Quote
elroy Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 The guitar is ace, top notch. Nothing but good about that. It's only a bit long imho.. after about three minutes i thought 'well when is it gonna end?' Quote
bartkusa Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 My soul just got owned. And thank you, above reviewer, for reminding me that this is the same guy that did Zebesian Midnight. Vigilante is now on my watch list. Quote
captain_ocd Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 ive only ever writeen two reviews in my time here at OCR, this song, and Liquid Metal... I can not explain how I feel about this song, just simply amazing... as with Liquid Metal I just sat in silence, both ears open and mind totaly washed... that 1:20 min mark is impossible to describe, I love this song. Vig, you are one hell of a guy, please... please, keep making music Quote
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